Please find below our latest Ofsted and SIAMS reports and our most recent Assessment Information. There are links to relevant information from the Department for Education, including Performance Tables.
Ofsted Inspection Outcome Letter - June 2022
We are very pleased to publish our latest Ofsted report, which confirms that St. Mary's continues to be a 'Good School'.
"Pupils, parents and staff all talk about the caring nature of St. Mary's. Pupils explain how this helps them to feel safe, secure and happy".
"Teachers expect pupils to work hard, and pupils rise to these high expectations. Pupils work well together. They are polite and engaging, both in classes and around the school".
Please do read the full report for more information. It is overwhelmingly positive and we are very proud of the achievement of our school community.
SIAMS Inspection Report March 2024
As a Voluntary Aided Church of England Primary School, we are also inspected through the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools system. Our last visit was in March 2024. We were very pleased with the outcome of this inspection.
Comments include:
"Leaders foster a growing understanding that everyone matters, that all are loved by God. Classrooms are filled with energy and drive, with mutual respect and love. Pupils and adults know that they are valued and that their individuality is encouraged to shine".
The "strong sense of ‘togetherness’ is tangible, and adults and pupils feel a sense of belonging. Leaders are committed to developing pupils to be confident, secure citizens whilst ensuring that they thrive academically. This has a direct impact on the flourishing of pupils at the school, particularly those who are most vulnerable".
"The Christian vision at St Mary’s fosters a culture where both adults and pupils are treated with care and respect. St Mary’s is both calm and welcoming. Behaviour is good and any issues are dealt with effectively and promptly. Parents talk proudly of the good behaviour and caring nature of pupils when they are out in the community".
Please do read the full report - we are very proud of the hard work of the whole school community that shines through this review.