

East Grinstead, West Sussex

Collective Worship

Collective Worship Policy


At St Mary’s, Collective Worship is central to the life of our school.  We believe that it is of the upmost importance to meet together for a Christian based daily act of collective worship which fulfils the legal requirements of a Church of England School.  We believe it is essential to explore scripture to gain a deeper knowledge of God’s love for us as creator and sustainer of all life, learn the fundamental teachings of Jesus and understand how each member of the school community can apply this to their lives to explore their own spirituality through worship and personal reflection.

Daily Worship


Each day we take time to come together to worship as a school, key stage or class.  We believe this is a very significant and important part of our school culture.  We read from the scriptures, take time to understand its meaning for us and our school community and give space for reflection and prayer.


Weekly Church Services


Once a week, we worship in St Mary’s Church with our services led by Father Adam.  We learn more about the teachings of the bible, church history and significant events in the church calendar.

Celebration Assembly


Each Friday, our worship includes a celebration of the effort and perseverance of members of our school.  We also rejoice in those children that have been good role models for our school values, encouraging others to do the same.

Special Services


For key celebrations in the church calendar, we have special services at St Mary’s church where classes lead worship with songs, readings and prayers.  Services include Harvest, All Saints Day, Remembrance, Christmas, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Easter and Leaver’s Celebration.

Mass with Bishop Martin.

Visiting Speakers


We are privileged to welcome other local church leaders to conduct some of our assemblies, including Ben Scrivens from Trinity Church.

Class Assemblies


Each half term, one of our classes leads an assembly to teach the rest of the school about one of the major world religions they have been studying in their Religious Education lessons.  The more we learn about different religions, the more we have a better understanding of others beliefs about life and death, history, culture, traditions and family.  It gives us the opportunity to find out about moral issues such as justice, truth, right and wrong, helping others and looking after our world.

Visiting Places of Worship


Each class is encouraged to visit a local place of worship.  We believe these experiences enrich children’s understanding of religion and its importance for its followers. 

Daily Prayers


We believe it is essential that we take time to prepare ourselves for each day and thank God for each day.  Each class commences and ends the day with a time of reflection and prayer.

Our School Prayer


Our School Prayer, written with the help of our Values Ambassadors, encapsulates what we are thankful to God for and what we strive for to be better and help others.
