

East Grinstead, West Sussex

Class 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Around the World in 80 Days!

Bread making workshop 5th May

The Stunning Start to our topic was a STEM activity to build a bridge inspired by the amazing bridges of the UK

We found looking at the heart fascinating! We learnt all about where it is, what it does, and what it looks and feels like.

We found sewing our bags quite tricky but they look fabulous now they are done!

Cookery school- Knife skills 1.4.22

We learnt a lot about problem solving and perseverance today with our STEM ambassadors

We dug up our rubbish today to see what had happened so far...

Our tadpoles have arrived and we are writing our tadpole diarys

We did a great job at learning how to block print

Red Nose Day X-Fit circuit

Year 4 Gym- March 2022

Still image for this video
Year 4 have worked hard to learn new moves and create a sequence!

Cooking Workshop

Class 4 had a fantastic time learning about the senses and experiencing some new flavours. We can't wait for the next workshop!

World Book Day- great fun had by all!

Friday 18th February- online work


Good morning Class 4, I hope you are all staying safe and snug at home today! If you would like to do some learning at home, there are a selection of activities below:


1. Write story about a magical storm! 

Think about who your main characters will be, what will be the dilemma and then the resolution. Please try and include emotive adjectives, adverbs and powerful verbs. We could share these first week back.


2. We were supposed to do gymnastics this afternoon so can you do some indoor P.E. at home? 

Cosmic kids yoga, Jumpstart Johnny, or make up your own fitness circuit?


3. Finally, following our flashback 4 on shapes during maths yesterday. Here is a revision sheet on 2D shapes.


Have a lovely half term everyone :-) 

Our lab coats have arrived and we have turned into proper scientists! We learnt how to do a fair test.

It was very interesting to hear why all the children had chosen their outfits and why they were important to them.

We have been learning all about digestion. Do you know what happens to your food?

This week's spellings 10/1/22





This Week's spellings  4/1/22










Viking Trollen Craft. Please see the instructions below if you would like to have a go at this at home.

Children in Need!

As part of this term's 'Safeguarding My Future' topic, Class 4 hosted the most amazing fundraising event for Children in Need! We had a 'Sweet Treats' stall, drinks station, book sale, toy shop and a car wash. We raised so much money that we haven't had time to count it all yet! The children did us proud and showed all of our school values by running this event. Well done Class 4!

Great book battle this week. The class all wanted to read Mega Monster!

We investigated what shape boats could carry the most weight

Week beginning 15/11/21

We are learning the 11 x table and revising the 6 x table

















Week beginning 8/11/21 Spellings

Setting description story map - please practise with your child

The path slowly disappears as we descend deeper into the woods.  The gnarled and twisted trees groan as an icy wind tears away the last of Autumn’s golden leaves.  As night falls the forest comes to life.   All around us a chorus of creatures awaken, chittering in the trees, rustling in the bracken.  Inky black eyes glisten in the shadows.  The night air is heavy, dank with the stagnant odour of decomposing leaves.  We stumble through razor sharp brambles, snagging on the viscous thorns, fighting our way towards the glow of a small flickering light.  The smell of an open fire entices us with the promise of warmth.  In the clearing a whisper of smoke is coming from the chimney of an old ramshackle cabin.           

Raiders vs Traders

What a great online workshop we took part in today to start our learning on the Vikings and Roman Saxons! We learnt lots of facts and practised our war cries!

Our Trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace

We had a fantastic day and the staff commented on how well behaved we all were! It was amazing to see the real Roman mosaics and take part in a workshop where we cooked in a Roman kitchen, wrote our names in a wax tablet and played Roman games.

Our first book battle

Cricket Coaching

We were lucky enough to be taught be a cricket coach today! We enjoyed learning new skills and working together!

Music Lessons


We have enjoyed our first cornet lesson and have learnt how to play the notes C and E.

We've had a great start to our year and we are very excited about this term's learning.  We started our learning journey by building a Roman road.

Key Documents
