Dear Lovely Class 3!
We have finally very nearly reached the end of term! You may not feel like doing the work I am setting you but it is here if you want it before we finish on Friday. After that, your homework is to have a great summer!!! You must take a break from school work, have a rest, enjoy the outdoors whatever the weather and most importantly have fun!!
I have really enjoyed teaching you this year and am so sorry that it all ended in school back in March. I hope that you have enjoyed our little messages and emails and that you have been managing alright. Some of you have been in school and some of you have been at home the whole time. All of you have been working hard and also learning all sorts of new activities. I remember from our Zoom Meeting that many of you have been cooking or gardening!! It has been lovely to receive your emails and see your messages on Purple Mash.
Please don't worry about Year 4! You will have a wonderful start to school in September and Miss Newport has some exciting learning planned for you.
Take care and lots of love,
Mrs Johnston
Ps. I will always remember you as my special 2020 class!!
Can I compare capacity?
1. Please watch the White Rose learning video.
2. Complete the White Rose worksheet.
Can I add and subtract capacity?
1. Watch the White Rose learning video.
2. Complete the White Rose worksheet.
We will finish our Purple Mash book 'The Sleeping Volcano'.
Please read the 2 chapters set as a 'to do' and complete the multiple choice quiz about the chapters also set as a 'to do'.
One of my favourite classical composers is a man named Edvard Grieg. He was Norwegian and he wrote a famous piece of music called the 'Peer Gynt Suite'. This is one of my favourite pieces to listen to. It is made up of very different separate pieces of music and one is called: 'In the Hall of the Mountain King'. I would like you to follow the link below to watch an introductory video and also watch add listen to the orchestral video of this piece. I found it a very exciting piece of music! Do you? Perhaps you might like to draw or paint a picture about it afterwards. Or if you play an instrument, do follow the links on the BBC so that you can learn some of the melodies from the piece of music.
Monday 13th - Wednesday 15th July
Dear Class 3,
We made it!!!!! Congratulations to you all and your families for getting through possibly (hopefully!) the hardest term of your schooling life! When I began the year with you all back in September, I never would have believed it would have gone this way. I hope you have lots of happy memories with your families from the past 4 months, I certainly have with mine. The work that I am setting you this week will hopefully give you a chance to reflect on those moments. Did any of you do the time capsule that I set right at the beginning of the lockdown? If you did you might want to look back at it again now and see if there is anything that you can add to it now. If you didn't do it, then I will attach it again now and you might want to fill some of it in. I'm sure it would be a great thing to look back on in the future. I hope you enjoy the summer holidays and you're able to have some time away with your families. I'll look forward to seeing you all in September.
I'm not setting the usual Maths and English lessons this week, instead I am leaving it up to you what you would like to do! I am attaching a grid with lots of different acitivities to choose from. Some of which are about reflecting on the last 4 months, the future and just for fun! I have also set some maths quizzes on Purple mash that you could do too. I have added two of the tasks to Google Classroom too where you could complete them if you wish to.
We have 3 chapters left of The Christmasaurus and one final song so I will post them each day this week too. Enjoy your last week. Take care.
Lots of Love from Mrs Peach xxx
Dear Class 3,
Hello everyone!I hope you have had a great week. The weather is not particularly summery but hopefully we will be back into summer weather soon! Thank you for the work we are still receiving by email or on purple mash. It is great that you are all keeping going somehow! I hope some of you managed to collect your books yesterday from school? I hope you enjoy the next few days of learning before the weekend. Just one more week to go before the summer....
Take care and best wishes,
Mrs Johnstonx
This week you have been learning about 'mass' with Mrs Peach. We will now be learning about 'capacity', which is all about measuring liquids. Mass is measured in grams(g) and kilograms(kg) but capacity is measured in millilitres(ml) and litres (l).
'Can I measure capacity?'
SC: Are we measuring in ml or l?
What is the scale on the measuring jug?
1. Read and take part in the powerpoint about measuring capacity.
2. Complete the White Rose Sheet on Capacity 1 attached.
Mild level: 1. Follow the link to the White Rose Page to watch Year 2 Millilitres.
2. Complete the Year 2 White Rose worksheet called 'Millilitres'.
1. Watch the White Rose Home Learning Video on Measuring Capacity 2. (follow link and scroll down)
2. Complete the White Rose Worksheet on Measuring Capacity 2.
Mild: 1. Watch the Year 2 Home Learning Video on Litres. (follow link)
2. Complete the White Rose Maths Sheet on Litres.
1. Read Chapter 3 of the 'Sleeping Volcano' on Purple Mash.
2. Complete the 'Conversation Task'.
- Can you predict what the characters might say next to each other? How do Ellie and Seb explain themselves? How do the scientists react? Are any of them cross?
Remember to use a new line for each speaker and also speech marks.
1. Read Chapter 4 of the 'Sleeping Volcano' on Purple Mash.
2. Complete the multiple choice online quiz.
3. Complete the sequencing task.
Extension: Complete the Open Ended Questions.
I am not going to send any more separate group spellings for this week or next but I am instead attaching the Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling and Common Exception words for you to practise at home between now and next year. I am also attaching the High Frequency Words for those of you who need to work on these!
This week I would like you to follow the link to the BBC Bitesize Homelearning. You will be listening to pieces of music that together make up the 'Seasons' by a composer called 'Vivaldi'. After you have listened to them, do create a lovely picture inspired by the music.
Today we will learn about the festival of 'Holi'. Please follow the link to the BBC Bitesize page about this festival. It will tell you what and when the festival is and how and why it is celebrated.
I have set a purple mash task also for you to do for Holi.
Wednesday 8th July- Home Learning
Hello Class 3, I hope you had a good day yesterday. Did any of you try the colourful celery or flowers? I’d love to see your creations if you did. It was nice to see the sun again yesterday. I hope it continues today although I’m not sure it will. We have been doing art this week in school and my bubble did some lovely Pointillism pictures. We also started creating a piece of art that has started in sections and eventually it is going to be put together to make one big picture. I’ll send you a link to try at home if you would like to, although there are 20 pieces that have to be coloured to do it! Here is your learning for today….
Can I add and subtract the mass of different objects?
We are continuing with our work on mass this week. I hope you have been working through it well. The children in school found the work easier yesterday and are understanding how to convert g into kg more easily. I hope you are too. Remember that 1,000g = 1kg.
There is a learning clip that goes with this work.
Watch the clip and then complete the white rose sheets. As previously, I will also attach the differentiated classroom secrets fluency sheets and an extension. |
All of the notes that you have written can now be used to help you write a short, written description.
We are going to use the same process for your very own setting that you are about to make for your Foodimal!
Using the sheets provided, I would like you to draw your setting for your character before writing down notes on what you can smell, see, hear and feel.
Want a fun challenge that links with our Foodimals English? Well, here you go!
Lemon Juice Invisible Ink Messages!
Are there any budding spies in the family?
This simple experiment allows you to send secret messages with just a lemon, and see the effects of an oxidisation reaction.
What you'll need:
What to do:
Top tips:
Finally, as I mentioned earlier, in class we are making a Chuck Close Portrait. The one we are doing is Batman but you can choose which ever one you like. All the instructions are included on the webpage and if you click on the picture at the bottom that you want to create then all the sections will be downloaded. Good luck!
Remember there are 20 pieces that make up one big picture so there is lots of colouring to do! It could be a project for you to do over the summer and you could show us in September. Here is the link.....
Tuesday 7th July- Home Learning
Good morning lovelies, how are you all? I hope you had a good day yesterday. Did you like the English lesson? The children in school really enjoyed it and want to watch Cloudy with a chance of meatballs now! Did you come up with some weird and wonderful creatures? Did any of you make them out of food? I hope so and they were delicious! Here is your learning for today......
Can I compare the mass of objects?
We will be continuing our work on mass today. I hope you all got on ok yesterday. Some of the children found it hard to read the scales. It will help you to use scales at home if you have some. See if you can estimate the weight of different foods at home and then see if you were correct! Are some objects heavier or lighter than you expected them to be? There is a learning clip that goes with this work.
Watch the clip and then complete the white rose sheets. As previously, I will also attach the differentiated classroom secrets fluency sheets and an extension. |
How did you find making your Foodimals yesterday? I can only imagine some of your weird and wonderful creations that you may have come up with. For today’s lesson, you will need a copy of your chosen Foodimals that you created yesterday.
Begin the lesson by answering the following question: What made your Foodimals successful? Was it that the words sounded good together or the fact that it sounded funny to hear? Perhaps it was that you could picture the Foodimal in your head. Think carefully about why exactly the name and idea works.
Today, you will need to pick your favourite Foodimal as we will be beginning to develop it’s character.
Have a think about your character and try answering the questions below. Remember to think carefully about your responses, a big amount of a person’s character comes from lots of smaller details.
Once you have thought about them, record your ideas on the worksheet below. Once you have finished, you can draw your Foodimal ready for tomorrow's lesson. I have also attached the powerpoint with the above pictures if it helps.
Can I understand how a stem works?
Our lesson today combines our English again with our Science. It is a home learning task from ‘My Lunch is Alive!’ Follow the following plan and can you create some colourful celery! You can also try this with flowers too. If you have a white flower can you turn the petals a different colour?
Monday 6th July- Home Learning
Hello Class 3,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. We've made it to the last 2 weeks of term! I wonder if it feels like it has gone quickly for you? I'm feeling sad that we haven't been able to do all the fun things we had planned for this term. I'm sure you are able to do lots of fun things with your families. Have you all started to make plans yet for the summer holidays? I'd love to hear about them if you have. I hope you enjoy the home learning for this week. Here is today's.....
Can I measure mass?
In our final 2 weeks of term you will be learning about mass and capacity. We haven't covered this yet during Year 3 but you will have learnt about it in Year 1 & 2. Please let me know if you are struggling and I will send you the Year 2 sheets. There are also tasks to do on MyMaths. As always, I will attach the White Rose sheets and the Classroom Secrets ones which are slightly easier if you choose the first level. There are video links too for each lesson. Here is today's link; |
Next step:
How many different combinations did you come up with?!
Instead of Science today perhaps you could have some family fun by making your own foodimals! You could try the Fruit Cockatiel, Cantalope or Flamango featured in the film! This is a great way to learn about new fruits and vegetables, as well as practise kitchen skills, and get creative!
What you'll need:
* A selection of fruit and vegetables
* Kitchen utensils
* Cocktail sticks
What to do:
* Plan how you will make your foodimal first, so that you don't waste food! Perhaps look at what you already have in the house so you don't have to go out and buy anything especially.
* Carefully, with the help of an adult, cut pieces of the fruit and vegetables to make the different parts of the animal.
* Use cocktail sticks to join together the pieces of food.
* Take a photo to record your animal.
* Recycle your animals into a delicious fruit salad or tasty vegetable soup.
Top Tips:
Black-eyed beans, olives grapes or currants make great eyes! For inspiration, think about the shape and colour of the inside as well as the outside of the fruit and vegetables.
Dear Class 3,
I hope you are all well and have had a great week? It is great to be in July now and nearly at the end of term! You are all working so hard at home and I am really proud of you. I know it is not easy so well done.
I hope you enjoy your home-leaning this week and have a fantastic weekend.
Take care,
Mrs Johnstonx
This week will be our last lessons on Time before we move to Mass and Capacity next week and the week after. Do please continue to practise reading analogue and digital clocks so that you are confident for your work in Year 4!
'Can I find durations of time?'
SC: Use an analogue clock to help you and move the hands around the clock
Count round the clock numbers in 5's and add on the extra minutes
Draw a number line to count on or back from one time to another
1. Please watch the short video called 'Elapsed Time'. It teaches how to work out how much time has passed between one time and another using an analogue clock and a number line.
2. Read and complete the activities in the Powerpoint about Durations of Time. Do this SLOWLY so that you can think carefully.
3. Complete the White Rose Worksheet on Time Durations attached.
Mild Level: Complete the Year 2 Time Durations Worksheet. (Note: The Year 3 one is quite tricky. I would recommend doing the Year 2 one first if you feel unsure and unhappy. Then you can move to the Year 3 one afterwards!).
Can I compare time durations?
SC: Use an analogue clock to help you visualise the times.
Count round the clock in 5's and add the extra minutes.
Draw a number line to help you count from one time to another or back.
Use these symbols to compare <>=
1. Watch the Time Duration Video to remind you how to use a number line to find time durations.
2. Read and take part in the Powerpoint on Comparing Time Durations.
3. Complete the White Rose Maths Sheet attached.
Mild: Again, please find the Year 2 Comparing Times work for easier work. Please do not be afraid to use this to build your confidence.
1. Complete the Purple Mash Time Activity.
2. Please find the link to an interactive analogue clock activity where you can set clocks and explore time duration.
3. My Maths has more time lessons to support you on this.
We have just enough time to read another Purple Mash Story before the end of term. I like setting you these because there are some activities where I can see how you are all doing. If you are finding them far too tricky, there are easier stories on Purple Mash: Serial Mash: Diamonds. Our story this time is called 'The Sleeping Volcano' and is extremely exciting! I chose it partly because we thought a little about volcanoes when you studied Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii.
1. Read the Chapter 1.
2. 'Can I collect information from what I am reading?'
SC: Print the story in PDF or open it on your computer.
Find the key words about volcanoes.
Underline or highlight the words and information.
I would like you to complete the 'Volcano Information' task on your 'To Do' in Purple Mash.
You need to describe as much as you can about the features of a volcano using your reading from chapter 1. The 'Think About' box on the left gives you key words to talk about. Find these in your reading and see if you can find the explanations. Underline what you find and then you can copy that into your 'Volcano Information' Piece.
You can also find out more facts from books and the internet if you wish and put these in too!
Note: Some of you like to handwrite information instead so do please feel free to present this differently if you like but remember to send it to me to mark.
1. Read the Chapter 2.
2. Complete the multiple choice quiz.
3. Complete the attached sequencing activity.
Extension: Complete the Open Ended Questions.
Today we will use the BBC Ten Pieces Home Learning Activity. This uses a piece of music by Gabriel Prokofiev called 'Concerto for Turntables and Orchestra'.
1. Follow the link below and watch the two videos. The first is about the music and the second is all about creating a table top dance!!! Make sure you join in and replay the video if you want to try again.
2. Picture: Try creating a picture with felt tips/crayons/paints using the movements and shapes that you created when you watched the second video. You can listen to the music again while you create your picture. (The link to the full recording of this piece is also below)
Today we will continue to learn about the Diwali Festival, how it is celebrated, why and what it means to Hindus. We will also explore the Rangoli Pattern.
1. Watch the video on Diwali by following the link to the BBC site.
2. Create a Rangoli pattern in Purple Mash. I have set one for a 'to do'.
Wednesday 1st July- Home Learning
Good morning lovelies. I can’t believe we have got to July! Another month of not being together! I hope you are all ok. Did you manage to get outside at all yesterday? It was very miserable wasn’t it. Lets hope today is a bit better! Here is your home learning…….
Can I recognise and describe 3D shapes?
We will be revisiting some work this week that you did previously in Year 3, 3D shapes. There is a learning clip that goes with this work.
Watch the clip and then complete the white rose sheets. As previously, I will also attach the differentiated classroom secrets fluency sheets and an extension. |
Times Tables
Please practise your times tables like last time. If you got full marks last week and you are ready to move onto the next table then please move yourself up and well done! Here is the website as a reminder.
I am also attaching the sheets that we use in class if you wish to use them instead.
Can I check the meaning of new words?
We are continuing our work on book reviews this week. Today I have set a 2Do, Book Dictionary. You will be thinking of words that you have read in your book that you don’t know or you’re not sure of the meaning. Can you make a dictionary of those words to explain their meaning? How is a dictionary organised? There is a useful BBC Bitesize lesson you might want to do first that will remind you of how to use a dictionary. Here is the link;
You don’t need to do the activities from the lesson unless you wish to. Can you complete your dictionary now on Purplemash?
Can I talk about my family and hobbies in French?
There is a lesson on BBC Bitesize for you today for your French. Here is the link;
Can you watch the clips and read the information. Then complete activities 1 & 2. I have attached them here.
Tuesday 30th June- Home Learning
Hello Class 3, I hope you had a good day yesterday. It was a bit windy at school so we all felt a bit cold all day. I had a couple of emails asking me to continue uploading The Christmasaurus so I am more than happy to do that. There is a song from the latest chapter too which actually has a music video that goes with it so I will upload that too. Here is your home learning for today…….
Can I Recognise and Describe 2D Shapes?
We will be revisiting some work this week that you did previously in Year 3, 2D shapes. There is a learning clip that goes with this work.
Watch the clip and then complete the white rose sheets. As previously, I will also attach the differentiated classroom secrets fluency sheets and an extension. |
Can I write a letter to a character?
We are continuing our work on book reviews this week by thinking about characters from your books. You might want to think about a character from the book that you used yesterday for your book review or another book. You need to think about your character and what they like to do. Would you want to ask them any questions? Is there any advice you could give your character, perhaps something has happened to them and you want to help them? What would you do if you were in the same situation as your character?
There is a 2Do on Purple Mash that I would like you to do, Letter to a Character. Can you write a letter to one of your characters?
There is a useful lesson on BBC Bitesize that might help you think about characters and the different ways authors write about them to help us imagine what they are like.
Watch the first 2 clips but you don’t have to do the activities unless you would like to. I look forward to reading your letters.
Can I understand what Pointillism is?
The art today is based on the art style called Pointillism. You are going to try and create your own. This could be using pencils, pens, paint or even on the computer. There is YouTube video that will tell you all about it and it has an idea of a piece of pointillism art that you might like to try. I have also added a 2Do on Purple Mash where you could create your art work too. It is up to you how you want to create it. I look forward to seeing your wonderful creations!
Monday 29th June
Good morning, how are you all? I hope you had a good weekend. I have had a quiet one just doing some gardening in-between the rain and the wind! It was great to see some of you on Wednesday during our zoom call. It was so nice to hear what you have all been doing and seeing you, even if it was just on the screen! Please do stay in touch with us. I have stopped uploading the recordings of The Christmasaurus because I noticed that the last few videos didn't have any views. If you still want me to do this though please let me know. Here is your home learning for today.
Can I draw accurately?
We will be revisiting some work this week that you did previously in Year 3, drawing accurately. There is a learning clip that goes with this work. |
Watch the clip and then complete the white rose sheets. As previously, I will also attach the differentiated classroom secrets fluency sheets and an extension. |
Can I write a book review?
This week our English is going to be centered around books you have read during lockdown and writing book reviews. I'd love to hear about any books that you've been reading. To start the week there is a BBC Bitesize lesson to work through. Here is the link;
Watch the clip and read all the information, then complete activities 1 & 2. For activity 3, I would like you to write a book review based on something that you have been reading during lockdown. You can either use the book review from the website that I have attached or I have set a 2Do that is a blank book review. I look forward to reading them and hearing all about the books that you've read.
Can I classify different parts of plants?
Today, you are going to be learning about which different parts of plants that we eat. You will look at different fruits and vegetables and classifying them as to which parts of a plant they are. There is a clip to watch first to help you;
If you have some vegetables at home it would help to look at them to be able to see the different parts of a plant. Perhaps you could even draw them. You could fill in the sheet that I have attached or just write the different plants in your homework book. I have also attached a help sheet with the answers for your parents if it helps! It is on page 2 of the document. There are also a couple of games included in the document you might want to play.
Dear Class 3,
Hello! Happy Thursday and Friday! I hope you are all not feeling too hot already and managed to sleep alright in the heat! The temperature did not drop below a cool summer day temperature so that's incredible! Watch out for Friday though as I believe we are in for a few thunderstorms!!
It was so so lovely to see those of you at home on the class zoom yesterday. I have missed being able to see your happy faces and hear your lovely voices so it really made my day.
You all sound like you have been keeping extremely busy especially in the gardening and cooking department. FantasticI have to admit, I haven't really done much gardening at all. Gardening is not my favourite activity!! I do like cooking though and have done some of this. Today I decided that my dog could do with a deep clean and so I took the opportunity of the hot weather and gave him a shampoo and hose down in the garden. He now looks very shiny and smart and smells lovely. I changed into my swimming costume to do this as I always also get wet! I had been so hot earlier that I asked my 8 yr old boy to hose me down too!!
Here is the learning for the next few days. Please be aware that the school website is going to be changed and upgraded on Friday so please read the information for Friday before then and print anything from the page that you need in advance!
Take Care,
Mrs Johnstonx
This week we will continue with our time learning.
Today we will reinforce our learning on the 24 hour clock and converting digital and analogue times. It is a very difficult idea and I want you to have another go at thinking about this! You will also need to see some Roman Numeral Clocks.
'Can I understand the 24 hour clock and change between analogue and digital times?
SC: An analogue clock goes round the clock 2x in a day. Am and Pm
A 24 hour clock counts up to 24 hours. (2 x the 12 hours on an analogue)
To find the digital time in the afternoon: Add the hour of the day to 12
eg. 6pm = 12+6 = 18 So the time is 18:00
1. I have included a Roman Numeral Clock face below for you to look at. Can you match the Roman numerals with the numbers on a normal clock face?
2. Watch and complete the slideshow on the 24 hour clock conversions.
Also watch the video below too. (I have been having problems with opening the PPT so the video will help you also).
3. Go to Purple Mash and complete the 2 time 'to dos' set. One is a quiz style and the second one is a game (make sure you are concentrating!).
Optional: I also attach a clock conversion activity should you wish to do this in addition to the purple mash or instead of.
Today we will use My Maths to have a lesson and to complete some activities. We will be learning about seconds, minutes and hours.
'Can I use seconds, minutes and hours to talk about time?'
SC: I know that there are 60 seconds in a minute.
I know there are 60 minutes in an hour.
I know there are 24 hours in a day.
1. Follow the link to the My Maths lesson (Y3 Telling The Time 2- if the link doesn't work, go to webpage, log in and find the lesson in the measurement section on the left of the homepage).
Complete the lesson and all the activities within the lesson.
2. Complete the time homework I have set in my maths for you.
3. Extension/Optional: I attach a worksheet on seconds in a minute.
We will finish our 'Sheep Dip to India' book on Purple Mash this week. We only have Chapter 7 left!
1. Read Chapter 7 on the 'to do'.
2. Complete the multiple choice quiz on the 'to do'.
3. Complete the sequencing task attached.
4. Challenge: Answer the open ended questions on the chapter.
Today I would like you to write a book review about 'Sheep Dip to India'. You can complete this in Purple Mash (it is set as a 'to do') or if you prefer, you can create a paper version and send me a copy!
Steps to Success: Tell me briefly what the story is about.
What type of story is? (Adventure, comedy, fantasy?)
Do you like the story? Why?
What are your favourite parts? Why?
Which parts do you like least?
There are some more ideas on the purple mash 'think about' section to help you too.
Today we will learn a little more about what happens at the festival of Diwali for a Hindu family.
1. Watch the short video and listen carefully to the information about a Diya lamp.
2. Create your own Diya Lamp on purple mash. Or if you wish, you can create your own lamp with real paints or colours or even make one with clay if you have any!
Please learn about duration and tempo on the BBC page below.
Wednesday 23rd June- Home Learning
Hello Class 3, I hope you had a good day yesterday and you have been enjoying the lovely sunshine. I can’t wait to see you in our zoom meeting today. Have you all thought of something to say to us? We will be starting at 10am so make sure you are ready for us to start as we won’t be able to wait. Here is your home learning…….
Can I understand what horizontal and vertical means?
We will be revisiting some work this week that you did previously in Year 3, horizontal and vertical lines. There is a learning clip that goes with this work.
Watch the clip and then complete the white rose sheets. As previously, I will also attach the differentiated classroom secrets fluency sheets and an extension. |
Times Tables
Please practise your times tables like last time. If you got full marks last week and you are ready to move onto the next table then please move yourself up and well done! Here is the website as a reminder.
I am also attaching the sheets that we use in class if you wish to use them instead.
We will continue with what you have been doing all week. I hope you liked the work. The English is coming from the website, The Literacy Shed, which we have used previously in class. They have short films to watch and then activities to do as a follow up. This is the website if you want to have a look at what else there is to offer.
The children may recognise the clip 'Broken' which we've looked at before in class.
I had a good look at the different packs and you are welcome to try any of them but the one that I am going to suggest is called Catch It, which I will attach all the details for here. It is a fun clip about some meerkats, which I thought you would enjoy. The pack that I have attached has 10 different activities to do in response to the clip. You can pick any of them to do over the next 3 days. There are a few maths activities to do too if you wish to. You could print the booklet or just write in your books. I'd love it if you could send me some of your work on Purplemash. Let me know if you enjoy the work and we could do another pack another week if you want to. Here are all the details.
Can I use contours, keys and symbols to improve map-reading skills?
We are going to use another Bitesize lesson for our Geography today. Here is the link;
You will be learning how to use contours, keys and symbols to improve map-reading skills.Watch the clips and read all the information. Then complete activities 1 & 2. I will attach activity 2 here.
Tuesday 23rd June
Hello Class 3, I hope you had a good day yesterday. Did you manage to register yourself on Google Classroom? So far four children have signed up to it. The key worker children in school had another look at it and enjoyed completing the All About Me assignment and also had a brief look at The Amazon Rainforest. I hope you have a good day today. Here is your home learning…….
Can I compare angles?
We will be revisiting some work this week that you did previously in Year 3, comparing angles. There is a learning clip that goes with this work.
Watch the clip and then complete the white rose sheets. As previously, I will also attach the differentiated classroom secrets fluency sheets and an extension. |
We will continue with what you were doing yesterday. I hope you liked the work. The English is coming from the website, The Literacy Shed, which we have used previously in class. They have short films to watch and then activities to do as a follow up. This is the website if you want to have a look at what else there is to offer.
The children may recognise the clip 'Broken' which we've looked at before in class.
I had a good look at the different packs and you are welcome to try any of them but the one that I am going to suggest is called Catch It, which I will attach all the details for here. It is a fun clip about some meerkats, which I thought you would enjoy. The pack that I have attached has 10 different activities to do in response to the clip. You can pick any of them to do over the next 3 days. There are a few maths activities to do too if you wish to. You could print the booklet or just write in your books. I'd love it if you could send me some of your work on Purplemash. Let me know if you enjoy the work and we could do another pack another week if you want to. Here are all the details.
Our art/DT today will incorporate our work on the jungle and rainforest that we are doing in school. You have a couple of options you may choose to do.
You can either choose to do a drawing of an animal or make one. There are some great videos that give you step by step instructions of how to draw something so I thought you might like to try that. Here is the website:
There are lots of different ideas you could choose. Draw the picture whilst watching the video. I’d love to see some of them so perhaps you could take a picture and send it to me.
Or you could make an animal. All the ideas use a paper plate so you will need one to be able to do these. Here are some ideas that you could try. Here is the website with step by step instructions for some of them.
Monday 22nd June
Good morning Class 3, I hope you have all had a good weekend. Did you all spoil your dad's yesterday? I hope so! We have had a busy but very lovely weekend. I had a great day with my family on Sunday. We had a delivery of an afternoon tea from a local baker for my husband, dad and father in law, which we were able to enjoy in our garden. It was so lovely to have my family together. My brother also came to visit us from Norfolk and we haven't seen him since February. It was so lovely to be reunited, even though I couldn't give him a hug. Have any of you managed to see family that you haven't seen in person for a long time? Personally, I feel the lockdown has made us all appreciate our loved ones much more. My daughter should have finished school on Friday and had her prom as she is in Year 11. She felt a bit sad so she had a mini party with 3 friends in the garden. It was great to see her so happy with her friends again. Have you had anything cancelled in the last few months?
I'm really looking forward to our zoom call on Wednesday. It will be amazing to see your faces again. I will also be sending you details about Google Classroom this week. There will be an assigment on there that you may wish to complete and send to me. The All About Me one is much easier than the Rainforest one. It will be good for you to have a play around with Google Classroom to see what you can do. If you have any questions, problems then please email to ask for help.
Our theme in school this week, as chosen by our bubble, is The Jungle/Rainforest. I will add some of the activities we are doing in class to the class page.
Here is your home learning for this week.....
Can I identify right angles in shapes?
We will be revisiting some work this week that you did previously in Year 3, looking at right angles in shapes. There is a learning clip that goes with this work.
Watch the clip and then complete the white rose sheets. As previously, I will also attach the differentiated classroom secrets fluency sheets and an extension. |
I have something new for you to try this week that I've read lots of positive things about so I hope you like it. The English is coming from the website, The Literacy Shed, which we have used previously in class. They have short films to watch and then acitivties to do as a follow up. This is the website if you want to have a look at what else there is to offer.
The children may recognise the clip 'Broken' which we've looked at before in class.
I had a good look at the different packs and you are welcome to try any of them but the one that I am going to suggest is called Catch It, which I will attach all the details for here. It is a fun clip about some meerkats, which I thought you would enjoy. The pack that I have attached has 10 different activities to do in responspe to the clip. You can pick any of them to do over the next 3 days. There are a few maths acitivities to do too if you wish to. You could print the booklet or just write in your books. I'd love it if you could send me some of your work on Purplemash. Let me know if you enjoy the work and we could do another pack another week if you want to. Here are all the details.
Can I understand what a food chain is?
We are using a lesson from BBC bitesize today about food chains. Everything you need is on the page here......
There are some great clips to watch and quizzes to do based on the clips.
I have also added a 2Do to explain what food chains are but you don't have to do this, it is only if you wish to.
Dear Class 3,
I hope you are all well and have managed not to either melt in the heat or drown in a flash rain storm!! It was my dog's birthday on Wednesday (today as I write this) and he is now 3 years old! He has had a very happy birthday with plenty of new toys and delicious treats and a magnitude of fuss! His walk could have been better as I didn't have time for a long one (not to mention the crashes of thunder all around) so we will need to give him an extra long one on Saturday for his special birthday treat!
I hope you enjoy your home learning this week. I think I may be a little behind with some of my Purple Mash marking and emails so if you are waiting for a message, you should receive one tomorrow or Friday!
Take Care,
Mrs Johnstonx
'Can I understand AM and PM times?
SC: AM = Morning (Ante Meridiem-before midday)
PM= Afternoon (Post Meridiem -after midday)
Does this activity happen in the morning or afternoon?
1. Watch the video showing you about AM and PM and how you record the time.
2. Watch and complete the powerpoint video to help you practise AM and PM.
3. Medium/Hot: Complete the White Rose Worksheet.
Mild: Complete the Easy Support Sheet.
Challenge: Complete the problem solving task.
'Can I understand and read times on the 24 hour clock?'
SC: There are 24 hours in a day (2 x round the 12 hour analogue clock)
To work out times after midday do 12 + number of hours.
eg. 4pm = 12 + 4 = 16:00
1. Watch and complete the videos and activities on the BBC Bitesize link below.
2. Watch and complete the powerpoint on the 24 hour clock.
3. Complete the White Rose Maths Sheet.
Extra Practice: Play 'Telling The Time' on Topmarks. Follow the link below.
When you play 1. Choose the level you feel comfortable with eg. nearest minute
2. Tick the 24 hour clock button.
Mild Level: If all of the above is too challenging please complete the 'Hours In a Day' sheet.
We will continue with our Purple Mash Story 'A Sheep Dip to India' chapters 5 and 6!
1. Read Chapter 5 set as a 'to do' on Purple Mash. Remember to print this if you will find it helpful.
2. Complete the Online Multiple Choice Questions set as a 'to do'.
3. Complete the Sequencing task attached.
Challenge: Complete the open- ended questions attached. Do send back your answers to me to look at and mark!
1. Read Chapter 6 set as a 'to do'.
2. Complete the character profile task called 'William' set as a 'to do'.
Steps to Success: Use the headings in the 'think about' box to help you organise your
ideas into each section.
Click on the 'Think About Sections' and the ideas to help you.
Answer the questions in the 'Think About' to write your ideas.
Remember to give plenty of examples from the story to support
your opinions.
Learn about melody and pitch on the BBC Bitesize link. Watch the video and complete the activity.
Can I learn about the Hindu festival of Diwali?
We began to learn a little about this festival last week when we learnt about the origins of the festival in the story of Rama and Sita.
Today we are going to watch 2 videos to help us know more:
1. Watch the video called 'Diwali and New Beginnings'.
2. Watch the video called 'The Diwali Festival and its significance'.
3. If you fancy, make a Diwali Paper Lantern using the proforma and instructions attached. Do send me a picture of your lantern. I would love to see it!!
Wednesday 17th June- Home Learning
Hello Class 3, I hope you had a good day yesterday. We managed to avoid most of the rain at school luckily! Although, I think the parents got a bit wet when they picked up their children. I hope you are all ok, please let us know if we can do anything to further support your home learning. Here is your home learning for today…….
Can I interpret and present data?
This is our final lesson on statistics today. You are going to be experts! I hope you got on well with the work yesterday on tables. I discovered the key worker children had forgotten how to do column subtraction when they had to use that for one of the questions! I have some Reasoning and Problem Solving questions for you to do first and then there are two 2Dos on Purple Mash. Interpreting block graphs and Solving questions using charts. I hope you like them. If you finish these quickly then perhaps you could do the extension from yesterday if you didn’t do it then. Also, remember there are lots of tasks on My Maths to do.
Times Tables
Please practise your times tables like last time. If you got full marks last week and you are ready to move onto the next table then please move yourself up and well done! Here is the website as a reminder.
I am also attaching the sheets that we use in class if you wish to use them instead.
Can I use onomatopoeia words to write a poem?
We are continuing our work on poetry today. Thank you to those of you that sent me your poems yesterday. They were lovely to read. We are going to write a sound poem today using onomatopoeia words. Please use the following lesson from BBC Bitesize-
You could also:
I have attached a word mat of some examples of onomatopoeia words.
Do you want to enter a competition? Purple mash have set up a competition to design a game! If you look on the home page you will see it on the right hand side of the page- Games Design Competition! If you click on the link it tells you all the details about what you can do. The competition ends on Friday 26th June. There are various Purple mash tools you can use to enter the competition including two music tools which I know you have used with Mrs Johnston. You can enter the competition by posting it on the display boards within the competition. I will attach all the details on here too. Lewis has already made a maze which is brilliant. Perhaps you could email him and ask him to send it to you so you can play it! Good luck!
Tuesday 16th June- Home Learning
Hello Class 3, I hope you had a good day yesterday. Did you do the nature walk or plant anything? We wanted planted our sunflower seeds and went on a nature trail around the school field. The children found lots of creatures and feathers. Did anyone find an bones or fossils?!! I would be very interested to hear. Please send me some photos. It was lovely to have the sun out again. I hope you have a good day today. Here is your home learning for today…….
Can I interpret and present data using a table?
We are continuing our work on statistics this week with looking at a table. You should be experts now at this after using pictograms and bar charts. I’ve enjoyed seeing your graphs on Purplemash, well done. There is a clip on the BBC website that will be useful for you to watch first. See it here-
Then, can you have a go at the White Rose maths sheets? Just like last week, if you find
these sheets a bit tricky then have a look at the classroom secrets ones instead.
Can I write a poem?
We are continuing our work on exploring poetry today. I hope you were all able to write the sentences yesterday about standing in your garden at night time. I thought I would share with you some of the sentences that were written yesterday by some children. I was particularly impressed with Rocco’s….
1. The bright stars are shining in the pitch black night.
2. The orange fox sits on the roof of the shed looking for his dinner.
3. A dog howling, calling for other dogs to join in his chorus.
4.A pair of big round googly eyes staring at me from the trees, watching
5.Headlights of a car lighting up the garden as it drives off.
6 The street lamp making shadows on the side of the house.
and Eva's
They wrote such descriptive sentences with very ambitious adjectives and verbs. I was particularly impressed with Eva's similes too.
Today, you are going to turn your sentences into a poem! Here is the bitesize lesson from yesterday if you need it -
Have a look at the poem 'Silver' on the webpage to see a great example.
You will be doing activity 4.
Success Criteria
Remember- Poems can rhyme but they don’t have to!
I have added a 2Do called Poem if you would like to write it on Purplemash to send it to me. I can’t wait to read them!
Our art today will incorporate our work on nature in school and our topic of plants in Science. I would like you to sketch a plant specimen and I have attached a powerpoint to explain how to do this. It includes step by step stages of how to sketch it. If possible, I would like your plant
specimen to have roots but I don’t want you digging up your garden! Please make sure you check with your parents first! Perhaps you could just draw a flower with a stem if you can’t dig anything up.
After you’ve finished drawing and colouring it in, perhaps you could label it and explain the different functions of the plant, like the example in the powerpoint. I’d love to see some of your pictures if you could send them to me please.
I hope you enjoy your learning today
Good morning Class 3, I hope you are all ok and you had a good weekend. It was lovely to see the sunshine back again and I spent lots of time in my garden. It is great to see all our hard work during lockdown beginning to bloom now. Thank you to those children/parents who emailed Mrs Johnston or I last week or submitted work to us. It really is so lovely to hear from you or see your work and we'd love to receive more. Our theme in school this week is Nature so I will set you some of the work that we are going to be doing in class. Take care and I miss you all. xxx
Here is your leanring for today......
Can I interpret and present data using a bar chart?
We are continuing our work from Wednesday on bar charts. I hope you managed it ok. Today, I would like you to do the Reasoning and Problem Solving problems pictured below.
After that I have set a 2do for you on Purplemash- 2Graph. It is a graph that you can produce yourself. It has a chart that you can add information to and then you can choose one of the graphs to see it presented, please choose one of the bar charts. Similar to your pictogram, I would like you to decide what you would like your graph to present and ask a question, such as ‘What is your favourite animal?’ Think of a different question to last week. Can you add your question to the top of your work, where it says 'Chart Title?' Ask as many people as you can, your family, email some friends on Purplemash. If you can’t ask people just make it up!
You could even give someone a challenge and ask some questions about your bar chart. If you send me your bar charts with your questions then I will post some on the class page for you to answer. Enjoy!
Can I learn how to write a poem?
This week we are going to be exploring poetry by learning how to write a poem, different types of poetry and eventually writing our own poem. I would like you to start with todays BBC Bitesize lesson on poetry-
Read all the information and watch the clip. Once you have read it all then complete activities 1 & 2. I have attached activity 2. Finally, can you do activity 3. Can you make your setences as descriptive as possible? Can you include ambitious adjectives and verbs and some alliteration? Remember to think about your senses when you are writing them, what can you see, hear, smell and feel around?
You don't need to do activity 4 as we will be continuing with this on Tuesday. If you would like to send me your sentences, I would love to see them.
Can I explain what a plant needs to live?
Do the following powerpoint to see how much you know about plants- 3 strikes and your out! Do you remember doing these at school before? How many can you get correct? Good luck......
As I mentioned before, our theme this week is 'Nature.' To start this off at school we are going to be planting sunflower seeds today. I would love it if you could plant something too if you haven't already done something like this during lockdown. At school we will be keeping a close eye on our sunflowers and will be looking to see how much they grow over the coming weeks. We will be filling in a plant diary on Purplemash to record how it groes. Can you do the same? I have added this 2Do on Purplemash- Plant diary.
There is a good BBC bitesize clip that you might want to watch to remind you of what plants need to live. and
What does your plant need to be able to grow?
Dear Class 3,
I am very sorry that you will not have the opportunity to return to school before September. I am missing you all a great deal! I hope you are all well and managing alright with your home learning and home activities? I enjoy marking your work on purple mash and am also enjoying all the work and photos some of you are sending in for us to see. Do remember that you can email on Purple Mash. We may not be able to see you, but we can email each other!! Do please continue to send us messages.
I managed to visit my parents last Saturday in Bristol. It was very windy and cold and as we had to stay in their garden at all times - I was freezing!! However, I was desperate to see them and it was well worth the weather and the long drive there and back in one day!
I hope you enjoy your learning for the end of the week and have a fabulous weekend.
Take care,
Mrs Johnstonx
This week, many of us will be learning to tell the time to the minute. However, I am aware that some of you may still be trying to learn time to the 5 minutes so I will include 2 way differentiated work for you to choose from for these days.
Hot/Medium: Can I tell the time to the nearest minute on an analogue clock?
Steps to Success: Is the minute hand on the past or to side of the clock?
Count round the clock from the 12 in 5's right or left.
Count on the extra minutes.
Mild: Can I tell the time to the 5 minutes on an analogue clock?
Steps to Success: Is the minute hand on the past or to side of the clock?
Count round the clock from 12 in 5's right or left.
1. Watch the video showing you how to work out the time.
Note: It also shows you how to work out the digital time which is useful to know and helpful for understanding how many minutes have passed. Take care to only use 'to' and 'past' times in your work today.
2. Cut out the cards in the 'Telling the time matching game' and match the clock faces with the written times.
1. Watch the videos from last week and/or try the My Maths lessons from last week.
2. Play the 'Bang on Time' game. (It is possible to play the game on preview without having to install).
3. Complete the attached 'diving into mastery' time to the 5 minutes.
1. Watch and complete the activities in the Powerpoint Video. It plays quickly so keep pausing the video to answer the questions (I had to save the PPT in this format - never done this before- so I hope it works!).
2. Complete the White Rose Maths Worksheet.
Mild (Time the the 5 minutes)
1. Watch and complete the activities in the Powerpoint Video. It plays quickly so keep pausing the video to answer the question.
2. Complete the Mastery to the 5 minute task.
We will continue with 'A Sheep Dig to India' from Purple Mash.
1. Read Chapter 3 on your 'to do' list.
2. Complete the 'Conversation' task between William and his new friend.
Steps to Success: Use the 'think about' box to help you with your ideas.
Write direct speech on a new line.
Start a new line for each character.
1. Read Chapter 4 on your 'to do' list.
2. Complete the multiple choice questions Remember to print out the story if you find it hard to remember all the anwers to the questions. Use the text to help you answer.
3. Complete the sequencing activity.
Challenge: Complete the deeper thinking questions on the chapter.
Today we will use a BBC Ten Pieces Home Learning Activity.
Please follow the link to the BBC Ten Pieces Home Learning Page.
We will be using this weeks learning to:
'Learn and Perform Cuban rhythms inspired by Bernstein's 'Mambo'.
This will be fun!!!
Today we will learn about the Hindu Story of Rama and Sita. We will also learn about how this story is important in the celebration of a major Hindu festival called 'Diwali'.
Follow the link to the BBC Bitesize page for your learning.
I am always relaxed by the outdoors and the wonders of nature. Try to go out to a quiet spot and calmly listen and watch everything around you! You will be surprised what you see!
Try also watching the video below from Springwatch. If the weather is bad this at least will allow you to watch and listen to nature!!!
Hello Class 3,
I hope you are all well and had a good day yesterday. I was very sad to hear the news that it is looking unlikely that you will all be able to come back to school before September. I hope you are all ok. If there is anything that you need from us to support you any further then please let us know either by emailing the school which can be forwarded on to us or email on Purplemash or call the school.
Did you do any of the Wellbeing activities? We had some lovely paperchains made in school and yesterday we made origami dogs. Here is a link and perhaps you could have a go.
Here is the learning for today.
Can I interpret and present data using a bar chart?
We are continuing our work on statistics this week with looking at a bar chart today. There is a clip on the BBC website that will be useful for you to watch first. See it here-
Then, can you have a go at the White Rose maths sheets? Just like on Monday, if you find these sheets a bit tricky then have a look at the classroom secrets ones instead.
Times Tables
Please practise your times tables like last time. If you got full marks last week and you are ready to move onto the next table then please move yourself up and well done! Here is the website as a reminder.
I am also attaching the sheets that we use in class if you wish to use them instead.
Can I edit my report?
How did you get on with your reports yesterday? I enjoyed seeing lots of them on Purplemash. If you haven’t finished your report I would like you to do that first.
I would like you to go back to make sure you have obeyed all the rules of a report and tick off the features you have used. Is it written formally with important facts about Badgers? Each part of your plan should be in each paragraph. Here is a reminder of the rules.
Report rules
Once you have edited your report I would like you to write two things that you really like about your report and one thing that you would like to improve next time you write a report. This could be a feature that you forgot to include.
If you would prefer an alternative to this lesson of editing your report then you could always look at BBC Bitesize and yesterdays lesson would be useful of looking at dictionaries.
Much earlier in the term I gave you a task of labelling parts of the British Isles. We are going to continue now looking at maps a bit more closely. I would like you to do the BBC Bitesize lesson of an 'Introduction of Maps'
First of all watch the two clips and read all the information. Then complete the two activities. I will attach activity 2 here.
Hello Class 3,
Did you all have a good day yesterday? I hope so. We had a good day and started our theme of Wellbeing and Mindfullness. The Key Worker children looked at the Wellbeing calendar that I posted yesterday and chose what activities they wanted to do. They decided that they want to make paperchains with messages and pictures that help them to relax. They alsodrew things that they like. They have also voted to try out some origami and to make something out of a cereal box. Perhaps you could try and do some of these at home. I hope you've found the latest chapters I've read of The Christmasaurus. I will continue to post them on here. I also have cd now so I am going to try and post the songs that you have missed. Here is your learning for today…..
Can I interpret and present data from a pictogram?
We are continuing our work from yesterday on pictograms. I hope you managed it ok. The key worker children in school needed to be reminded to look at the key to know how much each picture is worth- it isn’t always 1 as you hopefully saw with the ice creams! Today, I would like you to do the Reasoning and Problem Solving problems pictured below.
After that I have set a 2do for you on Purplemash. It is a pictogram that you can produce yourself. It already has cars as the pictogram but you can pick a different image to make your pictogram. Just click on one of the cars and the image picker will pop up. You could then choose what you want your pictogram to be about. Perhaps it could be about animals and you could ask ‘What is your favourite animal?’ Pick a few options from the image picker and then ask as many people as you can, your family, email some friends on Purplemash. If you can’t ask people just make it up!
You could even give someone a challenge and ask some questions about your pictogram. If you send me your pictogram with your questions then I will post some on the class page for you to answer. Enjoy!
Can I create a formal report?
How did you get on yesterday? Did you write your plan for your report on badgers. The key worker children need a bit more time on their plan. Today, you are going to write up your report. Use you plan to help you and you could watch the clip again if you need to.
Remember everything you learnt yesterday about what a formal report needs.
Report rules
There is a 2do on Purplemash that you could use to write your report- what I have learned. I can’t wait to read your reports!
Can I learn French for the clothes we wear and the food we eat?
I would like you to do a BBC bitesize lesson today, here is the link-
Watch the two clips first, then there are some flashcards to see what you can remember. Finally, if you want to, there is a matching activity that I will attach here.
Dear Class 3,
How are you all? I hope you are well and you're managaing to get out of your houses a bit more now. My husband and I managed to visit a few garden centres last week which was lovely and my garden is looking very colourful now. We also visited the virtual cinema at the weekend! We got a delivery from Scott Cinemas of a HUGE bag of popcorn, nachos, dips, crisps and candyfloss. Then we downloaded two films on our TV including Trolls World Tour! It almost felt like we were at the cinema! I would defintely recommend you try it out, although I think we will be eating popcorn for about a month with the size of the bag!
I am going to try and set you a mixture of the work I will be teaching at school and other Year 3 tasks. We are going to have a theme each week in school that our afternoon activities will be based around so I will set you some of those too. This week our theme is Well Being/Mindfullness.
Can I interpret and present data from a pictogram?
This unit of work follows on from work that you did in Year 2. Watch the BBC clip first to understand pictograms before completing the sheets.
Can I create a formal report?
We will be using a BBC bitesize lesson today that will introduce you to writing a formal report. You will be writing a report about badgers.
Read the information and then watch the clip. Please do activity 1, which is a report about sharks and then questions for you to answer about it. Then, I would like you to plan your report about badgers using the sheet attached. You might want to watch the clip a couple of times about badgers. Make sure you read the information to remind you of how a report should be set out. Remember: A report should contain facts not your opinions. You may think badgers are the cutest animals in the world but that’s an opinion so it should not be included.
You don't need to do activity 3 yet as we will be carrying on with this tomorrow.
Can I label the parts of a plant and understand what their functions are?
We are going to start learning about plants this term. We will be going over some of what you learnt in Year 2 to start with. Work through the powerpoint attached and then complete the labelling activity on Purplemash. I have also attached a plant function sheet from Purplemash and a pairs activity if you would like to do it. You do not need to do all of it, it is just there if you wish to. There is also a clip on BBC bitesize that might help you too.
Dear Class 3,
I hope you all had a good half term last week and managed to do some nice things? I went for a picnic with my family in Ashdown Forest. We even cooked everything we took which included honey and sesame mini sausages, tuna quesadillas, chicken burgers (from scratch), mango mousse and blueberry and banana muffins. Plus a few extras too!! We also drove down to a small beach called Climping on the Tuesday and had a swim in the sea (in a swimming costume not a wetsuit I must add!!). It was great and actually not too cold.
I wonder if many of you have been able to see more family members and friends recently? We managed to go and visit my husband's parents (who live an hour away) on Sunday for the first time since February actually. I am hoping to see my parents soon. They live in Bristol so it is much more tricky!! I'm missing you all a great deal. Do all keep sending in all your pictures, emails and handing in your to do's. I love all your messages. Enjoy the learning!
Mrs Johnstonx
We will continue to work on telling the time on an analogue clock this week. It is difficult to make sure that what I give you is right for you so if you have been struggling with telling the time to the quarter on an hour, do continue working on this with the videos and activities from last time.
'Can I tell the time to the 5 minutes?'
SC: Which is the minute hand and the hour hand?
Is the minute hand 'past' the hour or 'to' the hour?
Count round the numbers on the clock in 5's.
1. Watch the bbc bitesize video clip by the Chuckle Brothers.
2. Go to My Maths. Complete the lesson on 'telling the time' to the 5 minutes.
3. Complete the '5 minutes to' and '5 minutes past' to dos on purple mash.
1. Watch the 2 videos about 'past the hour' and 'to the hour'.
2. Complete the white rose worksheet. Choose the appropriate one from the attached below.
Easy: Year 2 Time
Harder: Year 3 Time
Further Practice: I attach also some time worksheets from the Purple Mash website so that you can practise!
Please email and let me know how you are getting on. This will help me work out what is best to set you next week.
We are going to begin reading a new book on Purple Mash called 'A Sheep Dip To India'. This is a great story so try to enjoy reading it even if you don't manage to do all the tasks.
1. Read Chapter 1.
2. Complete the online multiple choice questions (sometimes these questions can make errors so don't worry if it tells you something that you know is wrong).
3. Complete the sequencing PDF activity.
Challenge: Answer the challenge questions. PDF attached.
1. Read Chapter 2. (Remember you can print PDF's if you would prefer to have a paper copy.
2. Complete the 'Monkey Chase' Activity' purple mash 'to do'.
'Can I predict what might happen next?'
SC: Use the 'Think About' box on the purple mash page.
What do you already know about the monkeys?
We know William is desperate not to lose the envelope.
I hope you all managed to watch the Hinduism videos from last week on the BBC Bitesize. If you didn't manage to then do have a look now.
'Can I begin to know what Hindus believe about Creation?'
Hindus have quite a few different creation stories.
1. Watch these two video below to help you understand the main points about what they believe.
2. Cut out the quiz questions and answers, mix up the answers and then try to match the questions with the answers.
Spring is a wonderful time of year but did you know that you can hear music in nature?
In fact birds have been making intricate and amazing music for centuries! They each sing melodies and with different tones, pitches, volumes and quality! There can be no better instrument than a bird.
I want you to watch this video about bird song recorded last year in Springwatch.
Then, follow the RSPB link to listen to the calls of these different common birds. Can you sing some of them?
Challenge: Can you recognise them when you go out for a walk? I was surprised to realise that I have 'Collared Doves' outside my house! Do email me and let me know which birds you hear.
Wednesday 3rd June
Hello everyone, I hope you are all well. We are settling back into life at school, it still feels very strange without all of you. I will start reading chapters every day of The Christmasaurus again and post on here. Hopefully you saw the one I posted yesterday. Unfortunately, the CD has gone missing with all the songs. Our classroom was cleared out by the cleaners and it has vanished! Fingers crossed it will turn up soon. I will continue to post two different levels of English and Maths that I am doing in class with the key worker children. I have also made up 10 home learning pack folders if you prefer your work printed out. It is different to the work that I post online. They are in the office if you want one. Here is the learning for today.
Can I multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number?
Watch the clip and read the information. Activity 1 comes from MyMaths and it is a good guide to explain how to multiply 2-digits by 1-digit. You only need to look at sections 1 to 4. Then complete activities two and three., which I will attach here.
Times Tables
Finally, please practise your times tables like last time. If you got full marks last week and you are ready to move onto the next table then please move yourself up and well done! Here is the website as a reminder;
I am also attaching the sheets that we use in class if you wish to use them instead.
Can I use fronted adverbials?
Watch the clip and read the information. I have attached a word mat to support the activities. You only need to do activities 1 to 3. I don't expect you to do activity 4 unless you want to.
Alternative lesson- What are suffixes?
Just for fun, I have an animal quiz for you that I will be doing in school with the key worker children. If you would like to do it, here is the link.
Can I do a project on something that I love?
*Please continue with your project* In school, the children will be doing a project on a subject of their choice so I would like you to do the same. The project could be about absolutely anything and it can be presented in whichever way you would like. It could be about your favourite animal, sport, toy, game, person, etc and you might choose to produce it either on paper or word processed or use a presentation such as powerpoint. There are also many tools on Purplemash that might help you to produce your project too, such as 2Publish. Do some research first and find some facts about it to include in the project. I would like to see images and text. This should take you a few days to produce it as we will have three afternoons at school- 3 hours altgether. I'll look forward to seeing your projects.
Tuesday 2nd June
Hello Class 3, I hope you are all well and staying safe. It was lovely to see a few children from our class at school today, although it has made me miss the rest of you even more! I hope you are all happy and enjoying your time at home. I discovered today that the Oak Academy work doesn't really work in the classroom due to us not being able to view the videos on the laptops and having mixed age groups so I am going to switch to BBC Bitesize instead. If for any reason you do want to access the Oak Academy work then you can use the link that I will add here and choose a lesson.
Can I use similes and metaphors?
You will be learning about similes and metaphors today. We have discussed similes in class before but we haven't learnt about metaphors. Read the information and watch the first two clips then complete the three activities. I have attached activity two and three if you need it but it doesn't have to be printed out. You can just write the sentences in your homework books.
If your child is struggling at home to access the English work then please let us know. Each day I am going to add an alternative, slightly easier lesson that I will be doing with the Year 2 Key Worker children in class, if anyone requires it. It is more important that your child is managing to access some work and they are happy than they are really struggling with something that is too hard. Types of Sentences;
Can I multiply and divide by 8?
We are continuing to recap our work on multiplication, today looking at multiplying and dividing by 8.
Use the slideshow to revise and then do the two activities that I will attach. You could also practise the 8 times table by using some games and videos. Here are a couple of links that you could use.
Can I do a project on something that I love?
*Please continue with your project* In school, the children will be doing a project on a subject of their choice so I would like you to do the same. The project could be about absolutely anything and it can be presented in whichever way you would like. It could be about your favourite animal, sport, toy, game, person, etc and you might choose to produce it either on paper or word processed or use a presentation such as powerpoint. There are also many tools on Purplemash that might help you to produce your project too, such as 2Publish. Do some research first and find some facts about it to include in the project. I would like to see images and text. This should take you a few days to produce it as we will have three afternoons at school- 3 hours altgether. I'll look forward to seeing your projects.
Monday 1st June
Good morning Class 3 and welcome to the second half of the Summer term! I hope you all had a fantastic half term with your families in the beautiful sunshine. My family and I found some lovely new walks in Ashdown Forest that I would recommend with rock pools, waterfalls and rope swings!
From today, I will be back in school with the key worker children, some of whom are from our class and Year 2. For the time being, our class will continue to work from home. I hope that you don't feel too disappointed about this. It has been done to keep you all safe. The home learning may seem a bit different now going forward as some of it will be aimed at our class and Class 2, as we will be teaching them together. I also won't be able to answer emails until after school. Here is your home learning for today;
Setting Description: Reading Comprehension – Fact Retrieval
Today's lesson comes from the Oak Academy website looking at setting description. Lesson 1 centers on reading comprehension within a setting description. Here is the link to it.
Can I multiply and divide by 3?
We will be revisiting some multiplication and division work this week using the BBC Bitesize lessons. Here is the link;
Watch the clips and then do the two activities. Activity 1 might be quite simple for some of you so I am attaching some of the hotter tasks too if you would like them and a Reasoning and Problem Solving extension. I will also add some 2Dos on Purplemash and MyMaths that is connected with this too.
Can I do a project on something that I love?
In school, the children will be doing a project on a subject of their choice so I would like you to do the same. The project could be about absolutely anything and it can be presented in whichever way you would like. It could be about your favourite animal, sport, toy, game, person, etc and you might choose to produce it either on paper or word processed or use a presentation such as powerpoint. There are also many tools on Purplemash that might help you to produce your project too, such as 2Publish. Do some research first and find some facts about it to include in the project. I would like to see images and text. This should take you a few days to produce it as we will have three afternoons at school- 3 hours altgether. I'll look forward to seeing your projects.
Dear Class 3,
These weeks seem to fly by so fast!! The great news is that it is nearly the end of the week and nearly half term! Yey!! I hope you are all well and not melting too much in the heat like an ice cream!! I am thrilled to have such beautiful weather and glorious sunshine.Unfortunately, the change of heat has given me a continuous headache which I have had since Sunday (Grrr!!) and I am desperately hoping I can shake it off as soon as possible!!
I don't know if you remember me telling you that my family and I had been painting bricks in my garden? Well - we have finally finished, concreted them down and added pebbles and this is the finished product:
My children designed it so that it could be a track for their cars!!
Please find below all the work for today and tomorrow. Next week, we will not be setting you work as it is half term and you all (and us) need a break. I will also not be setting you spellings for this reason. I hope that you all have a wonderful time with your families. Do please send us any photos. We love to see them!! Missing you all and thinking of you all the time!!
Much love, Mrs Johnston x
PS. Mrs Peach has been extremely brave to record a story for you on video (I think it is tricky to work out how to do!). If I manage to learn how to do it too (I'll try), I thought I might upload a song for you to learn with me performing it to you as your teaching and backing track!!
After half term we are going to learn about telling the time and times of the year. Time can be a really challenging subject to learn about so I want us to remind ourselves about what we already know about time and started to learn when we were in Year 2. This will help you to start work on time after half term and might help me to know what you find difficult.
Can I understand what AM and PM mean?
1. Start by watching the You Tube lesson on AM and PM (see link below).
2. Watch the You Tube Song about AM and PM and make sure you sing along too!!! (link below also).
3. Go to Purple Mash and complete the AM and PM. This asks you to decide if an event might be AM or PM. You must read the information carefully.
Can I tell the time to the half hour and quarter of an hour?
1. Watch the BBC Bitesize video clips and complete the quiz about telling the time (see below)
2. Watch the You Tube Teaching Video about telling the time to the half hour and quarter of an hour.
3. Go to Purple Mash and complete:
- Telling the time quiz
- Telling the time to quarter past
-Telling the time to quarter past
Extra Work to help you
Some of you may wish to practise the time on paper versions or to give you extra practice. Some of you may also be struggling with one particular area. Please see below some attached worksheets that you can print and use. You do not need to do any or all of them. Please choose the ones that you need practise with!
If there is any area of time so far that you are struggling with, please do let me know by email so that I can help you.
If you are confident, remember, we will move on to Year 3 time work after half term.
We finished our 'Settlers' book that many of you enjoyed. Well done for the work on this last week.
This week we are going to do something a bit different. I would like you to use the 'Oak Academy' online learning platform for your two lessons this week. Our genre focus will be poetry. We haven't read much poetry this year so this will be a great way to help you with your poetry comprehension.
Can I understanding the meanings of words in a poem?
Please go to the link below for your lesson on this. There is a quiz, a teaching video and an activity to complete. It is Poetry: Reading Comprehension: Word Meaning.
Today we will continue to use 'Oak Academy' and will complete lesson 2 on Poetry Comprehension. Today we will look at inference which is all about being a great detective!!
Can I make inferences within poetry?
Follow the link to the Oak Academy lesson below on Making Inferences in Poetry.
Can I create a harmony sequence using different sounds?
Have fun exploring the 2sequence app on purple mash. In this, you can drag sounds into the boxes to create a sequence of sounds. The fun part is that you can make different sounds play at the same time and in 'Harmony' by dragging them into the boxes above or below.
You must make sure that you watch the Help Video at the top of the App (a green arrow inside a rectangle).
As always, please send in your creation or upload for me to listen. Your compositions always brighten up my day!!!
This term we are learning a little about Hinduism. This is a world faith like Christianity. Can you think of any others?
Your task today is to watch the BBC Bitesize clips and complete the activities to give you some knowledge about the faith. Here is the link below.
Wednesday 20th May
Good morning children, how are you all. Another gorgeous day yesterday, I hope you were able to enjoy some of it. Fingers crossed that this weather continues into half term next week. I saw that lots of you did the design and make task yesterday and really enjoyed it. Did any of you print it out and make it? I'd love to see some photos if you did. Many of you have completed the Kahoot quiz now. At the moment the winner is...............
XOSkeleton (BT) and rockstar, both with 94%! I don't know who that is so if you could let me know that would be brilliant! You still have a couple of days to complete the quiz if you haven't done it already.
Here is my final day of home learning for the half term. Lets hope things change next term and you can all begin to come back to school. I can't wait to see you all.
Can I write a set of instructions?
Following on from your work yesterday on Oak Academy about 'How to trap a troll,' I would like you to write a set of instructions for something. I have set a 2Do on Purplemash of a blank recipe template. Could you write the instructions to make something perhaps that you've made before or something that you enjoy eating? You could even try and make it afterwards! It could be chocolate rice crispy cakes or chocolate brownies or even just how to make toast or a sandwich. Whatever you would like. Remember all the features that you learnt about yesterday that should be included in a set of instructions.
Success Criteria- Include an introduction to explain what you are making, make it sound really yummy!
- Include a list of ingredients and equipment
- Numbered steps in chronological order
- Imperative verbs- Mix, Pour, Put, Cut
Can I solve problems using fractions?
We are using the White Rose website again with the videos.
Scroll down to the bottom, you need to go to Summer Term
Week 2, lesson 3- Problem Solving. Watch the video and then complete the sheets.
Can I name pets in French?
Can you learn some names of pets in French? There is a video to watch,
It's the best one I could find unfortunately but it isn't brilliant so if you don't like it then work through the powerpoint that I've attached. It has sound clips on it (the orange play image in the corner) that you can hear the names of the pets. Then there are a couple of activities- a matching up sheet and a wordsearch. You don't need to do everything.
Tuesday 19th May
Good morning lovelies, I hope you are all well. Did you manage to see my video of reading The Christmasaurus? I believe there were some teething problems to start with and you couldn't see it. That has been sorted now so you shouldn't have a problem. Fingers crossed I won't have any technical issues with today's instalment!
Thank you to those of you who have done the Kahoot quiz so far, there are lots of good scores- better than my husband! I'd love to know who you are though so could you write your name in brackets if you have chosen to write a 'nickname?'
Here are your home learning tasks for today;
Can I identify and understand the features of an instructions text?
Today's lesson comes from Oak Academy website that I know we haven't used yet but I know some of you may have already heard of it. It is similar to BBC Bitesize where lessons have been created for each year group to cover all our objectives. They come complete with a video to teach the objective and activities. I hope you like the set up of it. Work through each part of the lesson and perhaps send me the independent task on PurpleMash. If you have any problems then please let me know in an email. Here is the link to it;
Can I subtract fractions?
We are using the White Rose website again with the videos.
Scroll down to the bottom, you need to go to Summer Term
Week 2, lesson 2- Subtract Fractions. Watch the video and then complete the sheets.
Design & Technology
I have set a 2Do on PurpleMash called 2Design and Make. It is a fun tool where you can create 3D projects. It gives you the option of choosing various projects, including vehicles, houses and people. You can add colour, shapes and text to your project and can see the net of it and as a 3D object. Once you have finished it you could even print it out and make it! If you need any help at any point, remember the green play triangle in the film screen will show you videos of how to do things. I hope you like it.
Monday 18th May
Good morning you lovely lot! I hope you are all ok. Can you believe that we are into our ninth week since we started lockdown?! It feels like it has gone quickly although it feels like such a long time ago since I saw you last. I hope you're not too tired of the home learning, we have one more week and then you have a week off as it would have been half term! Hopefully after half term we will begin to have more children coming into school and we will get closer to when you can all come back too!
At the bottom of the learning task I have added a video of me reading a chapter of our class book. Have a look to see what was voted for the most! Please excuse my voice- I hate hearing myself on video and also for the plane that decided to fly over my house in the middle of it!
Here is your learning for today;
Can I use the homophones there, their and they're correctly?
I would like you to do a lesson on BBC bitesize looking at the above homophones. These are words that are most commonly written incorrectly.
As before watch the clips first and then work through the activities. I will attach activity 3 but you don't need to print it out unless you want to. Please write your own sentences for activity 4. If you would like to send them to me on Purplemash I'd love to see them.
Can I add fractions?
We are using the White Rose website again with the videos.
Scroll down to the bottom, you need to go to Summer Term
Week 2, lesson 1- Add Fractions. Watch the video and then complete the sheets.
Can I understand what soil is made of?
To finish our unit on Rocks and Soil I would first of all like you to read through the following powerpoint. You don't need to create the compost unless you want to.
To finish the unit I have made a kahoot quiz! Do you remember doing these in class? I've set it up so that you have to complete the quiz by the end of the week and I will get the results. I will announce the results at the end of the week! I hope you all beat my husband who tested it out for me and got 78%- he did a Geology degree at University!!
The following link should take you straight to the quiz
If you have any problems then use this link instead and the pin number for the quiz is 0609735.
Once you are in then write your nickname- write your name so that I know it is you! Then, do the quiz!! Good luck. Some of the questions are based on the first week of learning about Rocks that we did at school and the rest have been based on the learning that you've been doing at home, including the powerpoint today.
Hi Class 3! It's nearly the end of the week again!! I hope you have all had a good week so far? Despite the cooler weather, the sun still manages to shine. I don't know if any of you are like my 8 year old at the moment but he is definitely finding concentrating on his learning much more tricky this week! If you do feel like, try really hard to keep going. The better you concentrate, the quicker you can finish! Remember, you don't have to do everything each day if you struggle. If you don't manage everything, just make sure you do a different type of task the next day so that you can keep everything going! Remember also to keep sending pictures and handing in your 'to dos'. I will write a comment to encourage you along the way!
Lots of love to you all. Keep smiling and singing of course!!!
Mrs Johnstonx
Ps. Remember you can go out for exercise as much as you like now so keep up the outdoor adventures!
We are continuing with Money this week to reinforce our learning earlier in the year. Money is always difficult so it is good to keep practising!
Today we are adding money in pounds and pence:
'Can I add money in pounds and pence?'
Success Criteria: £1 = 100p
Add the pounds and then add the pence.
Group coins and notes together before adding.
1. Please watch the video on the White Rose Website; Year 3; Week Beginning 4th May, Lesson 2 'Adding Money'.
2. Complete the worksheet 'Adding Money'. You will find the answers too so that you can mark your work.
or if this is too tricky or you want to start easy, complete 'Finding the Total'.
'Can I subtract money?'
Steps to Success: £1 = 100p
Convert pounds and pence
Draw a number line and count on or count back.
1. Watch the video: White Rose, Home Learning, Year 3, Week beginning 4th May, Lesson 3
2. Complete the worksheet 'subtracting money'. Again, there is an answer sheet to check your answers.
Mild- If the worksheet is too hard, please complete the Year 2 Money sheet called 'Finding the Difference'. The answer sheet is also there to check your answers.
This week we will finish our book 'The Settlers' on Purple Mash. It has been a fabulous story and the last two chapters are don't disappoint! I hope you enjoy reading them.
Chapter 6:
1. Read the chapter set as a to do.
2. Complete the 'Ash' Character Description
Steps to Success: If you can, print the PDF of the chapter.
If you can, re-read some of the other chapters.
Use the 'Things to think about' reminder on the task to help you
Chapter 7:
1. Read chapter 7 set as a to do.
2. Try to retell the whole story to someone in your family. This will help you with the next task.
3. Complete the 'Book Review' to do. Make sure you support your ideas and opinions with examples from the story.
Can I be wowed by nature?!
Go for a walk where you can really enjoy being outdoors!
Look for signs of nature eg. plants, animals, weather, insects.
Take photos or draw some of the things you see.
Think about the things you see and how amazing they are! How wonderful it is to be able to enjoy these and to live in a world full of beauty!
If you can, lie down in the grass or somewhere soft; shut your eyes; and listen. What do you hear?
I would love to see some of your photos or pictures.
I would also love it if you can write me a short description of what you saw and heard.
How about writing a poem?
Wednesday 13th May
Good morning children, I hope you are all well and saying safe. Thank you to those of you that sent me a recount of VE Day, I haven't had that many yet. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the ones that I did receive, it was so lovely to hear about the lovely days that you all had. They made me feel a bit emotional to be honest! Please keep sending them to me if you havent already. To allow many of you to catch up with the tasks again, I am setting some short grammar activities for English in PurpleMash. Here is your learning for today;
There are three 2dos on PurpleMash. If you haven't done yesterday's work I would rather you did that first.
The first activity is choosing the correct form of a or an. If a word begins with a vowel you use an, if it has a consonant then you use a.
The other two activities are looking at conjunctions and prepositions correctly for time, place and cause.
Can I order fractions?
We are using the White Rose website again with the videos.
Scroll down to the bottom, you need to go to Summer Term
Week 1, lesson 4- Order Fractions. Watch the video and then complete the sheets.
Times Tables
Finally, please practise your times table like last time. If you got full marks last week and you are ready to move onto the next table then please move yourself up and well done! Here is the website as a reminder:
I am also attaching the sheets that we use in class that I emailed to you last week if you wish to use them instead.
I would like you to continue with our Touch-Typing Computing unit. I have set some 2Dos for this. Just like before, they only take 2 minutes each. Remember about your posture when you are typing. You may wish to watch the video again.
You will obviously need to do these tasks using a keyboard, so ideally it should be on a PC or laptop. If you are using a tablet with no keyboard attached or without a keyboard on the screen, I have attached a picture of a keyboard that you could use instead. This could be placed in front of you and you could follow the Typing Instruction video and practise using this instead.
Tuesday 12th May
Good morning lovelies, I hope you are all ok and staying happy and safe. Here is your learning for today;
Can I write a recount for VE Day?
Success Criteria- Write in the first person, I, we
In the past tense- went, saw, did
Write in chronological order using adverbs- first next
Include descriptive words and expanded noun phrases
Following on from your work yesterday on BBC bitesize, I would like you to use what you have learnt to write a recount of VE Day. You could write about the Spitfire flypast, food you ate, games you played. I have added 2do on Purplemash.
Can I compare fractions?
We are using the White Rose website again with the videos.
Scroll down to the bottom, you need to go to Summer Term
Week 1, lesson 3- Compare Fractions. Watch the video and then complete the sheets.
Watch the video below by Art John and have a go at creating homemade rainbow scratch art. It’s so simple, but so effective and only uses a few resources you hopefully have at home. Once you have mastered the technique you can try a variety of designs.
Monday 11th May
Good morning Class 3 and welcome to another week of home learning- you are such experts now! I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend and you're staying happy and healthy.
Did you get to see the Spitfire Flypast? It was amazing to see and was so lovely that they had the NHS sign underneath the plane. I wasn't expecting him to do so many loops of the town. Did any of you have a social distancing street party?!
I hope you enjoy this week's work. Here is today's work;
Can I understand what a recount is?
Today's lesson is on the BBC bitesize website looking at what a recount is. Here is the link.
As before, go through the activities on the website. You can either print activity 2 or write it on paper.
Can I find equivalent fractions?
We are using the White Rose website again with the videos.
Scroll down to the bottom, you need to go to Summer Term
Week 1, lesson 2- Equivalent Fractions (3). Watch the video and then complete the sheets.
This is the third lesson of looking at equivalent fractions. I hope that it is becoming clearer to you now. Please don't worry if you are finding fractions tricky and in particular equivalent fractions. It is a difficult aspect of Maths to grasp. We will revisit the work where needed when you are back at school. As I have said previously it helps to look at fractions practically rather than just on paper. Today, you will be looking at a fraction wall. I have attached one for you to print out if you wish to. If you do print it out it helps to cut it up and then put the equivalent fractions on top of each other to be able to see them more clearly. I hope it helps.
Before I tell you what you are going to be doing in Science today, I would like you to look at the following powerpoint- What am !?! Can you guess what is being described before it tells you?!
Did you guess before it told you?! It was soil!
Can I explain what soil is?
Today I would like you to learn about what soil is. I hope you found the powerpoint useful. It told you lots of facts at the end about soil. There are 2 great clips on the BBC website-
Watch them both and there are a couple of activties after the second clip.
Can you become scientists and investigate soil in your garden? See if you can collect some soil in your garden. Can you find any soil similar to the ones described in the clips? Sandy or clay soil? Put the soil in a clear jar/beaker and add some water, then shake the soil with the water and leave it to settle. After a few minutes you will slowly see the soil separate into the different layers. Can you spot and name any of the layers? Perhaps you could given draw a picture of it.
Dear Class 3,
We are nearly at the end of another week. This week we have a special day at the end to celebrate 75 years since the end of World War 2! You would have been given the day off school on Friday if you were able to go so I will not be setting you English or Maths work for this day. Instead, I hope that you will spend some fun time with your family and perhaps cook some exciting cakes or play some games.
I am missing you all but continue to enjoy reading your work and listening too! I have been kept busy working with my own children too and walking my Labrador! My 8 year old son keeps letting him into the garden (without me realising) and then he finds himself sitting outside the door whining to come back in! He is funny! I have also been doing some crazy brick art with a pile of bricks we have had in our garden for about 4 years! They have been spray painted in all sorts of colours and are now waiting to be concreted down in the design that my children created!
Enjoy the work for Thursday and a great weekend. Whatever work or activity you do remember that each of you are God's amazing, special and completely loved creation!
Huge smiles!
Mrs Johnston
You have worked hard on length and measure and we will leave perimeter now with the hope that we can have some extra sneaky lessons on this before the summer! Last term, we did some learning on money. Money is always tricky especially when it involves adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing so I thought it would be good for you to practise your money learning again for a bit! The White Rose is covering money for a week with fantastic learning videos to help you. Please watch the video and the complete the worksheet attached. As always, you can either print the worksheet or just record your answers on paper or in your homework book.
Go to the link below
Click on Summer Term Week 3
Select Lesson 1
Today we will continue 'The Settlers' and read chapter 5. In the last chapter Ash's house was on fire and some of you wrote the next part to the story. Well done! Well, grip your seats because the next chapter is even more exciting and terrifying than you would have imagined. Does Arrow manage to save the day?! Enjoy!
Please read the chapter. (If you struggle to read this independently, ask an adult or sibling to read some of this for you. You can take it in turns. Make sure you follow the text while they read).
Now complete the 'Interview with River Task'. You can complete on Purple Mash or complete on paper but you will need to click on the task to see what to do and read the questions for the interview.
Steps to Success:
Give examples from the chapter to support your writing such as:
Vocabulary, Phrases, character reactions and events.
Reading Eggs
Please complete a level and read a book from the Reading Eggs Library.
Please read this message from West Sussex Music. It would be great if some of you can do this!:
We are welcoming contributions to create a West Sussex Wiggle Jiggle Virtual Choir. Last week’s song of the week from SingUp was Wiggle Jiggle, written by Emily Barden. Join Emily learning her great new song using the teaching video on the Sing up Home School website; learn the song, make up a funky dance, have a go at the body percussion and wake your body up with this energising, catchy song!
We would like to invite you to be part of the West Sussex Wiggle Jiggle Virtual Choir by filming your children’s performance and sending the video (Quicktime or mp4) to
Please note that the final choir video recording will be shared on West Sussex Music’s website and social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter) and also the SingUp website. Please confirm permissions when submitting your recordings. If you prefer, you are welcome to send audio files which you may wish to accompany with your school logo.
Mrs Peach posted some VE day activities earlier this week so it would be great for you to try and complete an activity from here today.
I am also attaching the link to a BBC VE Day video for you to watch so that you can understand more about what this day is about!
Wednesday 6th May
Good morning lovelies, I hope you are all well and happy. I am pleased to see the weather is looking like it is changing again and we can all enjoy some lovely sun again this week, ready for the bank holiday on Friday. Are any of you decorating your houses for VE Day on Friday? I can't seem to find any of my flags so I'm hoping we will be able to make some. Have you all heard we have got a spitfire flypast over the Queen Victoria hospital too at 3pm? Hopefully some of you will be able to see it from your homes.
A few reminders-
*You do not need to print out any of the sheets that we put on the class page. You could just write the answers on a piece of paper or your homework book.
*We are putting a large amount of work on Purple mash so that you can easily send it to us, however it is important that you continue to handwrite some work. We want you to continue the beautiful handwriting that you were able to do in school.
* Each week new tasks are being put on MyMaths. If you have finished the work that has been set you could always try a harder task from Year 4 or consolidate any learning with a task from Year 2.
* You can always look on Classroom Secrets Kids for fun activities, Sumdog and BBC Bitesize if you don't know what to do.
There have been lots of talk this week about when we might all be able to go back to school. Fingers crossed we will hear on Sunday and I might be able to see you all soon.
Here is the learning for today;
Can I punctuate direct speech correctly?
I have noticed on Purple mash that quite a few people are a bit behind on the tasks and I haven't had many stories handed in. For that reason, I'm not going to set a new task for today to allow people to catch up. If you did write a story and you did the 'speech' activities yesterday, then please could you edit your story. In particular, I would like you to edit the speech and make sure it is punctuated it correctly. Check the success criteria to help you.
Success Criteria-
* Begin with a capital letter
* "Speech marks/Inverted commas at the beginning and end of direct speech."
* Punctuation mark to end the speech, before the speech marks ?!,."
* Include who spoke and a 'said' word, asked, bellowed, whispered
* Add an adverb for more detail, loudly, timidly, worriedly
* New speaker, new line.
"What are you doing here?" Jackson asked worriedly, trying to hide the orb behind his back.
Can I find equivalent fractions?
We are using the White Rose website again with the videos.
We are officially onto the Summer term now! Week 1, lesson 1- Equivalent Fractions (2). Watch the video and then complete the sheets.
Times Tables
Finally, please practise your times table like last time. If you got full marks last week and you are ready to move onto the next table then please move yourself up and well done! Here is the website as a reminder:
VE Day
For you final task today, I would like you to choose something from the following list of ideas to celebrate VE Day. Amongst them, you could make your own decorations! Enjoy xxx
Tuesday 5th May
Good morning Class 3, I hope you are all well. Here is your home learning for today.
Can I use inverted commas to show speech?
Thank you for the stories I received from a few of you yesterday, I really enjoyed reading them. After reading them, I noticed that a common mistake that you had made was punctuating the speech correctly. It has been a while since we've done this in class so it's a good chance to practise this again now. I would like you to work through the lesson on the BBC bitesize page. Click on the following link;
You will need to watch the first two clips then there are four activities to do. Read the explanations of what you need to do. You could either print activity 3, which I have attached, or write the sentences on a piece of paper.
Can I find equivalent fractions?
We are using the White Rose website again with the videos.
Week 2, lesson 5- Equivalent Fractions (1). Watch the video and then complete the sheets.
A good idea to help you with equivalent fractions is to look at them practically too. Get several pieces of paper. Fold one sheet of paper in half, the second piece of paper in half and half again and the third sheet fold in half 3 times. Once you open them up hold them on top of each other and you should be able to see the equivalent fractions. What are each of the fractions? Can you label them?
Can I name parts of the body in French?
I would like you to practise some French today. We are learning parts of the body. Look at the powerpoint that is attached and then you could have a go at labelling the parts on the sheets. You could also sing the song, 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' but replace with the French words instead to help to learn them.
Monday 4th May
Good morning Class 3, I hope you've all had a lovely weekend. Another week of home learning and another new month! You all continue to amaze me with all the hard work you are doing at home. Well done. As it is Star Wars Day today (fourth of May) we are going to have a couple activities on the theme of space!
Can I use conjunctions to extend sentences to express time, place and cause?
Success Criteria- Include conjunctions such as when, before, after, so, while, because
Use the image below as your stimulus to write a story. Be as imaginative as you can and use ambitious vocabulary. DON’T FORGET CAPITAL LETTERS AND FULL STOPS! I’d love to see them so please email them to me on Purple mash. If you would prefer to type your story in Purple mash I have set a ‘Write a story’ 2do and you could type it there. I will give you the beginning of the story and I would like you to continue it……
Jackson had been following the trail for several hours. Hood drawn up over his head to protect him from the savage wind, he continued to trudge along. The only sounds Jackson could hear were the crunch of his feet as they penetrated the layer of snow underneath him, and the faint, disconcerting hum that came from the orb in front.
The key to it all, he was sure, lay in the object he held carefully in his frozen hands. The boy wasn’t quite sure how he would use it, but he hoped that its purpose would reveal itself when he reached his destination…
Can I find a fraction of a set of objects?
This is the third lesson of finding fractions of a set of objects but it involves problem solving too. Unfortunately there isn't a video to go with this lesson however there is a useful video on YouTube that might help. Use the following link;
*** The video is back on the website now;
It is Week 2, Lesson 4- Fractions of a set of Object (3).
Attached is the sheet and answers.
Following on from your work in English, can you draw what Jackson is holding in his hands? Use pencils, paints, crayons, charcoal. Again, be as imaginative as you possibly can! Perhaps you have already described it in your story!
Hello!The sun may not be shining quite so much but I hope the message from all the staff with our smiling faces cheered you up this week! I hope you are all well and feeling happy? I am so enjoying receiving your work on purple mash and writing you comments back. I hope this gives you plenty of encouragement. You are all working so hard! Have any of you read any interesting books lately? Do let us know if you have and what you have been reading?
Here is all the work for Thursday and Friday this week. You will find English, Maths, Spellings and Music. I hope you enjoy this.
Mrs Johnstonx
This week we will be learning about perimeter.
Perimeter is the distance all the way around the outside of a shape or space.
To find the perimeter of a shape you will need to add up the lengths of ALL the sides in the shape. That will give you the perimeter!
To help you to understand perimeter, I would like you to watch the video below before you start the Thurs and Friday tasks.
Start by watching the videos above.
Can I measure the perimeter of a shape?
Steps to Success:
Perimeter= The distance all around a shape
Mark where you start and measure all the sides.
Add up all the lengths of the sides.
What is the unit of measurement?
Watch video 2 again.
'Can I calculate the perimeter of a shape?'
Today, you will need to work out the perimeter using information given in the examples. You cannot measure the shapes yourself!
Steps To Success:
Perimeter= Distance around the whole shape
Opposite sides of a rectangle (and square) are equal in length.
Add up the lengths of all the sides.
Can you multiply or divide?
In case any of the above becomes too tricky or your child wants extra practise, please find below an additional worksheet. This has the answers attached and also increases in difficulty.
We will continue with our Purple Mash book 'The Settlers' this week and read chapters 3 and 4.
Reading Eggs Children: Please complete a level on your map for each day. Please also read a book from the Reading Eggs Library each day. Try a game or spelling test.
On Purple Mash read Chapter 3 'The Settlers'. Note: It is possible to print the text as a PDF. There is a button to press to change it to a PDF when reading the book. This might be helpful when answering the questions.
Complete the multiple choice questions quiz.
Challenge: Write about 'My Perfect Pet' linked to the reading chapter.
You may write on paper if you wish and send me a copy if this is easier.
On Purple Mash read Chapter 4 'The Settlers'.
Complete the 'Fire' task. This is all about predicting what might happen next in the story based on what you know and your imagination! Looking forward to reading them. Make them as good and as exciting as you can. If you wish to complete the task on paper and email it in that is fine!
Steps To Success:
What do you know about the story so far?
What do you know about the characters and how might they react or behave?
Use your imagination and write an exciting next part to the story!
(No quiz set as I want everyone to do the 'Fire' task.)
Please find below the spellings for the week
'2Explore' Purple Mash
Try exploring sounds and creating a sound sequence using the instruments.
Watch the video at the top of the screen in the right hand corner.This is the best way for you to understand what to do. It clearly shows you exactly how to explore the program and make some fantastic music! Enjoy!
Remember to send them to me or save them so that I can enjoy my next listening experiences with a cup of tea!
Wednesday 29th April- Home Learning
Good morning Class 3, you must be getting used to home learning by now. I hope you are all still well and happy. I hope the weather didn't disappoint you too much yesterday. Here is the learning for today.
Can I identify nouns and use them in a sentence?
The government have been working with the BBC to create daily lessons to help with your home learning. Today, I would like you to complete a lesson on Identifying nouns. Click the link below to access the videos and activities. You can either download the activities or you can open them on your computer and write your answers in your homework book.
I would love to see the sentences you come up with for Activity 4. Could you email them to me? Be as creative as you can.
Can I find a fraction of a set of objects?
We are continuing our work from yesterday on fractions of a set of objects, yesterday you were looking at unit fractions (1/2, 1/4) but today there are non unit fractions (2/4, 2/3). It is in the same format with the video and then the questions and answers. It is week 2 and lesson 3, 'Fractions of a set of objects' on the same website.
When you are finding fractions of a set of objects it is a lot easier to understand if you can have a set of objects in front of you to play with. Lego, cubes are good or even better sweets like smarties or skittles- then you can eat them afterwards!!
Again, I will attach the sheets here for your convenience.
Times Tables
Finally, please practise your times table like last time. If you got full marks last week and you are ready to move onto the next table then please move yourself up and well done! Here is the website as a reminder:
Can I explain the fossilisation process?
Thank you for your fact files about fossils last week. I could really see that lots of you thought very hard about them. Continuing on from last week, I would like you to explain the fossilisation process. You can do this in 2 different ways. I have added a 2do in Purple mash where you can explain the process by writing and drawing or I have attached a document where you can cut and stick the process together, perhaps in your homework book. It is up to you how you want to do it. Here is a link to remind you of the process. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where there is a good video called What's a fossil?
Tuesday 28th April- Home Learning
Good morning Class 3, I hope you are all well. Did you like the message from all of us at St Mary's yesterday? Did any of you try the hometask? I'd love to see your videos if you did. Enjoy your home learning today.
Can I create a role-on-the-wall for a character?
To finish off all of the fantastic superhero work this week and last, today I would like you to create a role-on-the-wall for your superhero during their dramatic rescue event. In your homework books, I want you to draw your superhero and then label it carefully with the following:
1. Around your superhero illustration, I want you to write ambitious words and phrases that witnesses would have used to describe your character during the rescue. For example – brave, fearless, commanding, powerful.
2. Inside the illustration of your superhero, I want you to describe how your superhero was feeling during the rescue. For example – concerned, stressed, exhausted, determined.
Compare the words you have written on the outside and inside of your superhero. Are they the same or different? Explain your answer to someone at home.
Can I find a fraction of a set of objects?
We are continuing our work on fractions. It is in the same format with the video and then the questions and answers. It is week 2 and lesson 2, 'Fractions of a set of objects' on the same website.
Again, I will attach the sheets here for your convenience.
Our new Unit in Computing this term is called Touch-typing where you will be learning the basics of quick and efficient typing using the program 2type. I have set quite a lot of 2dos for this as you need to work through each one. They only take 2 minutes each. Before you start the 2dos, it is really important to watch the videos that I have attached too as they will tell you where to start. Unfortunately, it wouldn't let me attach the 'Posture video so you will have to go to the following link.
You will obviously need to do these tasks using a keyboard, so ideally it should be on a PC or laptop. If you are using a tablet with no keyboard attached or without a keyboard on the screen, I have attached a picture of a keyboard that you could use instead. This could be placed in front of you and you could follow the Typing Instruction video and practise using this instead.
Dear Class 3,
Welcome to another week of home learning. Another week closer to seeing you all again hopefully! I hope you were able to enjoy the lovely weather we had last week. We are due rain this week I believe which I'm not looking forward to, although my garden is in desperate need of it!
As Mrs Johnston said last week, please don't worry if you don't manage to get all the tasks done that we set. I set a time limit on mine purely because I didn't want them to all build up during the week and then you feel overwhelmed by having lots of tasks by the end of the week. I will give you the whole week now for any Purple mash tasks just in case you can't do them on particular days.
Here are your tasks for the first day.
Monday 27th April
Can I retell an event from a witness’s viewpoint?
The English work today has been set as a ‘2Do’ on Purple Mash.
This is the fourth day writing about your superhero. I would like you to write a newspaper report about your superhero rescue from last week. Before you write your article, I would like you to plan your writing and rehearse what you want to say with someone in your home. This will be an opportunity to see if the structure of your writing works. The person listening may also be able to offer alternative ambitious vocabulary.
Success criteria
> Your writing should answer the 5Ws and 1H – What? When? Who? Where? Why? How?
> Organise your writing into paragraphs – each one explaining a different theme.
> Include a quote from someone who was there (remember your inverted commas and punctuation) – e.g. “There was a huge explosion overhead and as I looked up I saw Superman dart across the sky towards the plane that was in trouble!”
> Include a catchy headline (you could use alliteration) – Sensational Spiderman Saves School.
Can I find fractions on a number line?
We are continuing our work on fractions. It is in the same format as last week with the video and then the questions and answers. It is week 2 and lesson 1, 'Fractions on a number line' on the same website.
Again, I will attach the sheets here for your convenience.
During our topic this term, our main focus will be Geography based skills. We are going to start by looking at the British Isles. I have set you a few 2dos all about this which consist of quizzes where you will be labelling different parts of the British Isles and the UK. I will also attach a map of the British Isles and a link to one. I hope you enjoy it.
There is also a useful video on BBC bitesize that tell you about maps around the world that will be useful too with another quiz.
Finally, something fun to do! If anyone is interested in doing something a bit different today or tomorrow! My family and I are going to try it too- good luck! You have until 3pm on Tuesday. Taskmaster- Hometasking Task 12
Dear Class 3,
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Weekend and spent the some time in the two weeks doing some interesting activities and spending quality time with your families. It is great that we have found a way of communicating with you on purple mash this week. If you haven't managed to send an email yet, do send one to us and let us know how you are doing. We love to hear from you and we will reply to your message.
Remember that you do not need to do EVERY piece of work that we set and ALL the work we sent in the pack. There will be some days when you are not able to do everything or you choose learning that is more helpful for you. Make the most of the sunshine when you can too.
Here is the work for Thursday and Friday below. Please read down to find Maths, English, Spellings and Music.
Take care,
Mrs Johnston x
Can I solve length problems?
Steps to Success: 10mm=1cm
100cm= 1mm
Please choose mild or medium/hot.
Mild involves simple problems using different operations.
Medium/Hot is subtraction problems. These increase in difficulty.
Can I solve subtracting length reasoning problems?
Steps to Success: Write down your workings out
Convert your measures so they are the same.
10mm= 1cm
100cm = 1m
Choose one of the 3 pages. D= mild, E = medium and GD= Hot
You fill find the answers right at the bottom so that you can check if you were right!
Read Chapter 1 of 'The Settlers' on Purple Mash. I have set the task as a 'to do'.
Complete the 5 online multiple choice questions. Also set as a 'to do'.
Extension: Complete the Ash's Diary entry. This is set as a 'to do' also but if you have spent too long already, you do not need to do this task.
Complete your Reading Eggs level.
Read a book from the Reading Eggs Library
Read Chapter 2 of 'The Settlers' on Purple Mash.
Complete the online multiple choice tasks.
Challenge: Complete the 'Dream' writing task. I look forward to reading these
Complete the next level in your Reading Eggs.
Try to play a spelling test game from reading eggs or read a book on the site.
Use your eggs to buy items in the Reading Eggs shop to decorate your virtual home!
Try to play games with your words to help you learn. Your yellow homework books have ideas in the front cover!
Ask your family to test you!
Create rhythm patterns on the '2 Beat' Purple Mash program. This has been set as a 'To Do' so look out for it in your 'To Do's.
1. How to Use Video: At the top right hand of the screen when you open up the game, there is a button to press so that you can watch a video. Do this first because it tells you what to do.
2. Have fun changing the volumes, number of beats and changing the percussion.
3. When you are happy, save your work and I can listen to your creations with my cup of tea!!!
Hello Class 3, great work again yesterday and lots more emails and messages from many of you. Thank you and well done. If you still haven't managed to get onto Purple mash for any reason then please get into contact with us and we can try and help you. I'm going to add some reasoning and problem solving to the maths today as I have had a request from a child. Please don't feel you have to do this as well as everything else. It is just if you wish to extend yourself. Here is the learning today;-
Wednesday 22nd April
Can I edit my Superhero story?
Well done to those of you that sent me your story today, it was great to read them all. I would like you to go back to your story today and edit it. Remember how we do it in class and we have our stations. You should spend about 10 minutes on each station. Use the 'think about' section to help you when you edit. Here are the following stations that you should be using to edit your story;-
*Punctuation Party- capital letters, full stops, commas, exclamation marks
*Grammar Gangsta- does it make sense, does it flow, is it in the correct tense (Remember to read it out loud)
*Super sentence starters (In the morning, All of a sudden, a sentence shouldn't start with And or So ) and conjunctions- , but, so, when
*Spelling- check homophones (there, their, they're)
*Boom words- exciting adjectives, adverbs, similes
The success criteria is the same as yesterday. If you had already sent me your story then I will set it as a redo so should hopefully come up as a 2do!
Success criteria
> Extend your range of sentences by using a wider range of conjunctions, including when, if, because, although.
> Use extended noun phrases; a gigantic, green troll.
> Use fronted adverbials.
> Use commas after fronted adverbials.
Remember to read your story out loud as it is easier to spot mistakes when you hear it. Perhaps you could read it to a family member or even a grandparent over the phone! I'm sure they would love to hear it.
Can I use tenths as decimals?
We are continuing our work on fractions. It is in the same format as yesterday with the video and then the questions and answers. It is week 1 and lesson 5, 'Tenths as decimals' on the same website.
Again, I will attach the sheets here for your convenience.
Times Tables
Finally, please practise your times table like last time. If you got full marks last week and you are ready to move onto the next table then please move yourself up and well done! Here is the website as a reminder:
Thank you to those of you that did the fossil factfile yesterday. There were some brilliant ones. I would love it if you could draw or make a fossil. Fossils have intricate patterns so I would love to see your own pictures of them. After you draw it perhaps you could colour it in with colouring pencils or crayons or even paint them would be amazing. You could send me your pictures in an email.
If you want to be really creative you could even make your own fossil! There are various ways of doing this, some harder than others and I realise now is not the time to be able to get items easily- particularly flour! You could just use plasticine and press an item into it to leave a design. I will add some links to give you some ideas of how to make them if you want to give it a go;-
Finally, I wanted to share with you a lovely picture that I received from Sara at the beginning of the week. I thought it was lovely and really cheered me up so I thought it might do the same for you too.
Take care and stay safe. xxx
Hello Class 3, I hope you are all well. It was so lovely to hear from so many of you yesterday through email on Purple mash and also to see so much work from the 2dos that I set yesterday. I hope to see more of your work and messages today. If you haven't managed to get onto it yet then please try today as I would love to read something that you have written. If you are having any problems with accessing the work then please let us know and we can try and help you.
Home Learning- Tuesday 21st April
Can I write an engaging rescue story?
The English work today has been set as a ‘2Do’ on Purple Mash.
Following on from yesterday’s superhero profile, I would like you to write a short story where your superhero has to rescue someone who is in trouble. The success criteria for this activity is the same as yesterday, to make your imaginative writing more engaging for the reader.
Success criteria
> Extend your range of sentences by using a wider range of conjunctions, including when, if, because, although.
> Use extended noun phrases; a gigantic, green troll.
> Use fronted adverbials.
> Use commas after fronted adverbials.
Please use the ‘Think about’ box on the Purple Mash page to structure your story. You need to include a description and explanation of the story setting, problem, characters and why and how the rescue took place.
Can I count in tenths?
We are continuing our work on fractions. It is in the same format as yesterday with the video and then the questions and answers. It is week 1 and lesson 4, 'Count in Tenths' on the same website.
Again, I will attach the sheets here for your convenience.
Times Tables
Finally, please practise your times table like last time. If you got full marks last week and you are ready to move onto the next table then please move yourself up and well done! Here is the website as a reminder:
Can I explain how fossils are made?
Use BBC bitesize to understand how fossils are made. Watch the video and read the information about it. There is also an activity to do further down the page. See the following link-
Once you have looked at all the information can you complete the fossil factfile on Purple mash. I have added it as a 2do. Use the 'think about' section to help you.
Summer Term!
Hello Class 3. How are you all? We are missing you so much. I can't believe we have finished our fourth week since schools closed. Has it gone slowly or fast for you all? I found the first 2 weeks went very slowly but the Easter holidays have raced past. The beautiful sunshine has helped me enormously. As a family we have continued to spend lots of our time outside in the garden. My children enjoyed the Easter weekend by having egg hunts, a BBQ and toasted marshmallows. In addition, we also had a family games tournament which consisted of 10 mini games, such as table tennis, darts, Wii Just Dance and Mario Kart. My children enjoyed beating me on a few of the games! I would recommend trying to do something like that with your families. We have also enjoyed doing lots of quizzes with our friends and family on Zoom. Our round this week was called 'Are you smarter than an 8 year old?' I wrote questions based on what I've been teaching you this year. They didn't know what a metamorphic rock was or a fronted adverbial!
Now the Easter holidays are over we are thinking about the summer term and all the exciting things we were planning on doing. Hopefully you can do some of those things at home!
If you are struggling to access work online, then we have made new home learning packs that will be available to collect from school. If you want these, then please contact school by phone or email and they will be printed and ready for you when you want to collect.
Home Learning- Monday 20th April
Can I give a detailed description of a fictional character?
The English work today has been set as a ‘2Do’ on Purple Mash.
I would like you to write a profile for a superhero that you already know or one that you can make up. Consider the following questions to answer in your writing.
> What is your superhero called?
> Do they have any friends?
> Who does your superhero need to avoid as their enemy?
> Are there any foods that your superhero enjoys? Are there any that give special powers?
> What will your superhero’s next mission be?
> What does your superhero do?
Please include the following success criteria to include detail.
Success criteria
> Extend your range of sentences by using a wider range of conjunctions, including when, if, because, although.
> Use extended noun phrases; a gigantic, green troll.
> Use fronted adverbials.
> Use commas after fronted adverbials.
Can I identify and use tenths?
Maths- Can I make a whole using fractions?
We are continuing our work on fractions. It is in the same format as the work before the holidays with the video and then the questions and answers. It will be lesson 3, 'Tenths' on the same website.
Again, I will attach the sheets here for your convenience.
Our topic this term is Sensational Sports, which would have included the European Cup and the Olympics. Obviously, both of these tournaments have now been postponed so we will have to rethink our plans for the term. For now, we will continue with the topic. One of the tasks we set for you in the home learning packs was to do some research into a European country of your choice. I would like you to complete a fact file now, using that research, on Purple mash. Hopefully the country that you chose is on the website! I can't give you a '2do' as you need to choose which country you want to do. To find the fact files you need to go to- Home- Topics- Geography- Country Fact Files. If your country isn't there you can also find another useful writing tool in another area on Purple mash which I have added as a 2do.
Remember you can also login to the various websites for any extra work. There are My Maths tasks to do, Sumdog, Reading Eggs (if applicable) and Classroom Secrets Kids- lots more activities, games and videos have been added to this website.
Easter Holidays
We won't be putting any home learning tasks on here over the Easter holidays as it is important that you all have a break and just enjoy spending time together. Fingers crossed in the beautiful sunshine that we will have!
If you do want to do anything to keep you busy then there are always games to play on Classroom Secrets kids, Purple Mash and Sumdog. The SingUp website provides some great singing activities should you wish to keep up your singing!!
I also thought that you might want to do a science activity that I planned to do in the last week of term that is perfect for Easter. It is making rocks out of chocolate! We had only just started our unit of work on rocks so the children don't know an awful lot yet so I've attached a powerpoint that might help, explaining the rock cycle. The activity involves children making the different types of rock (Sedimentary, Metamorphic & Igneous) out of milk, white and dark chocolate. The method gives instructions to make enough rocks for 30 children so obviously you will have to scale down the ingredients. Please don't feel that you have to do this, I just thought it might be fun. It may also use up any left over chocolate you may end up with!
If you haven't completed the RE or music tasks yet then these are also activities to do over the holidays. Finally, we have attached a Covid-19 Time Capsule that the children may want to fill in at some point as a way of documenting this moment in time.
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Peach xxx and Mrs Johnstonxxx
Dear Class 3,
I hope you are all well and safe and enjoying your time at home? It was lovely to see a couple of you in school on Friday but I am missing you all and thinking about you a great deal! I have 2 children who are in Year 6 and Year 3 like you so I am being kept busy helping them with their learning every day and teaching them anything they are not sure about! Reading comprehension is probably their least favourite task!! I expect some of you feel the same! We have been walking our dog (who can't understand why everyone is always at home now and he can't get any peace and quiet) and today my son and I cooked lunch together for everyone. Are you managing to do any cooking? I hope you all have a lovely Easter and eat some yummy chocolate!! We will not be giving you daily tasks in the holiday time but I have added a few RE and music things for you to try to keep you busy.
All the best,
Mrs Johnston
This week we will be adding lengths together in cm, mm and m.
'Can I add lengths in mm, cm and m?
You will need to be able to swap between cm, mm and m in order to do this so remember:
I thought it would be fun to do a practical measuring distance task!
'Car Journey' asks you to roll 3 cars down a ramp and record how far they travelled at the bottom. You can record it in cm or m and cm and if you like you could try converting this to mm too! You could also compare the distances your car travelled and compete with a brother, sister, mum or dad.
You will need:
Small cars or trains if you don't have them(hot wheels will work or anything!)
A ramp (eg.propped up chopping board, large book, cardboard or even hot wheels track!)
A smooth floor or extended track to measure the distance travelled
Paper to write down the measurements.
Choose either medium or hot for reading comprehension. If you use Reading Eggs, I would like you to complete a level on your map and also read a book from the Reading Eggs library.
I am going to give you a few activities and tasks about the story of Easter and Salvation. You can do these this week and over the Easter holiday time.
1. Watch the Beginners Bible video link telling the Easter Story.
2. Create a comic strip to tell the main events in the Easter Story
3. Watch the 'God's Story' video clip to help you understand why Jesus died and rose again.
4. Can you create a picture with a large cross. Be as creative as you can and use any material you like eg collage, paint. Can you make your picture really colourful!! Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus because through dying and coming back to life, God brings new life and eternity in heaven to those who believe in him.
Listen to Vivaldi's 'Spring' from the Four Seasons.
How does the music make you feel?
Why did he call it Spring?
Can you find out what the main instruments are?
Does it inspire you to draw your own spring picture or write a spring poem? Or even create some spring music?
Wednesday 1st April Home Learning
Happy April Fools Day! Don't worry I won't play a trick on you but see if you can play a trick on your parents!
English- Can I use possessive apostrophes correctly?
Here is your English work for today. It is more poetry work but included is a bit of SPAG looking at possessive apostrophes. We haven't learnt about this yet this year so just try your best. There is a good video on BBC bitesize to explain possessive apostrophes: ttps:// Also, there is a nice interactive activity on the following website:
Maths- Can I make a whole using fractions?
This is the second lesson on fractions. It is in the same format as yesterday with the video and then the questions and answers. It will be lesson 2 on the same website as yesterday.
Again, I will attach the sheets here for your convenience.
Times Tables
Finally, please practise your times table like last week. If you got full marks last week and you are ready to move onto the next table then please move yourself up and well done! Here is the website as a reminder:
Tuesday 31st March Home Learning
We have something similar today so I hope you enjoyed yesterday's work. We will be learning about poetry again. Work through all the tasks in the following pdf please.
Maths- Can I recognise unit and non-unit fractions?
A unit fraction is where the denominator is 1, eg 1/2, 1/4, etc
A non-unit fraction is where the numerator is more than 1, eg 2/4, 4/5, etc
As I said yesterday we have finished our unit of work on multiplication and division now so we are moving onto fractions. You learnt about fractions in Year 2 so we will be building on that knowledge this year. I have added a 'To-do' task on Purple Mash that is a fractions game for you to have a play with. There is also a good video here that explains finding unit fractions by Gary Lineker!
The fractions work each have a video that accompanies the work sheets to teach the objective. I hope they help! All the work that you need are available on the Whiterosemaths website under the 'Home Learning' tab. Then click on Year 3, Week 1, Lesson 1. Here is a link to the page;
The video and the sheets, questions and answers are on the page however I will attach them here too for your convenience.
It will help to learn about fractions by doing it practically as much as you can. When you are having your lunch, eating dinner, etc talk about what fractions you can divide the food into. A pizza or a chocolate bar is an ideal item to use! Smarties are pretty good too!
Monday 30th March
Good morning Class 3, I hope you are all well and have enjoyed your first week of home learning- I can't quite believe that it's only been a week! I hope you made the most of the lovely sunshine last week and got out in your gardens. I managed to get lots of gardening done. Are you keeping fit? I am trying my best by going out regularly for a run and my daughter is keeping us fit by teaching us Tik-Tok dances! I'm looking forward to going into school today and Tuesday and working with a few children. I might even try the Joe Wicks workout while I'm in school!
Here is your home learning for today. I hope you enjoy it.
We have finished the unit of work that we've been working on so we are moving onto a bit poetry now. All the details are in the following pdf.....
Maths- Can I work out how many ways there are to solve a problem and link this to multiplication?
This is our final lesson on multiplication and division, we will be moving onto fractions tomorrow! Just because we've finished this unit of work doesn't mean you should stop practising it. I know how much you enjoyed doing the column multiplication. Perhaps you could teach your parents the time warp song! 'It's just a jump to the left ( when you times by 10) and a step to the right (when you divide by 10).'
Please complete the following sheets.
Here are spellings to learn and have fun with during the next week ahead. Remember that in your homework books there are examples of how to play with your spelling words and how to practise them. I am putting up 3 levels of spelling. They will all be on the class page by the end of Friday.
Dear Class 3,
I hope you have been enjoying your week at home so far? I know some of you have been in school too. The weather has been glorious so I hope you have managed to play outside in your garden or go for a walk somewhere. I need to take my dog for a walk every day so I have driven somewhere in the countryside for my daily walks with my two boys too! I see that Mrs Peach has been keeping you really busy this week and now it is my turn to give you some activities to do to keep you learning and busy.
I will put on the work for both Thursday and Friday together this week.
At the end of the week I will add some spellings to learn too!
I will miss seeing you all tomorrow and all your lovely happy faces. Instead though, I thought I'd send you some happy faces from me:
Mrs Johnstonxx
We have measured objects in mm, cm and m in class and worked on changing m to cm and cm to mm. Now, I would like you to compare measurements:
'Can I compare measurements?'
You will need to order them, use <,> and = and also solve a problem.
Please could you complete questions 1,2,3,4 and 7. Questions 5 and 6 ask you to measure the heights and jumps of your friends, which you can't do. If you have suitable equipment you could try using your family instead and ask your parents to jump.
'Can I solve problems comparing measurements?'
Today you will need to use what you know about measurements to solve the problems. Many of the questions ask you to explain why you think something. Choose your level:
Mild: Sheet 1
Medium: Sheet 2
Hot: Sheet 3
The answers are also attached for you to check your answers afterwards! Not before!!
I know Mrs Peach has been asking you to do lots of writing so I am going to set you a couple of short reading tasks for Thursday and Friday. You can choose mild or medium/hot.
Some of you are working on your reading through the Reading Eggs scheme so if it is you, I would like you to do two sessions on your Reading Eggs and also read two books in your Reading Eggs library. Don't forget to use your eggs in the shop!
Home Learning- Wednesday 25th March
Good morning Class 3, I hope you are enjoying spending lots of quality time with your family and doing fun activities that you don't normally have time for. It is important during this time that you stay happy and you're not anxious. I hope this mindfulness bingo will help towards this! Can you tick them all off?
Please finish the letter that you started yesterday. When you've finished, read it to check it makes sense and then check your punctuation and spellings. I have attached the HFW mats to support this.
Maths- Can I use scaling when multiplying and dividing?
I have added a new task on MyMaths that is connected to the work today- how many times more. You may wish to do this first to help you. Work through the powerpoint that I have attached and then complete one of the sheets. I have added Varied Fluency and Reasoning and Problem Solving sheets and there are 3 different levels of difficulty. Choose which one is best for you.
Times Tables
Please practise times tables using sumdog or purplemash. There are also lots of songs that you can watch to practise them, such as BBC supermovers-
Then I would like you to do the times table test on the table that you are on. You can find the test on the following website-
You can either do the test online
Select the table that you are on or select them all and change the number of questions to 100 if you are on the mixed tables. Alternatively, you can print a test out by going to the printable test on the same website further down the page. It looks like this;
I hope this makes sense!
Finally (I promise!) purplemash are providing 'Serial Mash' for free during school closures. There are lots of books that you can read and then there are activities to do afterwards. Also David Walliams is releasing an audio story every day for the next 30 days. A perfect tea break activity!
Well done Class 3, I miss you. xxx
Home Learning- Tuesday 24th March
Good morning Class 3, I hope you were able to enjoy the nice weather we had yesterday and you got out in the garden to got some fresh air and exercise. How did you find working from home yesterday? I saw that a few of you have already been on MyMaths to complete the tasks and Sumdog, well done.
Sumdog subscription is free during school closures so you are now able to get access to all aspects of the site, including spelling and reading.
English- Can I write a persuasive letter?
Hopefully you were able to complete your 'Boxing up' plan yesterday for your persuasive letter to a supermarket. Today, I would like you to start writing your letter. This should take you about 1 hour so don't do it all today, you can finish it tomorrow. Remember when you are writing it to read aloud each sentence to make sure they make sense. I will attach a list of our key words and persuasive features that I would like you to try and include in your letter.
Success Criteria- Include our key words
- Include the persuasive features
- Comma after a fronted adverbial
Maths- Can I divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number?
Please complete the attached sheet. This will continue on from the work that you did yesterday but includes finding remainders. Use some equipment to support you with this lesson, such as cocktail sticks, pencils, etc to find the remainders.
Topic (this should take you a few days if you make it too)
Can you design your own outfit that you would have worn in our fashion show? It could include your tie-dye t-shirt, block printing fabric and/or finger knitting and anything else that you have at home. The more imaginative the better! Perhaps you could even make it and take a photograph of yourself in it. I'd love to see the photos if you want to email them to school.
Monday 23rd March
Maths- Can I divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number?
Please complete the White Rose sheets on dividing. The sheets get progressively harder so they don't need to finish all 4. I have also added division tasks on Mymaths.
Dear parents
Home learning for the week beginning 23.3.20
Please complete the plan that was sent home for the persuasive letter to a supermarket. The children need to persuade the supermarket to stop using plastics and give reasons why. Attached is the plan if you need it and an example of a persuasive text that the children could use to support their plan. I have also added some suggested websites that have many facts that could be useful.
Home Learning
Home learning packs were sent out on Friday and if your child was unable to attend school, they are ready for collection. We will be updating the website with more home learning activities over the coming weeks too. Please also use the purple mash, classroom secrets and sumdog websites but most importantly, enjoy this extra time with your lovely children.
Look after yourselves,
The Year 3 Team
Keeping active
Please see link below with a "super movers" session to help keep your children active when they are at home. I will add more videos as they are released!
Joe Wicks, aka The Body Coach is doing a 'PE lesson' live on YouTube every morning at 9am for children at home. Here is the link to it...
Additional Home Learning Help
Should you feel that your child would like more homework or you would like to do more work with your child at home, here are a few attachments and websites that can be helpful for finding activities or completing activities: