Thank You All for a Fantastic Year
On behalf of the Class 1 team, I want to say a huge thank you for your incredible support over this year. We have navigated through changing restrictions and lockdowns and you have been so committed to providing the best for your children.
It has been an honour and a privilege to teach your children. We are so very proud of all they have achieved.
Have a lovely restful Summer.
Take care and stay safe,
Mr Johnson
Water Fight Fun
This is the ultimate way to keep cool in the hot weather. We had so much fun!
Gold and Values Awards (16.07.21)
I broke with tradition last week...and I have done it again this week with 4 Gold Awards!
Izzy – Izzy has been working really well this week in talk partner and small group activities. She listens well to others and is supportive of her peers.
Nancy – Nancy is always so helpful in class. Without being asked, she will tidy our reading corner and organise the children's handwriting books. Thank you for being so willing.
Olivia – I was so impressed with Olivia's creative writing this week, coming up with imaginative ideas for her own story based on 'Sally and the Limpet'.
Kerys – Kerys has shown to be a really good friend to others this week. A great role model to the class and the school.
Lucy & Ella – Both of these children have worked so hard all the way through Year 1, to learn new skills and develop their understanding. Well done for a great work ethic.
Washbrooks Family Farm
We had such an exciting day on the farm for our very first school trip! We saw so many fascinating animals and learnt many facts about how they live and what they eat.
We had an excellent afternoon with Reception class for our very first St Mary's Sports Day. All of the children enjoyed challenging themselves in all of the events and were brilliant at encouraging each other.
Skipping Workshop
On Thursday, we had lots of fun at our skipping workshop where we learnt lots of tips and tricks.
Spellings for this week (09.07.21)
Below are the Class 1 spellings for this week which will be tested on Friday 16th July
There are 10 spellings consisting of words with a chosen sound, green words (spelt using phonics) and red words (not following phonics patterns).
5K Challenge
Thank you to all who sponsored our St Mary's 5K Challenge. Here are some pictures of Class 1 completing our distance over a few weeks in PE.
Red Nose Day Run
Here are a few photos of Class 1 completing their mile run for charity. Thank you to all those who donated to this very worthy cause.
Read Write Inc – Reading at Home
Read Write Inc is the primary scheme we use at St Mary’s to teach your child how to read and understand the meaning of a text.
Your child will receive a new Read Write Inc Phonics book on a Monday and a Thursday each week. Please make sure your child’s book bag is brought into school on these days.
Below is how we would like you to use the Phonics book in your daily reading with your child.
Day 1
1. Decode all of the green and red words
2. Let your child read the sentences of the book to you
3. Point to the words as they read
4. If they struggle, help to sound out and blendDay 2
Day 3
Reading – sounding out and blending
If you are unfamiliar with the terms sounding out and blending, below is a video from Read Write Inc explaining how they are used for reading unfamiliar words.
Good morning Class 1. We have finally made it to the last day of Home Learning! Are you ready to celebrate?! At 10:30am today we have a Scavenger Hunt and at 12:45pm we are going to play a Memory Game and Musical Statues!
All the staff at St Mary's cannot wait to welcome you back to school on Monday (8th) at 8:30am.
Thank you so much to all the children of Class 1 for your hard work and dedication and to parents and carers for your incredible support.
Remember - today is spelling test day. Once you have completed the test, please send me your results using the school office email or Purple Mash.
To keep your child progressing in their education, we would like you to prioritise daily:
> Reading - using the Read Write Inc. reading scheme
> Practicing of phonics - using the daily Read Write Inc. videos - links are below
> Writing sentences - a few sentences for each English activity including capital letters, full stops, finger spaces between words and letters sitting on the line
> Refining handwriting - using the handwriting lines in the exercise books to correctly size letters and develop cursive letter formation.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your Phonics exercise book (for Phonics and English), Curriculum exercise book (for Topic, RE and Wellbeing) or plain paper for Maths. Activities for today include English, Maths, Phonics, Art and Collective Worship.
I would like you watch the video below, of a cat that gets up to lots of mischief.
In your phonics book, write 4 sentences to describe what the cheeky cat gets up to. You may also want to describe how his owner feels.
How many adjectives and verbs can you include in your description to create a strong image in the reader's mind?
Remember your capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and letters sitting on the line.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Daily Phonics Lessons
Follow the link for the Read Write Inc. free Phonics lessons on YouTube.
> Set 1 Speed Sounds, Word Time and Spelling
> Set 2 Speed Sounds and Spelling
> Set 3 Speed Sounds and Spelling
> Read longer words
> Read Red Words 1: for children who are reading Red, Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks.
> Read Red Words 2: for children who are reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks.
> Read and Hold a Sentence 1: reading and writing practice for children reading Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks.
> Read and Hold a Sentence 2: reading and writing practice for children reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks.
In Maths today we used a ruler to measure objects, but now we are going to use a ruler to create some fun art. Art John is going to show us how to create an easy OP-ART picture using only plain paper, a pencil and a ruler.
Collective Worship
Below is a worship song that combines exciting praise to God and energetic actions to get you active. Make sure you have plenty of space to move as we don’t want anything or anyone being knocked over.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, you are going to write as the Snail, describing your feelings about your travels so far.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
Today, you are going use your creative imagination to be inventors.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, you are going to be retelling part of 'The Snail and the Whale', making it interesting for the listener.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to start looking at the story of Easter and what happened to Jesus.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, you are going to write a description of a scene.
You may want to watch the video below to get some ideas.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to be looking at the country of England in more detail.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, you are going to draw and label a scene from The Snail and the Whale.
Watch the video below to help with your drawing.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm, to discuss the Maths for this week which is a new topic of length and height.
Here is Joe Wicks to guide you through a 5 minute workout to keep you fit and active.
Make sure you give yourself plenty of space in your home to complete these exercises. They are designed to raise your heart rate and work your muscles, however if your muscles begin to hurt or get too out of breath please stop and take a rest. Also, have a bottle of water with you to take if you get thirsty.
Below is a music lesson to learn the song 'The Drums in the Band' led by Miss Jeffers.
Here are the origami animals we produced in school today!
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, you are going to write your own description about a magician doing a magic act.
You can watch the video below to give you ideas.
Today, you have two activities to complete to practice counting in 2s and 5s.
Here is another origami art activity. You can make a dog, cat, fox, fish or mouse. You may even want to make all 5 animals! It's super simple and lots of fun!
Class Discussion
For our 12:45pm Zoom meet today, we are going to have a class discussion.
The question we will be looking at is...
What is your favourite toy to play with and why?
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we are going to be writing arguments for and against the Snail travelling with the Whale.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to discuss how to play nicely with others.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today we are going to be describing a character's emotions.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to start looking at the signs that point use to the Christian celebration of Easter.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
We are going to be describing the character of the Snail.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
Continuing our topic of 'Oh The Places You'll Go', we are going to travel around the United Kingdom and find out about each of the countries within it.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we will be starting to look at a new book...however, I'm not going to tell you what it is just yet.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm, to discuss the Maths for this week.
Below is a music lesson learning a fun rhyme called 'Hey There Clappers' by Miss Jeffers.
Here is the semi circle patterned art we completed in school today!
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we will be having a fun quiz to recap our learning this half term!
For Maths you have a fun Comparing Numbers Game to play.
Art John has a fun activity with creating patterns with simple shapes. This will help to improve your cutting skills. Enjoy!
Class Discussion
For our 12:45pm Zoom meet today, we are going to have a class discussion.
The questions we will be looking at are...
What have you enjoyed about your Home Learning?
What do you miss about being in school?
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
You get an opportunity to write your own description using verbs based on these pictures.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We will be discussing how to keep a positive attitude and a growth mindset.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
We are going to be placing verbs into sentences.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
Today, we will be learning about the importance of Shabbat for Jews.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
We are going to be placing verbs into sentences. Write all of your sentences into your phonics book in your neatest handwriting.
> If you are not very confident, complete the MILD activity.
> If you are confident, complete the SPICY activity.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to be looking at China and Chinese New Year.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
This week, we are going to be looking at verbs in sentences and what they describe.
Watch the video below and complete the activity and game.
Below is a music lesson learning a fun rhyme called 'Baker Baker' by Miss Jeffers.
Here is the Octopus art we completed in school today!
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, you get to write your own story using this picture and your imagination.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Here is a fun and simple art activity to create an octopus. Enjoy!
Class Discussion
For our 12:45pm Zoom meet today, we are going to have a class discussion.
The question we will be looking at is...
What job would you like to do when you grow up and why?
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we are using our knowledge of nouns and adjectives to make sentences more detailed and interesting.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We will be discussing why it is important to share your thoughts and listen to others.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we are going to be finding Adjectives in sentences and then rewriting sentences with our own examples.
> If you are not very confident, complete the MILD activity.
> If you are confident, complete the SPICY activity.
> If you are super confident, complete the HOT activity.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to look at the Jewish symbols and why they are important to Jews.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we are going to be looking at identifying Adjectives in sentences.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to be looking at the continent of Africa and the fascinating animals that live there.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we are going to be looking at identifying Nouns in sentences.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm to discuss this week's Maths learning.
Here is an opportunity to practice counting in 10s up to 50, which will help with our learning for the rest of this week.
Below is a music lesson by Mr Gildea on saying and clapping different rhythms in music.
Here is the art we completed in school today, including our Winter landscapes and sliding film strip cameras.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, is another opportunity for you to write your own imaginative story based on this picture.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Art (Part 1)
Art John is going to show us how to create a Winter Landscape picture with snow using a few simple materials. Who knows...we may get more snow this weekend!
Art (Part 2)
This is a great Art activity that was sent to me by Etienne. I have added his picture below as an example for you see how it looks. On the film strip you can draw different pictures and then you cut along the dotted line on the camera to feed it past the lens. Thank you Etienne for sharing this with us.
Class Discussion
For our 12:45pm Zoom meet today, we are going to have a class discussion.
The question we will be looking at is...
What is your favourite book to read and why?
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, you get to write your own rhyming animal poem. Make sure you have your rhyming words from yesterday's lesson with you.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
Now many of us are spending lots of time online, we will be discussing how to keep ourselves safe when using our computers, laptops, tablets and phones.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
We are going to start planning our own rhyming poems today about animals. How many rhyming pairs will you be able to make?
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to look at the Jewish place of worship, called a Synagogue.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
We are going to be looking at more examples of rhyming poems and having an opportunity to learn one and perform it with lots of interesting expression.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to be looking at Australia in more detail and finding out fascinating facts about this country on the other side of the world from us.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
This week, we are going to studying poetry. We will be looking at examples of rhyming and later in the week write our own rhyming poems.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm to discuss this week's Maths learning.
Here is an opportunity to practice your skills of subtraction by completing the following activity and game.
Below is a music lesson by Mr Gildea on saying and clapping different rhythms in music. We are looking at Ta (crotchet), Ti ti (quaver) and Sh (rest).
Here is the art we completed in school today, using paper concertinas to create sssslithering ssssnakes.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, is another opportunity to write your own story. Use the picture below to make up a story using your imagination.
What is behind the door? decide!
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Today, you have an opportunity to make a sssslithering ssssnake out of paper. If you would like, you can ssssend me what you create. Have fun ssssnipping and ssssticking.
Class Discussion
For our 12:45pm Zoom meet today, we are going to have a class discussion.
The question we will be looking at is...
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we are going to be answering questions about 'The Sweetest Song'.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to think about how positive and negative behaviour affects others.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we are going to describe how the girl felt after she was able to get herself home safely and away from the wolf.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to look at the 5 books of the Torah, Moses who wrote them and the 10 Commandments given by God to lead a good life.
Good morning Class 1.
To keep your child progressing in their education, we would like you to prioritise daily:
> Reading - using the Read Write Inc. reading scheme
> Practicing of phonics - using the daily Read Write Inc. videos - links are below
> Writing sentences - a few sentences for each English activity including capital letters, full stops, finger spaces between words and letters sitting on the line
> Refining handwriting - using the handwriting lines in the exercise books to correctly size letters and develop cursive letter formation.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your Phonics exercise book (for Phonics and English), Curriculum exercise book (for Topic, RE and RSHE) or plain paper for Maths. Activities for today include English, Maths, Phonics, Topic and Collective Worship.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we are going to write what we believe the main characters in the story are thinking about each other.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to recap the 7 continents of the world and today learn about the 5 oceans of the world.
Good morning Class 1. Welcome to Week 3 of Home Learning.
To keep your child progressing in their education, we would like you to prioritise daily:
> Reading - using the Read Write Inc. reading scheme
> Practicing of phonics - using the daily Read Write Inc. videos - links are below
> Writing sentences - a few sentences for each English activity including capital letters, full stops, finger spaces between words and letters sitting on the line
> Refining handwriting - using the handwriting lines in the exercise books to correctly size letters and develop cursive letter formation.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your Phonics exercise book (for Phonics and English), Curriculum exercise book (for Topic, RE and RSHE) or plain paper for Maths. Activities for today include English, Maths, Phonics, PE, Music and Collective Worship.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we are going to use our story map to retell 'The Sweetest Song' in our own words using Time Conjunctions.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm to discuss the week's Maths learning.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
For the Number Bonds activity, you can use any objects you have at home to place in your Tens Frames.
How many Number Bonds can you find? You may want to write them down so you don't forget
(e.g. 4 + 6 = 10).
If you want to challenge yourself, you can make Number Bonds to 20 using the activity sheet below (e.g. 17 + 3 = 20).
Today, I want you to enjoy watching this fantastic retelling of the traditional tale – Peter and the Wolf. Listen to how different instruments create characters and how the whole orchestra set the scene in the listener’s imagination.
Here is the art we completed in school today, exploring positive and negative spaces.
Good morning Class 1. Here we are at the end of our second week of home learning.
I am so proud of all of the hard work you are completing. A huge thank you to parents who have been so willing to engage with the learning and support your children's learning.
I am really enjoying receiving your work. Just a reminder that I would like to see a minimum of one piece of English, Maths and one other subject each week. You can send me work via 2Email on Purple Mash or via the school office email.
To keep your child progressing in their education, we would like you to prioritise daily:
> Reading - using the Read Write Inc. reading scheme
> Practicing of phonics - using the daily Read Write Inc. videos - links are below
> Writing sentences - a few sentences for each English activity including capital letters, full stops, finger spaces between words and letters sitting on the line
> Refining handwriting - using the handwriting lines in the exercise books to correctly size letters and develop cursive letter formation.
All of the activities on this page have been designed so print outs are not needed. Documents can be opened on a device and answers written in your Phonics exercise book (for Phonics and English), Curriculum exercise book (for Topic, RE and RSHE) or plain paper for Maths. Activities for today include English, Maths, Phonics, Art and Collective Worship.
Class Discussion
For our 12:45pm Zoom meet today, we are going to have a class discussion. I would like to hear your your ideas so make sure you know how to unmute yourself on Zoom. However, only unmute yourself if I call your name. The question we will be looking at is...
If you could be a superhero what would your super power be?
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, you get to write your very own story. Use the picture below to make up a story and use your imagination. What is in the box? decide!
The first sentence of your story could be...
I turned the key and opened the wooden box.
Remember our success criteria:
> Capital letters
> Full stops
> Finger spaces
> Letters sitting on the line
You can write your story in your Phonics book. The handwriting lines can help with your letter formation.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Today, I have my favourite YouTube artist to explain a fun art activity which uses positive and negative space. Enjoy being creative!
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we are going to story map 'The Sweetest Song' so we will be able to retell it next week.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to think about our feelings and how we can help others be happy.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are starting to look at the Jewish faith in our Religious Studies lessons.
The video below gives an introduction to what Judaism is.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
Today, we are going to start looking at a story called The Sweetest Song. You are going to draw the scene based on the description.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
If you would like a challenge, here is an extra activity for you.
Live lesson input on Zoom at 12:45pm.
We are going to start learning about the 7 continents of the world as part of our new topic - Oh, the places you'll go.
Home Learning – Monday 11th January 2020
Live lesson input on Zoom at 10:30am.
We're going to think about what makes a good story and how we can make it interesting when we tell a story to someone. Complete your work in your phonics exercise book in your neatest handwriting.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.
There will be a live lesson on Zoom at 12:45pm to go through the Maths learning for the week.
The Carnival of the Animals is a musical composition by French composer Camille Saint-Saëns. It is one of the best-known pieces of classical music written for children. It consists of 14 short movements describing different groups of animals.
I would like you to listen to each section and discuss the following questions with someone at home.
Q1. How does each section sound like the animal it is describing in music?
Q2. Can you identify which instruments are used in each section?
I hope you enjoy listening to this piece as much as I do.
Moving Paper Fish
Here is a picture of the Moving Paper Fish we completed at school today for Art. Thank you also to those that sent in pictures of their artwork they made at home.
Here is a fun and simple art activity. With just a few sheets of coloured paper, scissors and glue you can create a moving fish. If you wanted to, you could send me a picture of your final piece of work. Enjoy being creative!
Home Learning Thursday 7th January
Joe Wicks (who I am sure you know because of his daily fitness videos during the first lockdown last year) is going to guide you through a 5 minute workout to keep you fit and active.
Make sure you give yourself plenty of space in your home to complete these exercises. They are designed to raise your heart rate and work your muscles, however if your muscles begin to hurt or get too out of breath please stop and take a rest. Also have a bottle with you to take if you get thirsty.
Home Learning Tuesday 5th January
Class 1 would like to wish all parents, family and friends a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
Here is our message for you about the true meaning of Christmas, the carol A Starry Night.
Take care and stay safe.
Cheeky the Elf
Today, we had to say goodbye to Cheeky the Elf. We have loved having him in the class. As you can see, he has got up to a lot while staying with us He has now made his way back to the North Pole to tell Father Christmas all about the wonderfully caring children of Class 1 at St Mary's. Travel safely Cheeky and we will see you again soon!
A visit from Father Christmas
We were very excited when Father Christmas visited our classroom today with his elves. They were very good at keeping socially distanced and gave us individual presents as well as a class present of two boxes of coloured dominoes for us to play and explore with.
New Playground Gym Equipment
We are very fortunate at St Mary’s to have new Gym equipment in the playground. Each Monday, Class 1 are able to use it, exploring how it works and how it can help us keep fit and healthy. It is also lots of fun!
Tens ones equals one ten
In Maths this week, we have been grouping ten ones to make one ten for the first time, using straws to help us understand. We can now use tens and ones to make and count larger numbers more quickly. This is the beginning to learning how place value can help with our knowledge of number.
Scenes from the Christmas Story
Each class at St Mary’s has created a scene from the Nativity to display in school. It is a lovely reminder of the true reason why we celebrate Christmas. God came to earth as a vulnerable baby, but grew up to teach his followers of how to love each other and ultimately sacrificed himself to forgive the sins of the world. Class 1’s scene depicted the incredible moment when Angel Gabriel visited Mary and told her she would give birth to the Son of God. All of the scenes will soon be available to view on the website.
2D and 3D shapes
In Maths this week, we have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We are now able to name a variety of shapes and describe their key features. We also used 2D shapes to create models of everyday objects and 3D shapes to build freestanding structures.
Dominos can teach us so much!
This week we have been looking at different ways we can use dominos to help with our learning. They can help with counting, matching and ordering numbers as well as weight, balance and forces. We loved exploring with dominos in class…there are some many possibilities!
A donation of new reading books
Class 1 were very excited this week to receive a wonderful donation of books from the Hook family. We love reading in class and enjoyed every opportunity to discover new characters and stories. We are so thankful and will treasure these books.
Learning how to use technology
We had even more excitement this week when we started learning how to use laptops to word process. By the end of our first lesson, we are able to log onto the network, open a Word document and use the keyboard to write simple sentences with capital letters, spaces and full stops. We were even able to delete letters when we made a mistake. We had so much fun exploring all the functions of the laptop.
The Festival of Diwali
Diwali is the five-day festival of lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, as well as Sikhs and Jains across the world. Diwali, which for some also coincides with harvest and new year celebrations, is a festival of new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil, and light over darkness.
The word Diwali comes from the Sanskrit word deepavali, meaning "rows of lighted lamps". Houses, shops and public places are decorated with small oil lamps called diyas. People also enjoy fireworks and sweets too. It will be celebrated on 14th November this year.
We created our own Paper Diyas using a concertina process the remind us of the importance of light in Diwali.
Jonah and the Whale
In RE, over the last few weeks, we have been looking at the story of Jonah and how he did not want to follow God's instructions until God forced him to realise that his plan is always best.
We created freeze frames of the key scenes to illustrate how Jonah felt throughout his incredible journey.
Below is a short animation of the bible story.
Year 1 are now learning cursive letter formation. Below is a document that you may want to use when your child is writing at home. We are still in the early stages of developing this; however, we would hope that by the end of the academic year children would be confident in writing cursive letters in preparation for progressing through the school.
Where The Wild Things Are
Over the last few weeks, we have been studying the book ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sendak. We have been exploring the many feelings that Max experienced through his imaginary journey and described his fantasy setting and the Wild Things he met using our best adjectives.
Here are some photos of our freeze frames depicting key scenes in the story and Max’s reactions.
Harvest Celebration
Today, Class 1 and Reception took part in our Harvest Celebration in the church. It was such a shame that parents were not able to join with us due to the current restrictions; however, we have recorded our performance of our ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’ song for you to enjoy. All the children did a fantastic job and I was a very proud teacher!
Thank you so much for those that brought in food for the service. The church will be able to use this to create food parcels for vulnerable families, in the local area, needing help.