

East Grinstead, West Sussex

Class 6

Please enjoy some wonderful memories of our trip to France! We are aiming to upload the video presentation but it is currently too large.

Assessment Meeting

Please find below the PowerPoint used at the assessment meeting this morning as well as a SPAG terminology mat that might be useful for revision.


In our gymnastics lessons we have been working on balances on different 'points' and 'patches'. We have practised balances holding our own body weight, counterbalancing with a partner and using apparatus. In the next few weeks we will be putting these into a routine and performing them to the class.

Ancient Greek Day!


We had a wonderful time today celebrating our learning on Ancient Greeks! Children looked fantastic in their costumes and had fun making and tasting some Greek food. Thank you to those of you that came to watch the dance performances this afternoon; we are sure that you will agree that the children all performed brilliantly.


We look forward to continuing this topic after half term!

Week beginning 14/01/19

This week in science we have been finding out about the circulatory system. Children acted out the journey of a blood cell around the body before deciding how to present their learning in their science books. We had diaries, letters, flowcharts and even a travel brochure! I was very impressed with their understanding and use of scientific vocabulary - ask your child to explain what they have learnt!

Spring Term!


The children have had a great first full week back after Christmas.


In maths we have been focusing on decimals and children are becoming confident at solving problems involving these. In English, we are up to Chapter 3 of 'Who Let the Gods Out' and are wondering just what Elliot is hiding! We have made a great start on our 'Greek God' dances in P.E. and look forward to performing these later in the term.


Homework has been set on Purple Mash - thank you to those of you who have submitted projects already. Please remember to be reading regularly and practising your spellings at home. We will continue to check reading diaries weekly and test spellings.

Understanding Christianity Display

We hope you are all having a wonderful half-term.


The first half of Autumn term has flown by. Your children have produced some amazing work. They are doing so well! We are looking forward to seeing all of you at Parents' Evening, which is coming up next month, to tell you more about how they are getting on.


When you do come into school, please have a look at the new values display outside the hall. Each class adopted a value during our recent 'pause day'. Year 6 chose creativity and really had fun creating some art work for everyone to enjoy.


Immediately after half term, we have 'bikeability', so don't forget those bikes, helmets and locks!


In maths we shall be starting some work on fractions. In literacy we shall begin to read 'The Unfortunate Thing That Happened to Barnaby Brocket'. We shall also be finding out about Sydney, starting some work on fitness and lacrosse (weather permitting) and discussing what Jesus would do in a variety of situations  during R.E. 


Finally, although we have sent work home and have put some items on purple mash, it is optional. Make sure you have some fun too.


We look forward to seeing your children again on Tuesday 30th October.


Mrs Andrews, Ms Mallaband and Mrs Reeves


Week 6 spellings

Week 5 spellings

Week 4 spellings

Week 4!


Where has the time gone?


Your children have been amazing tackling their homework this week. They are all so keen and I'm so pleased they are this enthusiastic. They must be enjoying it.


I'm looking into options for further maths homework for those who have requested it. Bear with me and keep practising arithmetic.


This week, we shall be covering multiplication in maths. We looked at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 & 1000 last week and will start with short multiplication, moving onto long, then multiples, factors, primes, squared and cubed numbers. This will probably continue into week 5.

In literacy, we are looking at letter writing (both formal and informal). P.T. Barnum has invited your child to be part of his show! They will be asking a friend for advice informally (sharing their hopes and fears), then responding formally.

In P.E. this week we shall be working on defence and attack strategies in both hockey and netball.

Science we are covering traits and how they are inherited.

In R.E, we are continuing to celebrate harvest which the children are doing in a manner of their choice. Do ask them about it!

Friday will see the start of our weekly creative rotation. The children can choose from DT, costume design or animation and will eventually experience all three.


Now a plea. We want to start our music lessons and year 5 & 6 will be learning the recorder. We are currently, however, 7 recorders short. Do any of you have a recorder languishing, forgotten in the back of a cupboard from your youth or from an older sibling? If so, please could you donate it? I found 3 in the back of my cupboard so I'm feeling hopeful that some of you might have one!


We hope you all had a lovely weekend and that both you and your children are looking forward to week 4!


Mrs Reeves, Ms Mallaband and Mrs Andrews

Meet The Teacher

What a wonderful start to the term we've had with your delightful children!


We have now updated Purple Mash and the homework links can be found in the 'ToDo' section, located on the home page. The homework sheet will be coming home this evening. One of the tasks is for your children to continue to work on their arithmetic skills. A copy of a typical year 6 paper can be found below. We are also working on this in class so your children know which areas they need to concentrate on.


A spelling quiz, for the words of the week, can also be found in this section and the words will be sent home every Monday. A copy of the words can also be found below.


Your children have had a busy start to the term. I've included a few details below in case you wish to do anything additional to support your children with their learning.


In maths, we have looked at place value and number (this includes rounding and ordering numbers), as well as revising addition and subtraction. In weeks three and four we will be moving onto multiplication, looking at short and long multiplication and then investigating prime numbers, factors and multiples. 


In literacy, we have looked at the key features of setting and character descriptions and are about to write a creative story. In addition to this, we are working on a range of punctuation and grammar to support this, as well as spellings and handwriting. On a weekly basis, we also discuss a piece of text and answer a range of questions about it.


For all other areas of our curriculum, please see our long-term plan for details. 


Mrs Reeves, Ms Mallaband and Mrs Andrews


Autumn 1 Week 3 Spellings

Arithmetic Paper

Welcome to Class 6! We hope you all had a good summer and are looking forward to a great Autumn term.


Please find our welcome letter and homework grid for the term below. We are having a few technical problems transferring the class from year 5 to year 6 on Purple Mash. This will be resolved shortly and the homework tasks will appear on the system.


Your children have settled in well and enjoyed watching 'The Greatest Showman' on Friday as well as meeting their Year R buddies.


Weekly spellings will start from next week (17.09.18) as we have been assessing your children's knowledge of the year 3/4 and year 5/6 spellings so far.


Mrs Reeves, Ms Mallaband and Mrs Andrews

Year 6 Reading List
