The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves at their graduation. They clapped and cheered for all their friends as they received their certificates and then devoured an ice cream gifted to them by Miss Wilson!
Our first school trip was a huge success. Washbrook Farm arranged a tractor ride around their farm, an opportunity to pet the animals and allocated us time to explore their play area.
We had a blast on our Sports Day with Year 1.
Class R enjoyed pracitising their skipping skills during the skipping workshop on Thursday 1st July!
So far this week the children have seen our caterpillars turn into butterflies, explored our new 'at home' role play area and enjoyed an exciting visit from East Ginstead's Fire Service. It's only Tuesday!!
What a crazy day we had with a class full of rule breakers!
This week the children have had a lovely, spontaneous visit from Fr. Adam, created their own hair dressers and learnt about symmetry through a variety of activities. One thing we have not enjoyed about this week is the weather!
Class R's water afternoon was a success! The children were so well behaved and thoroughly enjoyed multiple water fights, chilling in the water trays and playing with the water toys. A huge thank you to the mummy who bought ice lollies - they went down a treat!
It's the final countdown; it is crazy to think this is the last time I will be welcoming this lovely bunch back after a half term break! They have all grown and developed so much this year and I am sure they will continue to flourish in the next 6 weeks before moving onto Year 1. This week we have introduced our new topic of mini beasts, opened our very own garden centre and brought caterpillars into the classroom to watch their life cycle process. On top of all of this, we have continued to show our love of numbers, reading and writing through lots of different activities.
And that marks the end of Summer term 1! The children have continuously worked immensely hard over the past 6 weeks and must be absolutely exhausted now. The photos below show just a glimmer of the learning that the Class R children have engaged with; from retelling the story of Adam and Eve to building obstacle courses. One particular topic which interested our children was the Colour Monster book which they read for PSHE. Each week they learnt about a new colour monster, which emotion they held and how best to deal with that emotion in their life.
All children in Class R have shown great enthusiasm in their learning over the past two weeks. Our animal topic of 'All Creatures Great and Small' has led us to learn about animals who live in the ocean and desert. Below are some photos that show just a snippet of what we've been up to.
We have hit the ground running in Class R! The Summer term has already held lots of exciting learning opportunities as we entered our new topic of animals. So far, we have learnt about jungle animals and animals from Polar regions, brrrrr! We created an airport and aeroplane for us to travel to each new location. You can see us checking our friends onto their flight in the photo below!
Father Adam has asked each year group to create a banner displaying the children's art work based on the significant days of Holy week. Class R has been asked to create palm leaves for Jesus' Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday. They took this job very seriously and one child said, "We will have to decorate like Year 10 children!"
Last Friday, 19th March, the children worked incredibly hard to complete the 'Mad Mile' all in aid of Red Nose Day. They had to run, walk or skip their way around the playground 16 and a half times - yes, you read that right! They showed great self-determination and an incredible team spirit.
This week in maths, we have been learning all about 3D shapes. We now know 3D shapes are puffed up and not flat to the page; like 2D shapes. We have learnt the names of some of them and explored where we see these shapes in real life.
Welcome back, what a fantastic first day back Class R have had! These photos show laughter between friends, toys being shared and learning experiences being explored. I am so very proud of the resilience the children have shown during this time and how calm (and eager) they have been returning to school.
Before entering lockdown, we had one full day of exciting learning at school as the children were eager to return to the classroom. They thoroughly enjoyed making their own love heart decorations for us to display in our values corner in the classroom.
December has brought lots of joyful learning opportunities for Class R. The children have worked incredibly hard throughout their first full term at St. Mary's - I am a very proud teacher!
On Tuesday 8th December, Class R performed their Christmas Nativity to Miss Thorne and Father Adam. They were very confident while performing and sang all the wonderful songs beautifully. They should be thoroughly proud of themselves; this is a fantastic achievement!
Class R have been getting in the festive spirit this week. We have celebrated the arrival of Crackers the elf, worked as a team to create a nativity scene and made Christmas cards for a local Nursing Home. We are sure these exciting activities will continue across our last two weeks of term.
Christians believe God put humans on Earth to care for his creations. When god created Adam, he let him name all the animals and insects in the hope he would treat them with care. We made our own animals and named them to be like God and Adam.
Jellyfish vs jelly - this was our latest discussion in R.E. as we learnt about Jesus being the creator and giver of life. In our lesson, the children questioned which was living and how we knew they were alive compared to the other. Following this in depth class conversation, we made and tasted our own jelly!
The children have been learning about lots of different celebrations that occur throughout November. For bonfire night, they made tin foil sparklers which they took to the playground to practise prepositional language. For Remembrance Day, the children made their own medals of bravery and discussed what they would say to the soldiers. For Diwali, the children made their own diya's out of modelling clay which they later painted with bright, bold colours.
What a first half term it has been! The children have worked their little socks off and should be very proud of their achievements thus far. They have experienced the big outdoors on welly walks, shown tremendous courage when putting on a play for their friends and practising lots of fine motor skill movements. I hope they are all as eager as I am to get back to school for the second half of this term.
I would like to thank all parents for supporting St. Mary's in ensuring your children have the best start to school life despite the changes and restrictions imposed in this current climate. For those who were unable to attend the Meet the Teacher zoom session, here is the PowerPoint with all the information we discussed. Please do not hesitate to contact the Class R team via your child's communication book, the office or emailing
On Wednesday 30th September, Class R experienced their first Church service. They were very excited to listen and learn from Father Adam as he explained why we celebrate Harvest. The children created beautiful, hand-print trees based on the story The Little Red Hen which has a story-line based around harvesting.
Welcome to Class R! The children have settled in to school life at St. Mary's incredibly well and have thoroughly enjoyed lots learning opportunities across their first 4 weeks. In this time, we have made new friends and explored our learning area - including playing new instruments, building dens and blasting off in our new spaceship!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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