

East Grinstead, West Sussex

Class 6

Epiphany Mass

How does Tawhid create a sense of belonging to the Muslim community?

A beautiful 3 mile walk around our area of outstanding beauty!

Practising our OAA skills with Rachel from the High Weald before our welly walk tomorrow.

Using manipulatives to find the equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages when discussing the relation between amounts.

Fantastic perseverance shown from all as we attempted new skills in the circus workshop!

Vocabulary collecting lesson to build suspense around a picture stimulus.

Enrichment Week W/C Monday 19th May 2025

Class Six thoroughly enjoyed their first aid session developing their understanding of CPR, the recovery position and handling anaphylaxis.

Jill from the Lions joined Class 6 for the final lesson where our young entrepreneurs showcased their fantastic creations!

A sell out bake sale for the Ronald McDonald charity by children in Class 6. What a wonderful example of service at St Mary’s!

Lion’s ROAR project - prototypes of our inventions that will change the world!

Practicing CPR with the Air Ambulance!

Mood Boosting Movement by our spectacular Sports Crew!

Snakes and ladders to help us practise the long division method!

NSPCC workshop


Harvest 2024

Using the messages shared between two characters from our story in English, we were able to predict what the subsequent texts would have been and acted these out.

Manipulative out in maths to support multi step problems with place value, prime numbers and multiplication

Self portraits in the style of Divine vs Human in RE. Posters for science about which elements in life are important for animals including humans. New front covers for a book starring Via as the main character instead of her brother.
