A Year in Pictures
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is a selection of photos from our amazing year together!
Thank you so much for all of the wonderful cards, messages and presents I have received. It has been a true privilege to have taught you all this year.
Enjoy your Summer.
Take care and stay safe,
Mr Johnson
Blackland Farm Part 2
Fishbourne Palace
Fashion Topic
Stone Age Topic
Science Experiments
Home Learning – Friday 17th July 2020
Good morning Class 4.
Here we are at the end of our Home Learning journey in Year 4!
This time of lockdown has been challenging, however I have been so impressed with how you have adapted your learning and worked so incredibly hard to complete wonderfully creative writing, apply your mathematical knowledge, produce imaginative art and design work and shown me your love of learning.
Thank you, parents and carers; it has not gone unnoticed just how much support you have given me by encouraging your children in their learning. I know it cannot have been easy with all of the demands of life during these uncertain times.
Visit this page next week to see a selection of pictures from our year together including Blackland Farm, Fishbourne Palace and a variety of other activities.
Here are some interesting statistics:
> 291 Purple Mash emails received from you (so far)
> 288 activities set on this page
> 72 days of Home Learning
> 30 children that have been an inspiration to me and a privilege to teach
> 17 weeks of lockdown
> An amazingly supportive community of parents, siblings, relatives and friends that have looked after you and kept you safe.
> 1 immensely proud teacher who is going to miss you greatly!
Enjoy your Summer Holiday and have a well deserved rest.
I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Take care and stay safe,
Mr Johnson
English (20 minutes)
L.O: Can I retell the main event from a story in my own words?
Day 5 of focusing on your favourite story or a story you wanted to make up. This week we have created a ‘Role on the Wall’ for the main character, a Map of the main places in the story, a Story map of a main event and written the questions and answers to an interview.
Today, I want you to retell the main event of your story to someone at home. You can use your Story map to help you. You may also want to refer to the other work you have completed this week to add detailed description. You need to make it as interesting as you can for your audience. Use expression in your voice to build excitement and tension. You could even act out the scene.
Maths (20 minutes)
L.O: Can I use a variety of mathematical skills to problem-solve?
Summer Term – Week 12 - Friday Maths Challenge
Click the link below to complete a series of 6 problem solving word problems to test your knowledge from this term. Can you get full marks?!
For the final time, watch the 12 times table video. Now is your chance to practice completing questions on all the times tables from 1 to 12. Click the link below to play the multiplication tables check game. You have to answer 25 times table questions and you have 6 seconds to complete each. The more you practice the quicker you will become.
Multiplication Tables Check Game
Reading (30 minutes)
Click on the link below to enjoy listening to the story ‘Rent Party Jazz’ written by William Miller and read by Viola Davis.
Please make sure you continue to read over the Summer to develop your skills and comprehension.
This is the last in the series of the Joe Wicks 5 minute workout to keep you fit and active. If you would like to challenge yourself you can complete the video once, have a 10 minute break and then complete the video for a second time.
Make sure you give yourself plenty of space in your home to complete these exercises. They are designed to raise your heart rate and work your muscles, however if your muscles begin to hurt or get too out of breath please stop and take a rest.
Collective worship
I hope you have enjoyed our online Collective Worship. Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. Look out for the shark! One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
The opposite sides of the dice always add up to seven!
Home Learning – Thursday 16th July 2020
Good morning Class 4.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I predict a character’s responses?
It is day four of focusing on your favourite story or a story you wanted to make up. So far, we have created a ‘Role on the Wall’ for the main character, a Map of the main places in the story and a Story map of a main event.
Today, I want you to be an interviewer. You are going to write 5 questions that you would like to ask your main character. When you have done this, I want you to write the main character’s responses to each question based on what you know about them from the story.
Success criteria
> Use the 5Ws (what, when, where, why, who) to create 5 questions for your main character.
> Answer each question as if you were responding as the main character.
> Questions and answers need to be in full detailed sentences.
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I place co-ordinates on a grid?
Summer Term – Week 12 – Lesson 4 – Draw on a Grid
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
Watch the 11 times table video and rap along, then play Hit the button for the 11 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
Click on the link below to enjoy listening to the story ‘Sebastian's Roller Skates’ written by Joan De Du Prats and read by Caitlin Wachs.
Now I would like you to read your own challenging chapter book for 20 minutes. Were there any interesting words you read that you could use to make your writing more interesting? You may want to start a word bank of your own.
Joe Wicks is going to guide you through another 5 minute workout to keep you fit and active. If you would like to challenge yourself you can complete the video once, have a 10 minute break and then complete the video for a second time.
Make sure you give yourself plenty of space in your home to complete these exercises. They are designed to raise your heart rate and work your muscles, however if your muscles begin to hurt or get too out of breath please stop and take a rest.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
The shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes!
Home Learning – Wednesday 15th July 2020
Good morning Class 4.
Today, you will be receiving your end of year report. If you are currently learning in school or have a sibling learning in school, you will receive a paper copy. If you are home learning then you will receive a Parentmail with your report attached electronically.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I story map a key event from a story?
Here we are at day three of focusing on your favourite story or a story you wanted to make up. So far, we have created a ‘Role on the Wall’ for the main character and a Map of the main places in the story.
Today, I want you to create a Story map that explains the main event that happens in the story. Remember, a Story map is made up of simple pictures to show each scene and then you add key words and phrases to remind yourself of what happened. See the example below.
Success criteria
> Draw a simple picture for each scene of the story.
> Connect each scene with an arrow.
> Write openers, conjunctions and key vocabulary to remind yourself of the text.
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I calculate co-ordinates?
Summer Term – Week 12 – Lesson 3 – Describe Position
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
For a change, here is a times table we don’t normally sing along to! Watch the 10 times table video, then play Hit the button for the 10 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
Click on the link below to enjoy listening to the story ‘The Coal Thief’ written by Alane Adams and read by Christian Slater.
Now I would like you to read your own challenging chapter book for 20 minutes. Were there any interesting words you read that you could use to make your writing more interesting? You may want to start a word bank of your own.
Joe Wicks is going to guide you through another 5 minute workout to keep you fit and active. If you would like to challenge yourself you can complete the video once, have a 10 minute break and then complete the video for a second time.
Make sure you give yourself plenty of space in your home to complete these exercises. They are designed to raise your heart rate and work your muscles, however if your muscles begin to hurt or get too out of breath please stop and take a rest.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out!
Home Learning – Tuesday 14th July 2020
Good morning Class 4.
Thank you so much for joining me for our Zoom catch up and sharing your memories! It was wonderful to see you all and share in some fun together. You make me very proud to be your teacher. You have all grown up so much in the last few months!
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I draw a map to illustrate the settings in a story?
Yesterday, you started focusing on your favourite story or a story you wanted to make up. I hope you enjoyed creating a ‘Role on the Wall’ for your main character.
Today, I want you to create a map that shows all of the places your main character visits in your story. For example, your map might be a town and you will draw the character’s house, school, friend’s house and local park or if your character is in an adventure you might draw a castle, an enchanted forest, a dragon’s lair and a wizard’s cottage. You often find maps in books to support the reader. You may find some in the books you have read and you might want to use these to help you.
Success criteria
> Select up to 5 locations from your story to draw.
> Think about how they are connected (by paths, by roads, by a river?) and draw these as well.
> Label each of the locations and what happened while your character was there.
Have fun!
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I identify lines of symmetry?
Summer Term – Week 12 – Lesson 2 – Complete a Symmetric Figure
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
Watch the 9 times table video and rap along, then play Hit the button for the 9 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
Click on the link below to enjoy listening to the story ‘Catching the Moon: The Story of a Young Girl's Baseball Dream’ written by Crystal Hubbard and read by Kevin Costner and Jillian Estell.
Now I would like you to read your own challenging chapter book for 20 minutes. Were there any interesting words you read that you could use to make your writing more interesting? You may want to start a word bank of your own.
Joe Wicks is going to guide you through another 5 minute workout to keep you fit and active. If you would like to challenge yourself you can complete the video once, have a 10 minute break and then complete the video for a second time.
Make sure you give yourself plenty of space in your home to complete these exercises. They are designed to raise your heart rate and work your muscles, however if your muscles begin to hurt or get too out of breath please stop and take a rest.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
Slugs have four noses!
Home Learning – Monday 13th July 2020
Good morning Class 4. Can you believe that we have arrived at the last week of the Summer term and our last week of home learning. I hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed the lovely weather.
At 4pm today, you are invited to join me for a Zoom meeting to celebrate our year together in Class 4 and hear from you about what you have enjoyed at school and at home. Please check Parentmail for all the details and the meeting link. I am really looking forward to seeing you all.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I describe a character in detail?
All of the lessons for this final week of English will be based around one story. You get to choose if the story you want to focus on is:
> A favourite story you have read
> An imaginative story you want to make up as we go through the week
Today, I want you to create a ‘Role on the Wall’ for the main character of your story. Follow the instructions below:
1. Draw the outline of your main character from your favourite story or made up story.
2. Around the drawing write ambitious words and phrases to describe their appearance and their actions.
3. Inside the drawing of your character write ambitious words and phrases to describe how they feel and what they are thinking.
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I identify lines of symmetry?
Summer Term – Week 12 – Lesson 1 – Lines of Symmetry
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
Watch the 8 times table video, then play Hit the button for the 8 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
Click on the link below to enjoy listening to the story ‘Stellaluna’ written and illustrated by Janell Cannon and read by Pamela Reed.
Now I would like you to read your own challenging chapter book for 20 minutes. Were there any interesting words you read that you could use to make your writing more interesting? You may want to start a word bank of your own.
Each day this week, Joe Wicks (who I am sure you know because of his daily fitness videos during lockdown) is going to guide you through a 5 minute workout to keep you fit and active. If you would like a challenge yourself you can complete the video once, have a 10 minute break and then complete the video for a second time.
Make sure you give yourself plenty of space in your home to complete these exercises. They are designed to raise your heart rate and work your muscles, however if your muscles begin to hurt or get too out of breath please stop and take a rest. Also have a bottle with you to take if you get thirsty.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
There are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on a beach!
Home Learning – Friday 10th July 2020
Good morning Class 4. We have come to the end of another week. I hope you enjoyed meeting Mr Haffenden yesterday.
On Monday (13th July), I invite you to join me for a Zoom meeting to celebrate our year together in Class 4 and hear from you about what you have enjoyed at school and at home. Please check Parentmail for all the details and the meeting link. I am really looking forward to seeing you all.
Your Year 4 books (English, Maths, Science, Topic and RE) are available again TODAY to be picked up from school. This will be the last day they can be collected. Please do not miss this opportunity to take home all the wonderful work you have do. I have been so impressed with the standard of work and how you have progressed in your skills and understanding. The office will be open from 8:30am – 3:30pm, although staff have advised that colleting in the morning would be preferable. Art and French books will stay in school to be used in Year 5.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I write a description about Lockdown that will read in 100 years?
We are living in a time that will go down in history and that we will want to share with a future generation 100 years from now. For this reason, you are going to write about creating your own time capsule and describe 5 items you would place inside.
1. One item that represents what kids your age are doing for fun when stuck at home.
2. One item that says something about popular culture (film, video game, music,
book, or television).
3. One item that people love to have more during quarantine than any other time before.
4. An item that says something about your family.
5. A daily schedule of what you do on a typical day when home learning.
Write a few sentences about what each item is and why you chose it. Remember that people in the future won’t have the same background knowledge you have, so you will need to be clear, specific, and descriptive in your explanations. Have fun!
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I use a variety of mathematical skills to problem-solve?
** MyMaths homework has been set to be completed by next Friday (17th July). **
Your logins were included in your home learning pack.
Summer Term – Week 11 - Friday Maths Challenge
You have a selection of challenges that test your problem-solving abilities. The activities are on a downloadable PDF worksheet. You can either print the worksheet to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book. I would like you to complete the first 5 challenges. If you would like to test yourself you can complete more. They become increasing more difficult as you go through.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Watch the 7 times table video, then play Hit the button for the 7 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
I would like you to read a challenging chapter book for 20 minutes and then take 10 minutes to answer the following questions with your parent, carer or sibling.
Q1. How would you describe the main character of the story? Use your best adjectives and explain your answer.
Q2. What interesting words did the writer use to keep your attention?
Q3. Are there any words you didn’t understand in the text? Use a dictionary to look up the meaning.
Q4. What do you think will happen next in the story? Use evidence you have read to explain your prediction.
Today, I just want you to sit back, relax and enjoy watching this fantastic retelling of the traditional tale – Peter and the Wolf. Listen to how different instruments create characters and the whole orchestra build atmosphere and tension in the story. This is an excellent example of how the different techniques we have studied come together to create a strong image for the listener.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
As well as having unique finger prints, we all have unique tongue prints!
Home Learning – Thursday 9th July 2020
Good morning Class 4.
Your Year 4 books (English, Maths, Science, Topic and RE) are available TODAY to be picked up from school. Please do not miss this opportunity to take home all the wonderful work you have do. I have been so impressed with the standard of work and how you have progressed in your skills and understanding. The office will be open from 8:30am – 3:30pm, although staff have advised that colleting in the morning would be preferable. Art and French books will stay in school to be used in Year 5.
Today, you have your Zoom meeting with your new Year 5 teacher, Mr Haffenden. Enjoy discussing all the new things you’ll be doing in September.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I write a newspaper report?
Now you get an opportunity to write your own newspaper article after revising its key features. Click the link below to complete the activities.
You will be writing a newspaper article about a truly inspirational woman called Rosa Parks who stood up for the equal treatment of people from different racial backgrounds.
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I explain the features of quadrilaterals?
Summer Term – Week 11 – Lesson 4 – Quadrilaterals
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
Watch the 6 times table video, then play Hit the button for the 6 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (40 minutes)
I would like you to read a challenging chapter book for 20 minutes and then draw your favourite character or setting from the book. Use evidence from the text to help you draw. If there are illustrations in your book, don’t use them to copy. What do you see in your imagination?
Religious Studies
Today we looking at the story of how David defeated Goliath with God’s help. This story shows us that you do not need to be big or strong to be brave and triumphant. You just need to follow God’s guidance.
Click the link to read the story from the bible.
1 Samuel 17
For your activity, I would like you to draw a comic strip depicting the story. You can use the template below or create your own.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
It is illegal to stand within 90 metres of the Queen without socks on!
Home Learning – Wednesday 8th July 2020
Good morning Class 4.
Tomorrow (Thursday 9th July), you have been invited to a Zoom meeting to meet your new Year 5 teacher, Mr Haffenden. Please check Parentmail for all the details and the meeting link.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I use alliteration to create exciting newspaper headlines?
Carrying on from yesterday’s lesson on newspaper reports, you are going to find out more about their structure and how to create catchy headlines (title) for an article using alliteration. Click the link below to watch instruction videos and complete three activities looking at headlines.
Creative class creates catchy headlines
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I understand different types of triangles?
Summer Term – Week 11 – Lesson 3 – Triangles
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
For a change, here is a times table we don’t normally sing along to! Watch the 5 times table video, then play Hit the button for the 5 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
I would like you to read a challenging chapter book for 20 minutes and then act out what you have read to someone at home.
Today’s Science has been set as a ‘2Do’ called Information about Mammals on Purple Mash. Your login details are included in your home learning packs.
I would like you to watch the video below and then complete a poster explaining all of the key features of mammals. There are questions to help you structure your work at the left hand side of your screen when you open your 2Do.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
Australia has the greatest number of reptiles in the world (over 750 different species!)
Home Learning – Tuesday 7th July 2020
Good morning Class 4. I hope you are ready for another day of home learning?
On Thursday this week (9th July), you have been invited to a Zoom meeting to meet your new Year 5 teacher, Mr Haffenden. Please check Parentmail for all the details and the meeting link.
Next Monday (13th July), I invite you to join me for a Zoom meeting to celebrate our year together in Class 4 and hear from you about what you have enjoyed at school and at home. Please check Parentmail for all the details and the meeting link. I am really looking forward to seeing you all.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I identify the key features of a newspaper report?
Today you are going to be looking at the key features of a newspaper report and revising the difference between fact and opinion. Click the link below to complete 4 activities including how to find facts from a newspaper article using the 5Ws (What, Who, When, Where and Why).
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I order the size of angles?
Summer Term – Week 11 – Lesson 2 – Compare and Order Angles
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
Air guitars at the ready! Watch the 4 times table video, then play Hit the button for the 4 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
I would like you to read a challenging chapter book for 20 minutes and then take 10 minutes to answer the following questions with your parent, carer or sibling.
Q1. What does your main character want to achieve?
Q2. Is the main character currently happy or sad? Explain your answer.
Q3. Are there any words you didn’t understand in the text? Use a dictionary to look up the meaning.
Q4. Can you summarise what you have just read in less than 50 words?
Art John is going to teach you how to create a watercolour painting in a new and interesting way. It will hopefully give your painting more expression and an opportunity to be more creative with paint. Have fun trying this different technique.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
Elephants can sing! They use an ultrasound rumble too low for humans to hear. This “singing” helps to keep the herd together and to find mates.
Home Learning – Monday 6th July 2020
Good morning Class 4. Welcome to another week of home learning.
Exciting News
On Thursday this week (9th July), you have been invited to a Zoom meeting to meet your new Year 5 teacher, Mr Haffenden. Please check Parentmail for all the details and the meeting link.
Next Monday (13th July), I invite you to join me for a Zoom meeting to celebrate our year together in Class 4 and hear from you about what you have enjoyed at school and at home. Please check Parentmail for all the details and the meeting link. I am really looking forward to seeing you all.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I use conjunctions correctly to extend a sentence?
Enjoy watching this Pixar short film – Presto.
I would like you to describe the mishaps that happened in the magic show. You are going to complete 6 sentences, in your homework book, with each one describing two events connected with a conjunction. For each sentence you can use one of the following conjunctions or one of your own to extend each sentence.
however / furthermore / meanwhile / in addition / consequently / because
Success Criteria
> Remember, you must place a comma before a conjunction.
> The second part of your sentence has to link to the first part.
> Read each sentence out to someone else at home to make sure you have used each conjunction correctly and it makes sense.
> Use your very best adjectives and adverbs in your description.
Writing example
The infuriated magician plunged his arm into the mysterious top hat, meanwhile the famished rabbit replaced himself with a vicious mouse trap.
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I identify a variety of angles?
Summer Term – Week 11 – Lesson 1 – Identify Angles
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
Watch the 3 times table video and sing along with Harry, then play Hit the button for the 3 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
I would like you to read a challenging chapter book for 20 minutes and then take 10 minutes to answer the following questions with your parent, carer or sibling.
Q1. How would you describe the main character of the story? Use your best adjectives and explain your answer.
Q2. What interesting words did the writer use to keep your attention?
Q3. Are there any words you didn’t understand in the text? Use a dictionary to look up the meaning.
Q4. What do you think will happen next in the story? Use evidence you have read to explain your prediction.
Geography (40 minutes)
Today we are going to be looking at the Oceans of the world. Click the link below to find out more.
For your activity, I would like you to complete some research using the internet and fact books. Find 2 animals that live in each of the 5 world oceans and write a few sentences describing them. You can complete your writing in your homework book.
> Atlantic Ocean
> Pacific Ocean
> Indian Ocean
> Southern Ocean
> Arctic Ocean
Writing example
Atlantic Ocean
1. Cuttlefish
The cuttlefish is a medium sized mollusc. They are relatives of the squid and octopus and have a large, elongated body with tentacles surrounding their mouths.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. Look out for the shark! One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
Eyebrows play two important roles: they protect against rain, sweat and dirt, while also helping us to express our emotions.
Home Learning – Friday 3rd July 2020
Good morning Class 4. We have made it to the end of another week. Well done for all the fantastic work you have been completing and sending to me.
Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I find information from a text?
Today, we are looking at extracts from Agents of the Wild: Operation Honeyhunt' by Jennifer Bell and Alice Lickens. Click the link below to complete activities based on listening and reading a text carefully and then responding to questions, finding information from the text. Remember to always answer in full detailed sentences. These can be written in your homework book.
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I use a variety of mathematical skills to problem-solve?
** MyMaths homework has been set to be completed by next Friday (10th July). **
Your logins were included in your home learning pack.
Summer Term – Week 10 - Friday Maths Challenge
You have a selection of challenges that test your problem-solving abilities. The activities are on a downloadable PDF worksheet. You can either print the worksheet to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book. I would like you to complete the first 4 challenges. If you would like to test yourself you can complete more. They become increasing more difficult as you go through.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Watch the 12 times table video. Now is your chance to practice completing questions on all the times tables from 1 to 12. Click the link below to play the multiplication tables check game. You have to answer 25 times table questions and you have 6 seconds to complete each. The more you practice the quicker you will become.
Multiplication Tables Check Game
Reading (30 minutes)
Click on the link below to enjoy listening to the story ‘Private I. Guana’ written and illustrated by Nina Laden and read by Esai Morales.
Now I would like you to read your own challenging chapter book for 20 minutes. Were there any interesting words you read that you could use to make your writing more interesting? You may want to start a word bank of your own.
The Carnival of the Animals is a musical composition by French composer Camille Saint-Saëns. It is one of the best-known pieces of classical music written for children. It consists of 14 short movements describing different groups of animals.
I would like you to listen to each section and discuss the following questions with someone at home.
Q1. How does each section sound like the animal it is describing in music?
Q2. Can you identify which instruments are used in each section?
Q3. Describe the Tempo and Dynamics in each section.
I hope you enjoy listening to this piece as much as I do.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
The human eye has the ability to detect and differentiate over 10 million colours!
Home Learning – Thursday 2nd July 2020
Good morning Class 4.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I use bullet points in a non-fiction text?
Click the link below to find out how to accurately use bullet points to present information to a reader. There are two videos and four activities to complete. Bullet points can be used to summarise information and for note taking. This skill is important to use when completing examples of non-fiction writing including non-chronological reports and presentations.
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I interpret data from a line graph?
Summer Term – Week 10 – Lesson 4 – Line Graphs
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
Watch the 11 times table video and rap along, then play Hit the button for the 11 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
Click on the link below to enjoy listening to the story ‘The House That Jane Built’ written by Tanya Lee Stone and read by Kiernan Shipka.
Now I would like you to read your own challenging chapter book for 20 minutes. Were there any interesting words you read that you could use to make your writing more interesting? You may want to start a word bank of your own.
Religious Studies (40 minutes)
Today, we are going to learn about a story Jesus told (parable) about a wise builder and a foolish builder. Watch to video below.
Click the link to read the story from the bible.
Mathew 7:24-27
To follow the teachings of Jesus is to be like the wise man, making the right decisions and your life being blessed by God.
For an activity, I would like you to complete the questions on the document below. You can either print the sheet or write the answers in your homework book.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
The bark of the willow tree was the first source of aspirin, the well-known medication used to reduce pain and fever.
Home Learning – Wednesday 1st July 2020
Good morning Class 4. Welcome to the first day of July! I hope you are all enjoying your week so far?
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I write a letter including key features?
Today, you will be revising the key features of a letter. Click the link below to find out more about paragraphing and questioning (using the 5 Ws – who, what, why, when and where). Your main activity is to write a letter to your teacher (that’s me) about what you have been doing and learning during your time at home. When you have completed your letter, you can send it to me using 2Email.
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I interpret data from a line graph?
Summer Term – Week 10 – Lesson 3 – Line Graphs
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
Watch the 9 times table video and rap along, then play Hit the button for the 9 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
Click on the link below to enjoy listening to the story ‘Sylvester and the Magic Pebble’ written and illustrated by William Steig and read by Reid Scott.
Now I would like you to read your own challenging chapter book for 20 minutes. Were there any interesting words you read that you could use to make your writing more interesting? You may want to start a word bank of your own.
Today’s Science has been set as a ‘2Do’ called My Favourite Animal on Purple Mash. Your login details are included in your home learning packs.
Your activity is to pick an animal and conduct your own research using the internet and fact books. Then you need to complete a report including information about the following features:
> Name
> Description of animal
> How it has adapted to its environment
> Behaviour
> Food it eats
> Habitat
Enjoy finding out fascinating facts about your favourite animal.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
Some types of Bamboo can grow by a metre in just one day!
Home Learning – Tuesday 30th June 2020
Good morning Class 4. Welcome to the last day of June! Are you ready for another day of home learning? Make sure you thank those who are looking after you today and be kind and helpful.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I write an imaginative story?
Similar to yesterday’s activity, you have an opportunity to write your own story. However, today I am going to give you the last line of your story and you have to use your imagination to make up what goes before. You may want to plan your story before you start, so you have a clear idea of how you are going to finish with the end you have been given.
Last line: The exhausted children locked the imposing wooden door, with the ancient rusty key and made a promise that they would never open it again.
I have given you the same success criteria as yesterday to help structure your writing.
> Use senses in your description – see, hear, touch, smell, taste.
> Include short sentences to build tension.
> Could you infer information for the reader by using ‘Show, not tell’?
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I compare data in a chart?
Summer Term – Week 10 – Lesson 2 – Comparison sum and difference
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
Watch the 8 times table video, then play Hit the button for the 8 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
Click on the link below to enjoy listening to the story ‘A Bad Case of Stripes’ written and illustrated by David Shannon and read by Sean Astin.
Now I would like you to read your own challenging chapter book for 20 minutes. Were there any interesting words you read that you could use to make your writing more interesting? You may want to start a word bank of your own.
Today’s Art lesson is about creating a simple landscape. By using ripped sugar paper and some coloured pencils you can create a technique called atmospheric perspective using big, medium and small. If you do not have sugar paper you can use card and if you don’t have different colours you can colour plain paper or card before you start. Have fun being creative!
If you would like, you can send me your finished work using 2Email.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
Cucumbers are actually a fruit and not a vegetable! They are a part of the melon family!
Home Learning – Monday 29th June 2020
Good morning Class 4. I hope you had a lovely weekend.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your homework book. Here is the work I would like you to complete today:-
English (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I write an imaginative story?
Today, in your homework books, you get to write your own story. I will give you the first sentence of your story and then you can use your fantastic imagination to make up the rest.
First line: As I opened up the rickety wardrobe in the share room of our new house, I glimpsed a small shiny box on a high wonky shelf. I stretched up and carefully lifted it down from its hiding place, disturbing a thin layer of dust. I slowly opened the fragile lid and…
You might want to use this success criteria to help with what to include in your writing.
> Use senses in your description – see, hear, touch, smell, taste.
> Include short sentences to build tension.
> Could you infer information for the reader by using ‘Show, not tell’?
Maths (40 minutes)
L.O: Can I interpret data accurately from a chart?
Summer Term – Week 10 – Lesson 1 – Interpret Charts
There is a video to watch which has a lesson with visuals to teach a new concept. You can either print the worksheet below to write on or you can open it up on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
Click the link below to be taken to White Rose Maths web page.
Lesson Worksheets
Extension Questions
If you would like an additional challenge complete the questions below.
Watch the 7 times table video, then play Hit the button for the 7 times table. How many calculations can you complete in 1 minute?
Hit the Button
Reading (30 minutes)
Click on the link below to enjoy listening to the story ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker retold from the Brothers Grimm’ read by Chrissy Metz.
Now I would like you to read your own challenging chapter book for 20 minutes. Were there any interesting words you read that you could use to make your writing more interesting? You may want to start a word bank of your own.
Geography (40 minutes)
This week’s lesson is about Trade. Click the link below to find out about Exports and Imports.
Activity 1 – Imports
You are going to do some exploring. I would like you to find 8 items in your house that have been imported from another country. Look at the labels on food packaging, toys, books or other household objects to find products that were made in a different country to Great Britain.
Activity 2 – Exports
Using the internet and fact books, I would like you to research 8 products that are made in Great Britain that are sold in other countries around the world.
You can place all of your information from both activities into the table below. You can either print the PDF and fill in the table or copy the table into your homework book.
Collective worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. I can’t listen to this song without dancing around. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over. One suggestion is that you put on the song at 10:30am, as I will be doing today. If others in the class do it at the same time then you will know that you are worshipping God together.
Fact of the Day!
A lightning strike can reach up to 30,000 degrees Celsius. This is around six times hotter than the surface of the sun.