

East Grinstead, West Sussex

Sporting Achievements


Area Sports 25.6.24- 2nd Place for St Mary's!

Golf - week one - focusing on keeping the ball low and slow with the putter

A huge well done to our netball team who came 2nd in their league!

A huge well done to the netball team for securing 2nd place in the East Grinstead league!

A brilliant morning at Imberhorne Upper with a few children from KS1 learning all about boccia and new age kurling.

A huge well done to the boy's football team for coming 4th in the MSA Finals on Tuesday 23rd January. This means they ranked 4th out of 529 schools spanning across Brighton, East Sussex and West Sussex. What an achievement!

Sports Crew helping Class R with their first time on the gymnastics apparatus.

The girls came 2nd in the MSA Mid Sussex Finals and the boys came 1st, progressing to the Sussex Finals in Lancing in January! 

Class R saw their buddies practising shooting techniques so they decided to copy!

November - New Age Kurling & Boccia

Sports Crew 2023 - 2024

A few from Sports Day!

A brilliant golf day lead by Neil Plimmer with the support of our wonderful Sports Crew in the KS1 sessions.

A successful cricket workshop for the whole school today.

Skipping workshop 2023!

Class R are really enjoying their Kicks coach! They are learning the minibeasts waltz to match their learning theme for this term.

Red Nose Day circuit run by Sports Crew

Strive for five assembly for the whole school lead by our wonderful Healthy Schools Ambassadors from Class 5.

Kicks dance workshop for Children’s Mental Health Week!

Inclusion Festival 30.1.23

Congratulations to the children who competed in this festival. They learned lots of great new skills for New Age Kurling and Boccia. A wonderful morning!

A different kind of PE day at St Mary’s, the circus came to town!

A huge well done to our marvellous sports crew who led a fantastic carousel of activities on Thursday 8th December called the Reindeer Rush. All year groups had a brilliant time, despite the chilly weather, and were given the opportunity to learn new skills, develop those skills learnt previously and apply them to a range of new games. Another big thank you to all those who were able to donate as we have raised an impressive £320 so far for the wonderful St Catherine's Hospice who provide vital care for those with life limiting illnesses in our local area. If you still wish to donate then the link is: .

MSA lead said, "Well done to everyone for competing. We will collate the results this evening and then email the results through to teachers tomorrow." To which a St. Mary's child response was, "Well, how will we get our medals?" At the time, we admired their confidence but now it is an important question as we came 1st!

November - Well done to the girls and boys team for competing in the MSA semi finals and being one of two schools to represent East Grinstead.

Congratulations to Mia for placing first in her gymnastics competition!

November - A brilliant assembly led by our Healthy Schools Ambassadors from Year 5 all about what makes a healthy lunch box and why we need to eat healthily!

November - What a win! The boys and girls team have both topped the leader boards and progress through to the semi finals later this month.

Year 4 Netball Festival 12th October

Cross Country- 2nd October

Congratulations to all the children who gave up their Sunday afternoon to run the hills of East Court. You all did a brilliant job- well done!

September 2022 - Thank you to LTA Youth Tennis for awarding us tickets to the Laver Cup practise day.

Our Sports Crew for 2022 - 2023

KS1 and Sports Crew multi skills afternoon. July 13th- a great time was had by all!

Sports Day - Finally!

We had the pleasure of welcoming Caroline from Phunky Foods to St Mary’s today as part of our mission to create a healthier school environment. The children were engaged in an assembly about the eatwell plate and Yr2 were lucky enough to complete a food tech lesson!

Area Sports Champions- 22nd June 2022!!

15th June - the St. Mary's team take home the Stoolball trophy!

8th June - Mrs Currie had a wonderful afternoon training our 12 new Sports Crew members from Year 5 so they feel prepared and confident for their new roles next year.

7th June - A huge well done to the Year 3 and 4 pupils who participated in the Tri Golf event. We are so proud of your hard work, team enthusiasm and even more impressed by finishing 4th as this is not a sport played by many pupils.

Mid Sussex Marathon 27th May

25th May- Quik Cricket tournament

Congratulations to our year 5 team who participated in the cricket tournament. They worked incredibly hard despite being one short and we are proud of their achievement!

18th May- year 3/4 Tennis Tournament

A great afternoon completing a range of tennis drills at the EG Tennis club. Well done to everyone who took part.

16th May-Swim Gala

Considering we have had a pandemic and very little swimming we are SOOOO proud of our swimmers who completed their first swim gala!!

4th May - Class R gymnastics focusing on balance, bending the knees and building strength

Tag Rugby event 29th April- Congratulations!!

Year 4 gymnastics- 1.4.22

March 18th - A huge thank you to Sports Crew for leading a fantastic challenge day to raise money for Red Nose Day!

Sporting Achievements- 16th March

Congratulations to our football A team(boys) who won both their matches at the Primaryship event this week.


Congratulations to our year 5 and 6 hockey team who cam 3rd in the Quicksticks tournament. Fantastic achievement.


Last but not least, congratulations to the year 4's who participated in the hockey festival. You were a credit to the school!

Congratulations to Eleanor- 29th out of 130 girls at the County finals. We are so proud!

Year 4 P.E. lesson- Gymnastics sequence

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Year 4 have been working on learning different movements and linking them in a sequence. They are doing fantastically!

March 2022 - Incredibly proud of our netball A Team who came 3rd out of 11 local schools in the recent netball tournament!

February 2022 - The Girls vs Boys intra football fixture was fantastic! Enjoy the action pictures below.

February 2022 - Sportshall Athletics was a blast! The children showed great respect to the sports leaders as well as their opponents but that did not take away from their competitive side which resulted in them coming second! A huge well done to you all.

February 2022 - After many cancellations, delays and postponed matches, St Mary's B team were thrilled to finally be on the netball courts!

February 2022 - We had a lovely morning at the Inclusion Festival learning new skills for Boccia and New Age Kurling!

January 2022 - Football Fixture between the Saints A and B team! A very close match ending 4 - 3.

January 2022 - Eleanor ran her socks off at the Cross Country Finals!

Congratulations to our superstar runner, Eleanor, who came 3rd in the cross country finals and has qualified for the next round. We are so proud of you- well done!!

What a day! Sports Crew did a fantastic job leading our Santa Circuit for all the year groups.

Despite the competition being moved to virtual, all the gymnasts performed beautifully and should be very proud of themselves!

A huge well done to our Girls team and Boys A team who were both undefeated in our first set of Primaryship games against local school. A special congratulations to our Boys B team on their first set of fixtures as the 'Saints' representing St. Mary's. They too were undefeated! A big thank you to Mr Alliston and Mr McGuffie for your dedication to all three of your teams.

What an amazing day St Mary's have had at the football tournament today! The girl's and boy's team have both finished in 2nd place and have qualified for the Finals.

A huge well done to all our St. Mary's children who raced in the cross country event on Sunday; Archer came 26th, Melodie came 4th, Eleanor came 3rd and Camilla came 69th.

Wicket Cricket - what a blast! The children learnt lots and were able to refine their skills with the help of Darren from Sporting Dreams.

This week marks the start of clubs which has brought so much joy to our children and teachers. Football was a success with over 30 children participating in fast paced and engaging drills and games with our two coaches, Mr M and Mr Alliston.

Say hello to our new Sports Crew for 2021 - 2022

Class R have been practicing their aiming skills and hand eye coordination this week.

Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed learning how to play squash and developing many skills which will progress them in their games.

Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed their time with Giles, the squash coach. Look at their new moves!

The children at St. Mary's have made a great start to their 5K May challenge in support with the Queen Victoria Hospital.

Lockdown 2021- keeping active photos!

Congratulations to Sam in Y1- Football Player of the Week

Mid Sussex Marathon- mile run wb 22.6.20

Congratulations to the netball teams. The B team had our best result to date and the a team won their league!!! Great job by all!!

Netball winners 11.3.20

Skipping workshop


St Mary's took part in a skipping workshop on Wednesday 4th March. Each class spent time with a coach who taught them different skipping skills and tricks (some of which were really tricky!) At the end of the day, we all gathered together in the hall to show some of the skills that we had been learning. It was a great day and we have not stopped skipping since!

Football Fixture 4th March

A good job by all boys in the A and B team who competed in the fixtures. You represented the school brilliantly and had a great afternoon!


Quiksticks Hockey 3rd March

Congratulations to the St Mary's team who came 2nd and qualified for the next round!!! We are super proud of you all.

Monday 2nd March- Swim Gala

A fantastic evening for the St May's swim team who had a great gala. Please see the above match report.


Monday 2nd March- Cricket tournament

Congratulations to the St Mary's Cricket team who competed in a tournament on Monday. It was tough competition and they were a credit to the school!

Year 4 Rugby Tournament- Wednesday 26th February

Wednesday 26th February

Congratulations to the A and B netball teams for braving the hail storm and competing in another great round of Mid Sussex netball.

Wednesday 12th February

Congratulations to our A and B netball teams on an undefeated run at the Mid Sussex Netball competition. Another great round!

Wednesday 5th February

Congratulations to our A and B teams who competed in the netball matches today. A great effort by all!

Cross country final 22.01.20

Congratulations to our 3 cross country finalist who competed in very cold and damp conditions. It was a gruelling course and we are proud of your determination!

New Games Club 10.1.19

Gymnastics Champions!!

Congratulations to our gym team who won the gymnastics competition and will go on to represent mid-sussex at the county finals!!

Gymnastics Competition 2.12.19

Sports Crew Run XC 21.11.19

Football fixture 20.11.19

Well done to the boys A team who came back from a 3 goal defecit to secure a draw in their first fixture!

Swimming the length of the channel!!

Congratulations to Emma who swam the length of the channel, as part of a team, to raise money in support of cancer charities! A superb effort-well done!

Netball tournament- round 1. A win for both teams!!

Boccia and NAK festval 11.11.19

Sports Crew Multi skills circuit 24.10.19

Yoga-Class 2 18.10.19

East Grinstead Cross Country Competition- 13th October

congratulations to the 8 runners who competed in the competition this Sunday. It was very boggy and they did themselves and the school proud!! 

Basketball festival 9.10.19

Tag rugby event 27th September

Rugby Competition 11th July

Year 5 really enjoyed their competition with our cricket coach. It was fun competing against other groups and applying their new cricket skills!

Multiskills festival 10th July

Year 2 really enjoyed the festival at Imberhorne. Year 5 sports crew did a wonderful job of leading the events. Well done!

Area Sports-26th June

A very large amount of St Mary's students represented the school at area sports. It was a hot day and they all gave 100% to achieve a fantastic 2nd place. Well done everyone!

Sussex Youth Games- Gymnastics Team

26th June

A HUGE well done to our gym team who were the mid Sussex winners and qualified for the youth games final at the K2. They performed exceptionally well and we are so proud of all their efforts!

Sports Day 21st June

Congratulations to the whole school on a fantastic sports day. The school competed in their houses on a rotation of activities and then raced for their house in individual races!

The slow bike race was a particular highlight for year 6!!


A particular mention to sports crew who ran the rotation and supported with all the races- great leadership!!

Stoolball Tournament-11th June

Unfortunately this event was cancelled.


Quad Kids Final-5th June

A HUGE congratulations to our 8 year five and six children who represented St Mary's in the Quad kids final. They each had to do 4 events including a very long 800m and they all gave 100%. Well done on reaching the final- a huge achievement!


Tennis Tournament- 5th June

Congratulations to the year 3 and 4 team who represented St Mary's at the tennis tournament. They really enjoyed their day!

Quik Cricket Tournament- 22nd May

The St Mary's cricket team had a great day out at the cricket tournament and were a credit to the school. Well done!

Tri-golf Tournament- 15th May

A great time was had by all at this tournament where a year 3 and 4 team represented St Mary's. We were very proud of your attitude and achievements.

Girls Football- 1st May

Congratulations to our girls football team who came third at a very competitive event. Well done girls- great effort!

Kwik Cricket

Well done to our cricket team who came 2nd in their group. You all worked incredibly hard and had a great day!

Girls football 1st May

A brilliant effort by our girls football team who competed in the above competition. Well done!


Tri Golf tournament 15th May

Congratulations to the tri-golf team who competed in a tournament and performed superbly! It was the first time representing St Mary's for some of the children and they were a credit to the school.

Tag Rugby Event 26th April

April 2019- Year 6 gymnastics lesson

Hockey Finals- Monday 18th March

Well done to the St Mary's team who got through to the hockey finals and came 6th! A great effort by all.

Sports Crew Fitness Circuit- 1st and 8th March

Congratulations to sports crew who ran a brilliant fitness circuit for all year groups. Superb leadership!!!

Football Teams

Congratulations to both the A and B football teams who have been brilliant sportsmen and women throughout the season!

Hockey Tournament- 6th March

Congratulations to the two St Mary's Hockey teams who entered the local competitions placing 3rd and 5th. A great effort by all!!

Netball Festival- Year 4

Year 4 had a brilliant morning at the netball festival. they really enjoyed learning lots of new skills and practising their cooperation and collaboration skills. We can't wait to attend again next year!

Swimming Gala- 4th March!

Congratulations to the swim team who placed 2nd overall and gained three individual medals in the gala. Our best result to date!!!

Swimming silver medalists- 4th March!!!

Football and Netball tournaments-27th February!

Both A and B squads for football and netball did very well at their respective tournaments today. They were a credit to the school!

Key Steps Gymnastics- WINNERS!!!

Congratulations to our gym team who won the whole gymnastics competition progressing through to the Mid Sussex Finals. We are so proud of your commitment and can't wait for you to compete in the finals.

Sports Crew training- 6th February

The year 5 sports crew thoroughly enjoyed training to be the next Sports Crew at Imberhorne school this week. They will be great leaders!

Cross Country Finals- 15th January!

Well done to our 4 finalists who were very competitive in the cross country finals. They tried really hard in tricky conditions. Big congratulations to Harriet who progressed through to the next round.

Football Matches-5th December


Congratulations to the A and B team who played some brilliant matches. They represented the school brilliantly.

Football Match report 22.11.18

Girls Get Active 16th November


St Mary's had a brilliant time at The Triangle. We all really enjoyed trying different activities like yoga, zumba and aerobics ! The children really enjoyed trying to teach their teacher to floss too!

Netball tournament 17th October


The A and B team netballers had a super time at their first matches of the year. We were very proud of how well they represented the school.

Brambletye Football Tournament- 12th October


A brilliant time was had by all at the year 4 football tournament. Congratulations to all the children who took part.

4th October- Cross Country-East Court


Congratulations to all the competitors who took part in the Cross Country. You did a fantastic job and showed great tenacity!! Another well done to the four children who qualified for the finals. We are proud of you all!!


September 2018


A fantastic start to the academic year for St Mary's students. All classes have enjoyed starting their different units in P.E. and there has been a great uptake on our after school clubs! Some children are also running lots at lunchtime in preparation for the upcoming cross country competition!

Multi-skills - 11th July

Area Sports - 19th June

Stoolball - 12th June

Tennis Finals - 6th June

Netball finals - 25th May

KWIK Cricket - 23rd May

POP LAX - 21st May

Tri-Golf 16th May

Tennis - 9th May

TAG Rugby 27th April

TAG Rugby 27th April

Dance Festival 2018

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Congratulations to all the dancers who showcased their talents at the Sackville Damce Festival on 25th April! We are so proud of you all!

Netball matches - Wednesday 7th March


A big well done to the St Mary’s A Netball team

who beat their opposition in their final

match today meaning they won their league!!

Everybody had a superb game and played their best throughout.

They will now go through to the area final- watch this space!!


Another well done to the St Mary’s B team who won their first match and lost the second during their final games today. For the first time, many year 4’s have been selected for this team and they have done themselves proud. 

Hockey 7th march

Hockey Tournament- Wednesday 7th March


A big welL done to the St Mary’s hockey team

who placed 5th out of 16 teams. It was an extremely tiring day and everybody worked hard and played brilliantly!

Gala 7th March

Swimming Gala- Monday 5th March


congratulations to the St Mary’s swim team who competed in a gala this week. Everyone swam

brilliantly and we came 5th.

superb effort everyone- well done!

St Mary's VS Estcots- Netball A team

Key Steps Gym competition 2.2.18

Football B team Match report

Circuit Training Competition 19.01.18

A huge congratulations to the Sports Crew who led their first intra-house competition for the whole school today. They were fantastic young leaders and really did the school proud. Great job-well done!

Sports Crew- Intra Circuit Competition

B Team Netball Match Report- 6.12.17

Sports hall athletics-7.11.17

Well done to the 20 children who represented the school in our local sports hall athletics!

St Mary’s came 2nd in their round and we are incredibly proud of them!

Sports hall athletics!

Netball First Round- 18.10.17

A huge well done to the netball A and B teams who both won their first matches this week!

we are very proud of you all- well done!

(match reports to follow!)


Brambletye Football- well done to all who took part!

East Grinstead Cross Country Competition

Sunday 8th October 2017


A big well done to both the boys and girls teams who competed this Sunday in the cross country competition. Everyone completed the challenging course and should be very proud of themselves! Well done St Mary's!

Boys and Girls cross country squads

SUP Sports Crew Trip

Area sports- 2nd place!!!

Archery Taster Day!!

Tri-golf finalists!!

Girls Football- 3rd place! Well done!!

Quad Kids finalists!!

Year 5 Stoolball team

Congratulations- first place!!

A huge well done to the year 4 golfers who came first in the golf competition so will be attending the Youth Games.

We are very proud of you- amazing achievment!

Sports Crew Multi-skills Day!

Cricket team- a brilliant 3rd place!!

Girls Football- second place! A huge well-done!!

East Grinstead Dance Festival

Congratulations to all the children who participated in the dance festival. Their dance called 'Collaborate' was a huge hit. The children have put in a huge amount of hard-work and they did themselves and the school proud.

Lacrosse festival!

Brambletye Cross-country team- well done everybody!

Sports Crew Training

The year 5 crew were trained up at Imberhorne today and are raring to go! They are going to be a great sports crew- well done!

Sports Crew Training 2017

Key Steps Gym competition!



Congratulations to Beth and Hannah in Year 6 who reached the Mid-Sussex Cross Country finals and both placed in the top 12! Great achievement girls- well done!

A lovely letter of thanks for the cross country event organised and run by our Year 6 Sports Crew. Well done Crew- we are very proud of you!

Netball matches- 16.11.16

Key Stage 2 Football Match Report

Sports Hall Athletics!! St Mary's were excellent and came in third place!!

St Mary's achieve GOLD Sportsmark Award!!


Well done to all the children and staff involved smiley

Such a fantastic effort from a mixed Year 3 and 4 group representing Mid Sussex at The Sussex School Games which was held at K2 today. They beat 8 other competition areas, behaving in a fair and sporting manner and are now the 'best tri-golfers' in the whole of Sussex. Well done to you all.

Today St. Mary's participated in the Year 3/4 Tri Golf competition and won.

As the highest scorers they will now go through to represent Mid Sussex at the Sussex School Games on the 29th June. Well done to you all.

Well Done to our winning tennis team!
Well done to our Girl's football team who won their tournament on 4th May 2016!