

East Grinstead, West Sussex

Welcome to St. Mary's

To inspire curious and resilient learners who flourish in the world God has created. We have a responsibility to love and serve others, guided by the scriptures and the teachings of Jesus.

We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)


St. Mary's is a friendly and caring Church of England (Aided), one-form entry, Primary School in East Grinstead, West Sussex.


We have a strong reputation locally for our distinctive Christian ethos and our commitment to inclusion. We take pride in the fact that our pupils are confident, considerate and inspired by our Christian ethos to make a positive difference in the world.


A parent commented: "a lovely family feel and great values they teach the children. Learning support for the children is very good too." (Nov 24)


The adults that work in our school have a passion for learning and work hard to ensure that every child has a fantastic start to their learning journey. At St. Mary's we believe in developing a life-long love for learning. Our pupils are provided with a wide range of learning opportunities that enable them to become young people equipped with the skills, attitudes and values to lead a happy and successful life.


We were last inspected by Ofsted in June 2022 and were very proud to remain a 'Good' school.

They said: "pupils, parents and staff all talk about the caring nature of St. Mary's. Pupils explain how this helps them to feel safe, secure and happy".

"Teachers expect pupils to work hard, and pupils rise to these expectations. Pupils work well together. They are polite and engaging, both in classes and around the school".


Please see the full report under the 'Key Information' tab.


We were also very pleased with our last Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist School (SIAMS) inspection, in 2024, this inspection highlighted many strengths of the school and established that we are living up to our foundation as a Church school.


The inspection found that "Leaders foster a growing understanding that everyone matters, that all are loved by God. Classrooms are filled with energy and drive, with mutual respect and love. Pupils and adults know that they are valued and that their individuality is encouraged to shine".

You will find the full report under Key Information.


If you have any questions regarding our school, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We welcome visits to our school.


Best wishes,


Rachel Thorne

