This week in science we have been looking at branching keys to identify plants and animals. First of all, we used a key to name different species of buttercups. Then, after practising with Liquorice Allsorts, we created our own giant keys to sort birds/ butterflies!
w/b 1st May
Dom's tag rugby lesson report:
The sun was shining when class 6 were playing tag rugby. Year 6 ran around taking others' tags. It looked like they had fun!
3rd April
Now we're back at school, we have still been keeping busy! On the 3rd April, we celebrated our Easter Pause Day.
We designed flower beds based on Biblical quotes that we found online. After a trip to Homebase to choose the plants we wanted (whilst sticking to a strict budget!), we came back to school and planted them in the Year 6 area. We are looking forward to seeing our prayer garden in full bloom!
30th March
Today was a full day of activities on site. Groups took part in raft building, canoeing, fencing, archery and the obstacle course.
We had a special visitor for the afternoon - Dom! He caused havoc by starting a water fight between children, instructors and teachers! Luckily it was so sunny that we soon dried off!
At dinner, lots of the children tried snails and frogs legs before their main course of ribs!
The children have requested that we stay for another week so we'll see you all next Friday!
29th March
Today we have been to the Albert Museum. We loved looking at the artefacts from WW1 especially the weapons!
After a packed lunch, we visited a number of other memorial are some photos of our day:
28th March
Wow! What a busy first 2 days in sunny France - we have had a great time! After a picnic on the beach yesterday, we arrived at the Chateau in time for dinner (chicken, salmon or beef - yum!). We then took part in a scavenger hunt around the grounds.
This morning, Mrs Collier had trouble waking everyone up at 7.30am! Our breakfast set us up for the day though and we practised our French at the market (mostly by asking for sweets!). The afternoon was filled with 2 activities - we hope you like the photos!
w/b 20th March
On Monday the 20of March 2017, two actors came into St Mary’s school to do a Drama/ Mindfit workshop. The actors worked with us on many different interactive and creative activities. In pairs we took part in “the magic toy box” where we had to imagine giving toys to our peers. The toys could be anything that came into our minds. The strangest toy that came out of the box was a sniper gun.
The instructors read a story, and gave us multiple frames to act out and freeze. This was an inventive way to get us thinking about how the people in the story would have acted, and what their emotions would have been.
After that, we split into two groups. One had to be a possible cause for a loud noise in the forest, for example, a fallen tree or an animal in the undergrowth. The other had to act like Elliana, after she just heard the loud noise. They told us to think about how she would have been feeling frightened and nervous for the long task of trekking through the long forest ahead.
The instructors then discussed many different ways to calm down after or before or after a stressful situation such as a test. This gave us many small and subtle ways of helping ourselves calm down within the SAT’s tests in the upcoming future.
After a few more freeze-frames and more of the story, the workshop was nearly over. The final thing that we did was naming all of the different ways of calming ourselves, and preventing anxiety. This was useful for us, for some are nervous for the tests.
w/b 6th March 2017
We listened to information about the race between Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott to be the first to reach the South Pole. After each new fact, we were asked to decide whose expedition we would like to join. In the end, we found out that Roald Amundsen’s team won the race and were the first team to reach the South Pole! Sadly, we also learnt that none of Scott’s team made it back alive.
Using the information we had gathered, we worked in groups to create board games with the theme ‘Race to the South Pole’.
Sats Information Meeting
Thank you to those who attended the meeting this morning, I hope you found it useful. If you couldn't make it, please see the slides below. If you have any questions, we can discuss these at Parents Evening next week.
We have been doing lots of learning in science recently.
Last week we made periscopes and this week we have been investigating how the angle of two mirrors affects the number of reflections seen. Lots of maths skills involved too!
w/b 9th January
Class 6 have had a great start to the new year! We have started our 'Keen to be Green' topic and are enjoying our class text - Floodland.
We have had our first session with John, our squash coach for this half term. Photography by Rhys!
w/b 5th December
We thoroughly enjoyed our 'Fabulous Finish' to our Ancient Greek topic!
w/b 28th November
We celebrated the start of Advent with a mass at St Mary's Church with Father Paul. Year 6 enjoyed being involved with many aspects of the service.
w/b 14th November - Anti-Bullying Week
We enjoyed our skipping workshop at the start of the week!
w/b 31st October
We have enjoyed our first week back after half term and have been studying Mexico!
Here are some of the 'Eye of God' decorations we made as part of this week-long topic.
French Trip Meeting
Please see the link below for information shared at the French Trip meeting last week.
In our science lesson this week, Class 6 enjoyed carrying out an investigation to find out how different activities affect our heart rates.
w/b 26th September 2016
We enjoyed our Harvest Pause Day where we looked at deforestation and wrote an acrostic poem as a class. We also created collages to show in church during the Harvest Service.
w/b 19th September
We have had a great week concentrating on VCOP, choreographing the first section of our Greek Gods dance and ending the week with our worship to welcome the new Reception children.
We enjoyed our first session with our Football Coach, Bob! We were practising dribbling and will be building on this skill over the term.
Our topic this term is Ancient Greeks.
We have started our topic by holding our own Olympic event and making comparisons between Ancient Greek Olympics and Modern Day Olympics.
Discus was part of the pentathlon.
Relay race (instead of wrestling!)
Cheering on our team!
Winners were given an olive leaf crown!
Meet the Teacher Meeting
Please see below for the PowerPoint of information that was shown at the 'Meet the Teacher' session on the 21st September
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