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Secret Garden
Science and Art Week
Time Travel
We have been learning that germs spread by coughing and sneezing. One sneeze filled our classroom with germs. Nearly everybody ended up with Dr Clark's nasty germs! Next week we will find out if we can wash our hands properly...
What is Love Anyway?
Whilst giving an assembly about super powers we were interrupted by my phone ringing. I was going to cancel it until I saw who was ringing...
He explained that we all have a super power and that is love. He referred us to 1 Corinthians for more details. This is our learning put into our own words.
In Science this term the children wanted to find out why we need to keep ourselves clean. We have used our knowledge of setting up fair tests to look at the effect of sugar on plaque and what happens to our teeth if they are exposed to cola.
In both cases we all agreed that brushing our teeth is a good idea!
Happy New Year!
Welcome to our new and exciting Time Travel topic. We have kicked our topic off by making our own time machine. After fine tuning all the knobs, buttons and dials we managed to navigate our way back to World War 1, the Great Fire of London, back through Ancient Egypt all the way to the dinosaurs! The look of complete disbelief was a picture as we found out that there were no humans back then - not even Jesus! However, we couldn't stay long because there was some sort of bright light in the sky that we were a bit concerned about... Do you know what that might have been?
In Maths we are starting to look at multiplication. We have started using the x symbol but we read this symbol as 'groups of' rather than 'times'.
3 x 2 = 6
Three groups of two equals six.
Can you match the equal groups?
The volcano in the wonderful book 'The Snail and the Whale' inspired us to make our own volcanoes. We predicted what would happen when we sped up the reaction. We then predicted what would happen if we had a bigger reaction forced through the same sized hole...
Science ROCKS!
See a video via this link-
Year 2 dance club
Well done to the year 2 girls from the Nextgn dance company who performed their dance in assembly today.
You can see their dance by using the link below.
Week 6
We've been looking at adding and taking away 2-digit numbers this week. You can practise this at home using 10p and 1p coins.