

East Grinstead, West Sussex

Safeguarding My Future


‘Safeguarding My Future’


PSRHE is lifelong learning about emotions, relationships, safety and health (including mental health). It involves acquiring appropriate information, and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. It should empower children and young people, build self-esteem and teach mutual respect.

Personal, Social, Relationship (inc sex) and Health Education prepares children for life beyond school; pupils develop a ‘toolkit’ of knowledge, skills and attributes that they will need to keep themselves healthy, safe and confident in forming and maintaining relationships with others.  ​

PSRHE shares knowledge and develops understanding of individual personal growth and development, particularly acknowledging the pressures of contemporary culture. 

Therefore, at St. Mary’s we have decided to call PSRHE ‘Safeguarding My Future’ – a title the children can relate to and apply to their learning and lives.


As a Church School we undertake to support children to:​

  • Develop a sense of their own self-worth – cherishing themselves and others as unique and wonderfully created by God.​
  • Develop a deeper understanding about themselves as they grow and develop.​
  • Respect their own and each other’s bodies and to expect that respect from others.​
  • Develop personally, socially and spiritually.​
  • Keep themselves safe and form healthy relationships where they respect and afford dignity to all those around them.​
  • Learn about the importance of love and respect in relation in all relationships and to set this in the context of family life and marriage.​
  • Learn from accurate, factual information and evidence-based information and content- suitable to their age, experience and level of understanding.​
  • Clearly differentiate between factual learning (science, law, types of families, and composition of society) and moral learning about relationship and values.​
  • Express their views and make informed decisions, navigating and understanding a diverse and complex world in which many will try and tell them what they should think, feel and do.

Safeguarding My Future Overview

First Aid

In the Autumn Term Years 2, 4 and 6 took part in First Aid sessions with I can Save a Life. They really enjoyed the sessions and earned certificates for their hard work!
